Chapter 9

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ok guys, the first comment was by AlexGarcia, awesome <3, but I gave the dedication to Dragonslover(thank you for reading and commenting<3) cause I had given one to AlexGarcia before... I think it is fair, if not please tell me. Now enjoy, chappie 9

They were all now furiously walking through the corridors of the palace, Luiden and Dylia trying to keep up with Roran's and Eragon's fast pace, as they were leading us to the room where we would do all the preparations that had to be done for the upcoming battle.  

"Normally, with horses it is a one day and a half way from Therinsford to Carvahall. But this is an army moving. It should probably take them twice the time." Roran half-mumbled, half-spoke to Eragon.

"Roran, they have dragons. They have probably taken advantage of them, using them to carry supplies that would otherwise be carried by soldiers. That means they will be moving faster and it will probably take them two days, two and a half at the most." Eragon corrected his cousin.

"In each case, Eragon, your riders from back at Brom's Mountain do not have enough time to come here. Do you have any riders that could be here on time? Any?" Roran seemed very concerned.

" Cuz, relax. I do not want to sound like I am underestimating them, but do you seriously believe that there is anyone that can beat me with all my power? And, even if i have a hard time there are always the riders that are at Elesmera, or Farthen Dur, and you and....really, were is your wife and daughter?" Eragon asked a question, changing the topic slightly.

"They...they are at Ellesmera Eragon. They found out about Sloan and have been making regular trips there to visit him. And you are right. I shouldn't doubt your power, or that of the riders. But, really  Eragon, if you are that strong, how did they manage to get dragon eggs and raise dragons without you even ever suspecting it?"Roran talked back to his cousin, and Eragon had nothing to answer.

"I shall contact the rest of the riders. If they fly here non stop, they will most likely arrive in four days." he mumbled.

"I am afraid this might be too late." Roran observed sadly.


Three days later , there was no sign of the army at all. Luiden was sitting in his room, a dozen papers  on his desk and he was studying them. He felt very anxious about the battle, and it was mainly because he felt he had stopped training too early, so he was trying to make up for the lost training now, by reading as many scrolls about battle techniques as he could. But after a whole night spent reading, he was sure he couldn't stand it any longer. Oddly, he wasn't sleepy, he was just tired of studying, and he decided to go for a walk at the nearby forest.  He dressed warmly and went outside.

"Bid, I am going outside for a walk. Do you want to leave Mr Formal and the rest of the dragons and come join me? We could fly around a little." he suggested to his dragon.

"Not much you have to do to persuade me, Luiden. I am going to meet you where the forest starts. And I told you, Malet isn't that bad, he just has certain...values and some of them are order and punctuality. He has a lot virtues you my friend could use!" and with that, the dragon ended their conversation.

Luiden shrugged, knowing that Bid wasn't truly angry with him, but a little bit annoyed. Up in the sky, a white-blue-green figure was flying, heading to the start of the forest. Luiden smiled and, with his elvish speed, tried to get there first. Obviously, nothing could beat a flying dragon, so he came second.

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