Chapter 3

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A/N- I'm terrible at updating, yes, i know...


It was the second Monday of the school year, and Louis was up thirty minutes early. He wasn't sure why. He had stayed up past midnight online, trying to figure out how to help his breathing. Apparently, putting milk in his tea didn't help at all.

The weekend had gone by too fast for his liking, and it didn't help that he was up at six thirty in the morning playing candy crush on his iPod. He could hear his mum downstairs, getting ready for work. He could have gone down and talked with her. But instead he chose to sit up in his room and keep to himself.

He liked talking, of course. He was extremely social once he was comfortable, but it was far too early and he didn't feel like getting out of bed. Even Liam was still asleep, and Liam always woke up before Louis.

The fourteen year old had an extra twenty five minutes to spare until his alarm went off. Niall was most likely sleeping, everyone on Facebook irritated him. He wasn't even tired, so it wasn't like he could just go back to sleep. Mondays were terrible.

He heard the front door close, making it clear that his mum was off to work. He sighed, finally getting up out of bed and trudging downstairs to the living room. He sat on the sofa, turning the TV on and flipping through the channels. Not much was on, unless he wanted to sit through an episode of Pretty Little Liars he had seen numerous times. Alright, so maybe Liam having control of the remote wasn't a bad thing most of the time.

He settled on a rerun of Supernatural, being it was the only interesting thing on the telly at that point. He grabbed a blanket from off a chair and laid down. It was as if it were a typical Sunday morning, minus the cuppa.

Once again, no one was up to get him the tea from the top shelf, leaving him tea-less. He thought it over, deciding that there was always the possibility that he had grown and not noticed.

And then that idea was shot down when he was in front of the kitchen cabinet. He looked around, then grabbed a chair from the kitchen table he was going to get his tea. He was determined.

Louis stood up on the chair, opening the cabinet and grabbing the box of tea packets. He fist pumped, almost falling in the process. He got down before he did, putting the chair back afterwards. He set the kettle to boil and jogged back upstairs to get dressed.

For once Liam wouldn't complain about him taking to long in the morning. He smirked, going through the clothes in his closet and picking out an outfit. The only thing he ever had organised were his wardrobe. And his music, but that was too easy.

By the time he finished getting dressed and making sure he had his bag packed, he still had another ten minutes left until Liam woke up. He paced the room, the realised he still had the kettle on.

He sprinted downstairs, turning of the stove and moving the kettle to a different burner on the stove. Luckily, he got to it before it all evaporated. This is why he would rather have his mum make his tea.

"Louis?" He heard Liam's voice and smirked. Now he decided to wake up. Louis couldn't wait to tease him about being up earlier for once.

His brother appeared in the archway, hair flattened and eyes barely even open. "Why are you awake?" His voice was groggy and Louis could barely tell he had spoken.

Louis gave him a perplexed look. He scoffed, sipping his tea then beginning to speak. "I don't know, maybe because we have school in thirty minutes?" He said, sarcasm oozing in his voice.

Liam stared at him blankly. It stayed like that for a full minute before Liam got out his iPhone and looked at the screen. He mumbled a few incoherent words to himself and set his eyes back on Louis.

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