Divine Intervention

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Hall of King - The Woodland Realm

"Where is Nana?" Ferion sobbed as he pawed at his sister's tunic tails, "I am frightened...I want Nana now...please..."

"Hush Rín," Celairiel scolded impatiently, for her eyes were drawn towards the fray of the elves running around like chaotic hens - like a fox was set among them. She pressed her body tight to the wall, one hand placed on her baby brother's shoulder so he did not move from her side.

This was how she passed her time since her return in the early hours before dawn - sneaking around corridors listening for news.

She had delivered the unconscious elf lord to Calanon and sought her Adar. He had immediately dispatched a team of warriors to find Naneth and bring her home, he was about to leave with them but the council prohibited it. He vowed that if she was not returned by nightfall that following day he would leave in search of her without their consent, and as far as Celairiel knew, a band of Legolas warriors returned by sunset and were escorted immediately to the throne room - her Adar had refused to leave his station until news was brought to him of his wife's safety.

Celairiel had presumed the worst when all chaos had appeared to break loose.

"The King has left his throne." She overheard a servant whisper to a sentry.

"What was his mood?" the guard asked cautiously.

The servant hesitated before answering; "Foul...he was headed to the Healing Halls...perhaps the Queen is-."

"Hush, even to suggest ill fate is treason - Valar forbid such a travesty." The sentry warned with a hiss.

"What will befall us? Oh Elbereth, save us from this tragedy..." the servant's sob trailed off into a muttering prayer.

Celairiel backed away from the wall and captured Ferion up in her arms, that was all the information she needed. She would go to the Healing Halls and find her Naneth. Perhaps her Adar was angry because Nana had been bold again, putting the lives of others before her own, choosing to ignore safe instruction and being a little reckless. These were not exactly flaws to Celairiel, she admired her Naneth's compassion, and that strength of heart to defend those in need was something she hoped she could possess. Sadly, Celairiel found that she was often too carried away with her instincts, to filled up with the essence of the forest, often drunk on the euphoria of running free and as far away from the responsibility of court as she could possibly be.

In this moment she lamented her uncaged and selfish heart as she hurried along the halls of her home. Her little brother's sad eyes reminding her that she had a duty to her family too, and instead of fear over her Nana's condition she needed to be brave - courage would see Ferion through his fear and she had to show it for him.

The Healing Halls were just as chaotic as the servants corridors. Their were guards, red-faced healers, and much noise - the majority coming from her Adar. His anger was tangible, and even she recoiled from the madness she felt radiating off him when she eventually found him in the centre of the main pavilion. Before him was held a barely conscious Glorfindel, his features drawn, his eyes an echo of untold horrors as he seemed to fold under her Adar's seething words.

Celairiel quietly drew closer to the scene, cautiously cuddling Ferion to her chest, petting his silvery wisps of hair to soothe him. She listened to her Adar's words, realisation hitting hard - her Naneth was not found.

"You bring nothing but evil to my home you cursed being!" Thranduil growled, his face contorted in vehement hatred. "I should have known that your presence would seal Clara's fate...I should have ignored my daughter's pleas to adhere to her stipulation to aid you...I should have left you to suffer!"

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