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Author/Story Q&A

So I have read a few of these in some completed fanfics and I think you guys deserve some answers to those frequently asked questions! So, let's jump right in.

***These are answered in no particular order just as I have received and processed them***

1) Will there be a LegolasXOC story or a continuation of Genesis?

answer: Presently, no. I do not intend on writing a love story into 'To Live Again' for Legolas. I kinda sorta feel that he has such a massive role to play in the shaping of Arda that this would be his focus. Will I continue Genesis? Most likely yes...I did actually consider melding Genesis into 'To Live Again' BUT it seemed too disruptive to the root of the story.

2) Do you plan on writing another story?

answer: I highly doubt I will ever stop writing stories or fanfic. I am currently writing another trilogy of stories based on pre-celtic literature and a lot of my own fascination with biblical stories and other spiritual texts. In terms of fanfic - if I do write a fanfic within the next year it will be a Glorfindel based story and it will take place in the 'To Live Again' world.

3) I would love to know if Clara ever had that dress made and what Thranduil's reaction would have been?

answer: Ahahahaha, yes I think everyone (and I mean everyone) wants to know about THAT dress! Hmm, perhaps that is something Clara can tell you herself?

4) My only request is for more stories to keep me going in your world of elves?

answer: Yes! Of course, I completely agree. My stories (original included) all centre around the elves or the variations of elves akin to Tolkien's race. I can't promise I will post a new story soon but I can promise further updates on Ghosts and In Her Hands.

4) What inspired you to write this epic piece of work? I started writing for the fun of it, was that the same for you?

answer: Really LONG answer for this question...I shall attempt to rein it in. Okay so basically I have been writing most of my life, and writing Tolkien fanfiction since I was about twelve or thirteen. I had posted a few of my early works on FF . net and got some reasonably positive feedback and I was only really writing on/off for the fun of it. However, a few years ago I went through a series of traumatic events, two of which would be characterised as abuse, during a period in which I was diagnosed with a painful chronic illness. I became extremely withdrawn, angry, and disconnected from my peers. I was lost and unable to form relationships or even trust people. My mother knew I was a huge Tolkien fan and she was pretty aware that my obsession was with the ElvenKing and Greenwood, and that I had been vibrating with happiness ever since I heard it got the green light for filming years ago. So she had booked us into the local cinema on the opening premier night for the Desolation of Smaug - the ElvenKing's debut hehe. BUT...I was involved in a minor car accident earlier in the day before the movie...yeah, you couldn't write this shit if you tried. Anyway I eventually got to see DoS *yay* and I remember sitting there, shoving popcorn into my gob like a deranged hamster, when we FINALLY got to Mirkwood...AND THAT SCENE HAPPENED.

Do you remember? Thranduil loses his cool with Thorin and exposes the horror of his soul to this ignorant moron. I literally started crying, no lie, I just lost it there and then. It was probably not Peter Jackson's or Lee Pace's intention to make a twenty something start blubbering in the middle of a packed cinema, but as a person with a hidden illness coupled with horrific emotional scars that have left their mark on me, I was greatly impacted. I left the movie in shock, and was sitting in TGIFriday's a few weeks later, having another episode where I struggled to come out of myself.

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