Luiden(Eragon FanFic)

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Eragon groaned as he got out of bed.

'Finally sleepy head!' Saphira commented in his head.

'Good morning to you too.' he replied, annoyed from her comment.

'Well,come out already,you are missing a wonderful day.'she said, and she seemed to be enjoying his grumpy mood.
'Besides, you have to prepare,remember?'

Eragon grimaced as he remembered what today was. The day that a new party of untrained Riders would come. The third party in twenty years.

The first one had come exactly a year after his arrival to this place, the place that has become the new home of the Riders. Brom's Mountain. Eragon was very satisfied by the name he had given his new home. It made him feel like his father was constantly watching over him. Besides, this place was the perfect place for riders. It had endless space and countless caves to provide home to the Riders and dragons that flew here ones the dragons where large enough to carry their riders. Always guided by Arya.


The last time he had seen her was a good fifteen years ago. Their meeting had been very ...interesting. But Eragon missed her badly, not even their daily conversations through magic mirrors could satisfy him. He needed to see her, and that would happen today.

Getting dressed in no time he exited his cave and went to the porch that was used for a platform for landing and taking off. His cave was the largest and highest in the hole mountain. The view was breathtaking.

' Where are you Saphira? You cant expect me to fly down there by myself!!'

Instead of a reply, a marvellous huge shiny and terrifying creature flew by with lightning speed and stopped in front of him, almost knocking him off the porch with the strength of the wind caused by her wings.

' I am right here!' she teased and made a weird sound that over the years Eragon had learned to recognize as her laughter.

Deciding not to continue this, he jumped on her back with speed that someone only as skilled and experienced as him could master.

They flew above the endless fields and Eragon observed as the Riders were slowly exiting their caves and hoping on their dragons, heading to their classes.

He would have never imagined that he could accomplish so much on his own, without the guidance of a teacher, without someone stronger and wiser than him watching over and correcting his mistakes. To his great relief, it had all come out greatly,and Eragon, showing the spirit of a true leader, organized the new community of Riders perfectly.

When the first party had arrived he had separated them in two groups of three. He and Saphira, along with Bloodgarm and his then one year old female orange dragon, had trained them, teaching them everything a true rider needed to know, always with Glader's help.
Then after ten years, when they had all completed their training, Eragon sent one to each race to watch after, while he kept the remaining two and trained them further to become teachers themselves and help educate the new Riders.

Urzvog, a male urgal and Gramzog, his male brown dragon, were sent to watch over their race, the Urgals.

Talith, an elf and her female bright pink dragon named Laum, were sent to help queen Arya keep peace over the elves.

Farik, a male dwarf and his female pale yellow dragon named Marela, were sent to Farthen Dur, to watch over the dwarfs.

The one that was obliged with keeping peace over humans was Roran himself. His cousin becoming a dragon Rider had given Eragon great happiness, and it became even greater when, five years after the first group's graduation, Katrina and fifteen year old Ismira arrived both on light purple dragons.

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