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Louis stands in front of the school building, gripping onto his backpack strap tightly and waiting for Niall to show up. Niall was always making him run late, no matter how many times he texts him in the morning. Not that Eleanor was any faster.

“Hey, Tommo!” One of his classmates, Andrew, he thinks, yells from across the campus. Louis waves back at him, smiling softly. He sighs, about to walk inside when he feels someone's hand on his shoulder.

“How's it feel, Lou? One more day of this shit then we're finally out of here.” Niall states, beginning to walk alongside Louis.

Louis laughs, shrugging his shoulders. “Same as before, honestly. Not much I'm excited for.” He tries to say casually, but him and Niall both know that he's lying.

“Not even excited to finally be at ManU? With a special someone?” Niall teases, wiggling his eyebrows and nudging Louis. He's not sure when exactly it happened, but somehow Niall had gotten much more obnoxious and inappropriate over the years. Louis thinks it was his influence and Eleanor would probably agree with him.

The Senior rolls his eyes, stopping them both at his locker.

“You know, you both always forget to wait for me in the courtyard. Even after three years.” Louis looks to his right, seeing Eleanor approach them. “Rude.” She mutters, crossing her arms.

Louis scoffs, grabbing his English book and shoving his bag in his locker. “You take too damn long.” He shoots back. “The both of you.” He adds, and Niall's smug look is immediately wiped off.

“Morning Lou!” A Senior says as they pass bye. Louis grins, shutting his locker shut and walking to his first class with Niall and Eleanor. Three years of being the captain of the Football team and president of the Drama club makes you well known, apparently. Not to mention being the student with the most solos in Choir and Jazz Choir...and getting the lead in practically every play and musical. Louis had everything set in the past three years.

“Your transition from awkward to popular will never cease to amaze me.” Eleanor tells him, pulling on the sleeve of his Vans T-shirt. “How did that even happen?”

“I didn't do anything. I don't know, it just kind of happened.” Louis shrugs, pushing open the doors to their creative writing class. “What are you guys doing after school?”

“Starbucks with Max.” Eleanor answers, sitting down at her seat and taking her phone out of her purse. Louis scoffs.

“Oh, I see, leaving me for the boyfriend.” Louis feigns hurt, clutching his heart dramatically before sitting down and facing Niall. “I'm counting on you, Nialler.” He says, placing a hand on Niall's shoulder.

Niall laughs, leaning his seat back and shaking his head. “I've got plans. Greg's visiting with the family, I've gotta see Theo.” Niall tells him, giving a slight apologetic expression. Louis sighs, taking out his notebook and facing the front of the room. Of course, the one day he doesn't have plans, all of his friends have plans.

“You've both let me down. How am I supposed to trust ever again?” Louis mutters loud enough for them to hear. Eleanor rolls her eyes, taking her binder out of her bag and hiding her phone underneath it.

We Could Happen ~Larry AU~Where stories live. Discover now