Chapter 6

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Hey guys!! This is a fast update, no? So! Dedicated to AlexGarcia for the super first comment!! Plus, if you like zombie stories, go check out AlexGarcia's developing one and it is very cool!  Also thank you for all the other comments guys, and thank you for the 300 reads! you are amazing!!

It had been five days since they had arrived to Ellesmera, and yet, Eragon hadn't taken them to Riunon to forge their swords. Luiden really wanted to leave this place. The first two days were magnificent, he and Dylia spent all their time together, him showing her the sights and generally the city.  But after that, the elves seemed to realize that their prince was there and didn't leave him a moment of peace. They wanted to consult him about everything that his mother was too busy to deal with. And his mother was busy. But not with stuff concerning the elves, but with his father.

This was the reason Luiden hadn't gone to ask Eragon to take them to Riunon. He was constantly in the quarters of the Queen and Luiden dreaded a meeting with his mother, something he had managed to avoid since their argument.

In addition to all that, he was also forced to endure everything alone, as Bid couldn't fit to his room, and also the dragon needed freedom, he couldn't stay close all the time. He ventured away to hunt, or fly a bit, along with Icanot and Dylia, who didn't have to stay inside the palace and answer questions.

Luiden was outraged. His temper was filling his brain and he couldn't contain it any longer.  He burst out of his room, shocking the elves that were already starting to form a line outside of it.

"I am not seeing anyone today. Don't bother waiting." he almost shouted, and he could see the disapproval for his manners in the faces of the older. Well, he couldn't care less. They weren't so polite when they constantly invaded his personal space, only caring about their own problems.

Frantically, he headed towards the room that was supposedly Eragon's , but everyone knew it wasn't being used. He was planning on , well, he had no plan, but he knew he wasn't going to go anywhere near the rooms of his mom.

He entered Eragon's and he was surprised to see that he had unpacked his stuff there. He sat on the bed, not having a purpose, but strongly dreading his return to his room. He lied back and closed his eyes. It was so calm....


Eragon woke up and for a second he was startled to realize there was another person on the bed with him. Then a large grin spread on his face when he saw the face of Arya. He was so happy to see her again. He was so happy to find out that her love for him hadnt faded.

He rose and went to the dest, were a bowl of cool water was awaiting. He washed his face and felt refreshed. Then he realized that he had to change clothes, and all his clothes were kept in his room. He knew he wasn't fooling anybody, it was common talk that he was sleeping with Arya. But what was bad about it? Nothing.The reason he kept his things inside his room wasn't for creating the impression that he stayed there, he just didn't want to fill the room of Arya with them.

He opened the door and started walking towards the chamber that had been given to him. Eragon opened the door and almost had a heart attach when he saw a person asleep on his bed. Then he relaxed, recognizing Luiden. But what was the boy doing in his room?

"Hey! Luiden! Hey!" He poked Luiden a couple of times, until the boy's eyes snapped open and jumped up terrified.

"Whoa! Relax, son. It is just me!"Eragon said, raising his hands in defence.

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