#Prefrance: You say somthing different to 69

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Louis: You and the boys were playing hide and seek but you had to go in pairs. You and Louis was in a team and it was your turn to count. "Okay, count to 80!" Niall shouts and you two take turns in saying numbers. "67." You sigh. "68." Louis continued. "Larry Stylinson." You carry on. "7... wait did you just say Larry Stylinson instead of 69?" He smiled. "Err, umm, yeah, uhh my best friend, she was a Larry shipper, so she used to say that instead of 69, so I guess I picked it up?" You said aquaredly. Louis just laughed. "PAUSE THE GAME!!" He shrieked. "What, what happend!?" Liam asked panicking. "Sh-she says Larry Stylinson instead of 69." He breathed. "Wait, your girlfriend ships us? Wait she's a directioner? Wait what?" Harry asked. "I was a directioner before I met Lou, I was not a Larry shipper, I only thought of you as a bromance and my best friend ships you two and says Larry Stylinson instead of 69." You blushed.

Harry: You and your best friend were bord waiting in Starbucks and so being the geek you are you started counting your money. "So, how much money do you have?" Your friend asked. "Umm, I think I have £10. Sex with Harry Styles." You said. "Excuse me what did you say?" A UN-familiar voice asked. "Uh I said I think I have £10.Sex with Harry Styles, why?" You mumbled looking to see who it was when you gasped. "Because I am Harry Styles." He grinned. "Oh, uh, uh, so sorry um I'm er..." Your best friend cut you off. "Her name is Y/N and she says sex with Harry Styles instead of 69 because a) she thinks it's funny and b) she wants to do it with you." You punched her playfully because the truth was she was right. "Well, love, you seem nice enough, how about we go on a date and maybe later on we could try that." He whispers before kissing your cheek winking and slipping his phone number into your hand, before leaving you shocked.

Zayn: You were waiting for your boyfriend Zayn to come in from the studio, you waited for about half the day and you were about to fall asleep when a over exited Zayn ran in. "Hey baby, Lou told me a move I wanna true wake uptake up!!" You sighed and got up. "Hiya Zaynie boo, what did Lou teach ya?" You mumbled. "It's called the 69 and we are gonna try it, tonight." He swirled before biting his lip." Oh the swapy leg thingy, kay imma go sleepy now night babe." You say before closing your eyes again. "Y/N. Y/N. Babe wake up!" He moaned. "Yes Zayn?" You sighed. "What's the swapy leg thingy?" He asked with clear confusion. You laughed. "Oh, baby, I don't know, I find it kinda aquared so I say that instead." You explain before falling asleep. "Well you better rest, you won't be getting any of that tonight." He chuckled darkly.

Liam: You and Liam were playing confessions or questions. It was your go, "okay babe, confessions or questions?" Liam asked wiggling his eye brows. "Uhh questions please!" You smile. "Okay what do you think is aquared?" He asked. "Hmm probably the number dee doo..." You say. "What's that number?" He asked. "Err, umm 69..." You say and he blushes before fake coughing. "Okay my go." He smiles.


You and Niall were listening to music she the song summer of 69 came on and you two started singing. "Back in the summer of Nandos oh yeah." You sang. Niall paused the music and laughed. "Did you just sing back in the summer of Nandos?"He asked and you nodded. "69 makes me squeamish, so I don't say it." You state as its the most obvious thing in the world. Niall pulled you into a hug. "Your so adorably innocent." He says pecking your nose.

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