#imagine #NiallHoran: Sweet child of mine

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#imagine, it was the 2014 one direction tour and it was their last one. You and your friend had gone to see the show and you two were in the front row and you were cheering like there was no tomorrow and Niall noticed you. It was near the end of the concert and you felt a tap on your shoulder, only to find Paul standing behind you. "Hello missy, there is a certain Mr Horan wanting to take you backstage." He says and you mouth flies open as you look up at the stage and Niall nods and winks, you look at your friend, who is telling you to go, so you follow Paul.

When the concert finishes the boys come out buzzing from the show, but to be honest, you were crying, this was the last night, of the last tour and you didn't want it to end. Niall noticed. "Hey, beautiful, you're the one I asked to pick up, weren't you? What's up baby?" He asked making your heart melt, you shook your head rubbing your eyes. "It's stupid." You whisper. "Oh hun I'm sure it's not." He says as he puts his arm around you. "It's just, it's your last tour and I love you guys and..." but you started to cry again and he smiled before pulling you into a Horan hug. "Ahh, love, that's adorable, but please don't cry, for me?" He asked and you looked up at him smiling and he wipes your tears. "You know you really are beautiful." He whispers before smashing his lips onto yours. You knew this was wrong, you were 14! But, I mean, would you turn down a song from Niall Horan? The kiss got more heated as he carried you to his changing room and then, he took away your innocence. "Wow. That was. Wow." He breathed and you stayed silent, just thinking. He is 19 (I know he is 20 now but just imagine for this) and your 14, what will happen if anyone finds out? "N-niall d-did y-you use protection?" You asked and his eyes went wide. "Shit. Are you on the pill?" He asked and you started crying, picking up your clothes. "Bye Niall." You whispered as you left the room.

*9 moths later*

You had decided to keep the baby and you had given birth to it a week ago and it was a boy that you decided to call Joey James Y/L/N and everything about him was like Niall, he had the same noes, mouth and eyes as Niall but had your blonde hair. You were walking down the street pushing your baby, when you bumped into someone. "Sorry." He mumbled in the Irish accent you knew to well. "Niall?" You asked and he stopped in hiss tracks. "Can I help you?"He asked. Well um, do you remember your last ever concert?" You ask and he nodded. "Well, do you remember the girl you took backstage?" You asked and he nodded, his eyes widening. "Well , I-I'm that girl a-and this is your son." You say in barley a whisper and he just stood there shocked. "Hello? Are you going to say something? You said in a sassy tone. "Oh we yeah, umm, c-can I see him?"He asked and you nodded. "This, is Joey James Y/L/N." You smiled, proud of your little boy. "Oh my God. He us my son. Um, would you like to come and meet the rest of the boys? We are still best friends, even though we aren't a band anymore." He said and you nodded. You arrived at the house and Liam opened the door. "Hey Niall, hey strangers carrying a baby?" He said in a questioning tone. " No time to explain Li Li, can you get the boys for me?" Niall asked and he nodded. After about 5 minutes the rest of the boys came down and you were shaking, you were in the same room as one direction. "So, um guys, I called you down, because, well, you see, um, on the last show, I asked a girl, this girl, to um, come backstage a-and she did, and uh, things happend and um, t-this is my son, Joey James Y/L/N." He explained as you stayed quiet for the whole time and you noticed Harry was staring at you. "Niall, your a idiot, she dosn't look a day older than 15." Harry sighed. "She is not 15!" Niall whisper shouted. "Umm, well, lemmy introduce myself, hi, I am Y/N and I am a massive directioner and umm, Harry is right, today's my 15th birthday..." You say as you trail off. "Y-your what?" Niall asked. "Today is my 15th birthday, I'm so sorry Niall." You say as tears well up. "YOU MEAN I FUCKED YOU A FUCKING 15 YEAR OLD ARE YOU STUPID YOU BITXH!" He shouted before slapping you and walking out the door slamming it. You just stood there in shock holding your cheek until Harry ran over. "Shh, don't worry love, sit down." He said guiding you to the sofa setting you down on his lap. You couldn't take it much longer and you burst onto tears, this past 9 moths haven't been easy for you, you got chucked out of your house, got called a whore and a small everyday and then you had to look after your baby. "Oh my God she's so broken." Harry whispers to the others as he hugged you stroking your hair. "Shhh." He whispered over nd over again. That's when the baby started crying, you sighed before going out of Harry's embrace and walking over to the baby checking what's wrong, he was hungry. "I-I'm just gonna feed him, err where is the nearest toilet?" You say shyly and Louis git up and showed you to the loo and you thanked him before locking the door and feeding him. Then you tried getting him to sleep, but you knew the only way was for you to sing little things. But it would be aquared singing it in the same house that the boys who sung it was in, but if that's what you had to do, then you had to do it. You finished the song and he was fast asleep, so you carried him out. "You have a beautiful voice." You hear a voice whisper. You look up to see Harry. "T-thanks." You stutter. "Your stutter is adorable." He murmured and you blushed. "So where do you live then?" The 4 boys ask. "Uhh well lots of different places, but I'm staying at my friends house at the moment, my parents kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant and I didn't want to kill it." You sighed as you put Joey back in his pram. "That's so sad." Louis commented before Liam and Harry, who you were currently sitting in gave him evils. "Sorry." He murmured. "How about, you stay here tonight yeah? Harry asked and you nodded biting your lip . "Thanks." You whisper and Harry squeezes you with reassurance. "I'm just going to ring my friend to tell her where I am." You say. "Hey." You smile and she says. " So um, you know N-Niall?" You say. "Yes." She replies. "Well I bumped into him today and he invited me round to the boys house, he found out it was my 15th today and stormed out. But anyways, the others asked if I could stay round tonight, so uh basically I'm staying round their house tonight." You say and you get no reply. "Y/F/N hello?" You say and you don't get a reply until you hear a ear piercing scream making you drop your phone as the others laugh. "TELL LIAM TO MAREY ME!" She shouts. "We have gone thoughtful this , your 15 Liams not going to marry you." You sigh and he laughed. "Oh my God, did he just laugh?" She asked fangirling. "Yes, he did, calm down." You said. "Hi Y/F/N." Liam said and she screamed again. "Breath Y/F/N breath." You tell her soothing and she dramatically breaths in and out. "Well I got to go now, so see us tomorrow mkay?" You say. "Chow mwa" she says blowing a kiss. "Chow." You say before hanging up. "So that's my friend." You say laughing aquaredly and they laugh. You yawn. "Come on babe, let's get you and the little one to bed, Lou you get the baby okay?" Harry says and Louis nods. Harry picks you up and you squeal, hiding your face in his chest as he laughs. Once he brings you upstairs, he heads you a pair of his boxers and one of his alt-shirts. "Thanks."You say. "Your welcome." He smiles, Inc you are changed, you came back and laed on the bed and Harry came in holding your baby and he gave it to you. "You know what ,I don't care what Niall said, I think your a beautiful, strong girl and for what you've been through, what he did, was desgusting and he should be ashamed, me and the others are all proud of you okay?Night night princess." He whispers before kissing your forehead. "Night Harry." You smile before falling to sleep with Joey in yor arms.

*3 years later*

You had lost all contact with the boys and you have a place in the music university, it was your first lesson of singing and you were late, due to the factor you had to put you 3 year old son, Joey in the crèche before running to class. "Sorry I'm late, Liam?" You ask. "Y/N?" He says and you nod. "Okay um, take a seat, I will talk to you after class."

A hour later and class had finished. "Y/N remember you need to stay behind okay?" Liam said and you nodded. "So, how have you been? I haven't seen you since you were 15?" He said and you laughed. "Yeah it's been good actualy, after I finished school, I came here and they provided everything I need, including stuff for Joey." You smile. "How is the little dude?" He asks. "He is certainly a handful, but he's always asking for his daddy." You sigh. "How is Niall?" You ask. "He's uhh good, found a girlfriend um yeah..." Liam mumbles. "Uhh, I know this is weird, but um, do you want to go to ours and see the boys again, I mean you do have to its just..." He rambled. "I would love to." You smiled. You arrived at the same house that you did 3 years ago with Joey and Liam and you start getting nervous. "Don't worry okay?" Liam reassures you and you nod as he opens the door. "LADS! LIVING ROOM NOW!" Liam shouts as he brings you and Joey to the living room and you sit on the sofa with your son. "Mummy, why are we here?" Joey asks rubbing his eyes as he was asleep for the whole journey here. "We are here because mummy is seeing some old friends that she knew when you were a baby."You explain and he nods. "Hey Li." They corous and you notice that Harry and Niall are staring at you. "Y/N?" They say at the same time. "Hi Harry. Niall." You say. "Mummy, dat one look like me." Joey says pointing to Niall. Shit. "Umm, well..." you say. "Joey?" Niall says. "Uh uh?" Joey says clearly confused. Then Niall picked him up. "Hiya Joey, I'm your daddy." Niall says. "But I don have a daddy, mummy says." Joey explains and Niall puts him down. "Haz, can you look after Joey, I need to talk to Y/N." He says codly and you look at Harry. "Go." He says and you hand Joey to him. "What Niall?" You say clearly annoyed. "You told him he dosn't have a father?" He said through gritted teeth. "Because you didn't want him!" You spit. "You were 15 for fuck sake." He growled. "Listen, I don't need you, I went through he'll when you were gone but now I am fine so just leave me alone and go with your pathetic girlfriend." You growled. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He shouted and you cower back, because he slapped you last time. Harry came rushing out. "What the he'll is going on here?" Harry asked. "She was just leaving." Niall said through gritted teeth. "She isn't leaving. She went though he'll and back when she was 14 holding your baby. The least we can do is let her stay for a bit."Harry said anger shown in his voice. "FINE!" Niall shouted running upstairs. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Harry asked and you shook your head no. "Come here." He says hugging you. "I've missed you love." He says and you nod. "Don't worry if not but, umm, d-do you wanna m-my girlfriend?" He asks and you nod. "Yeah, okay Haz." You smile and he kisses you. "Eww cooties!" Joey exclaimed as you look down to your little one. You pick him up laughing. "Yes. Cooties."You say kissing his cheek and everyone laughed.

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