18. In the Arms of the King

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A/N:  Just to note there is a mature scene at the end of the chapter - again no smut terms just a significant scene.
Media - Bastille ft Gabrielle Alpin - Dreams (Fleetwood Mac cover) totally awesome cover I can't get enough of it.
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The sun is shimmering through the gaps in the brightly coloured leaves, creating a beautiful pattern of mottled golden greens and dazzling damson, all gleaming like a backlit dream.

Truly the forest feels like it is celebrating, like it has waited patiently for this day just as much as I have - to walk among its splendour with Thranduil at my side, and my children in the distance, with carefree voices so filled with joy. It feels like a perfect dream, like one of those moments in my life that I try to soak up, just so I can remember it for always.

Today we are just an elven family, like we always are when we retreat into the woods. The forest and its inhabitants are not interested in titles or responsibilities, it only demands respect and that is something Thranduil has in abundance for this wild world. It feels like the forest knows this, it seems to hum melodiously, like a happy sigh at the sight of one of its own returning. The happiness and lightness that exudes from the very roots of the trees is infectious, and it does the desired trick in lighting the darkness in my husband's shadowed features. I was right to steal him away; we were all right in giving him this moment of freedom from all that weighs him down.

We escaped in the morning, with the use of the servant's exits - which I can still successfully navigate.

It was something of a comedic prison break. Thranduil faked some kind of injury related fatigue, which was so well acted that several of the noble elves insisted he extend his rest until the following morning. Galion was harder to convince, but I managed to send him on a wild goose chase for a number of roots and herbs that do not exist. I imagine that will keep him busy for the remainder of the day.

Once we had cleared our home of anyone that would be suspicious, we dressed down, we stole food from the pantries, and we left like extremely stealthy thieves...and I am pretty sure the children loved every minute of the theatrics.

We made it to Ollie's homestead further out in the mouths of the caves, were she has a path that leads to the forest, and as promised a stunning little glen. Olban's extended family had grouped together, so by the time we arrived there was quite the happy gathering.

Gilron, and Olban's sisters had put on the most scrumptious spread, whilst the ellyn had taken to breaking out the instruments, adding such an infectiously joyous mood to the already singing forest. Yes, there was much to grieve for - war had taken its toll on everyone - but for the moment there was reason to celebrate, reasons to be grateful...and celebrate we did.

For a few happy hours we talked with friends, we ate casually, and sang songs in merry tunes. The children played around us, and everywhere we looked there appeared to happy faces, relieved to be reunited with long absent loved ones.

After the meal ran its course, Thranduil and I slipped into the wood to walk in peaceful company, enjoying the simplicity of the day.

"You did not have to go to this trouble," Thranduil sighs contentedly by my side, one of his hands wrapped loosely around mine, the other outstretched to brush the long fern leaves that tickle us as we pass their way.

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