Chapter 5

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I've reached 1K followers and I'm so happy. I remember when I reached 500 and I was so excited, and now I'm at double that. So if you follow me...thank you, I love you. ;)


Louis walked into class Monday, scared of what everyone was going to think. He gripped onto the strap of his book bag, keeping his eyes on the ground.he could feel everyone's eyes on him, but he focused away from them and just sat in his seat.

"Louis?" A girl's voice said. He glanced up, seeing a brunette girl standing in front of his desk. "You look different." She commented. Louis nodded slowly, giving a small smile and returning to his English notebook.

He did look different, he had to agree. That was the entire point. He got rid of his stupid striped shirts and traded his TOMs for Vans. He raided the basement and found boxes of Liam's old clothes. His girly scarves were thrown in the trash and he finally found out the wonders hairspray could do.

"I like it. Of course, I liked how you looked before, too. But you're much more...mature looking now." She gave a flirtatious smile, only to be completely ignored by Louis.

When she wouldn't move, he finally gave her attention, glaring at her. "I'm really trying to work on my assignment before class starts, and you're making it really hard for me to do that. Can I work in peace, please?" He shot, staring straight at her. She was taken back, but bit her lip and nodded, sitting at the desk beside him.

He sighed, rolling his eyes and turning to face her. "I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood." He excused himself, making eye contact and holding out his hand. "Louis Tomlinson. You?"

She grinned, grabbing his hand and shaking it slightly. "Eleanor Calder." She replied. "And it's fine, a little sass is fun every once in a while."

The pair continued talking, getting reprimanded a few times for not paying attention. Eleanor wouldn't stop flirting at first, forcing Louis to kindly break the news that he wasn't exactly interested in her or any other girls, for that matter. But as soon as that was covered, the two got along just fine.

By the end of first period, Louis was certain he finally had a friend besides Niall, for once.

It turned out Eleanor had the same lunch as him. She was in the same situation, none of her friends were in first lunch. Usually she'd sit with Dance Team or Spirit Club, but they never really noticed her.

Louis had offered for her to come with her and Harry, but she kept resisting. He begged a little bit, hoping it'd make things less awkward with just him and Harry. It took a while, but she agreed, but only if Harry didn't mind.

He brushed it off, saying Harry wouldn't care less. He told her to meet him outside of the Choir room as soon as class got out. She nodded, saying bye and heading off to her second period class. He waved, and went off to his.


Louis sped through each of his classes, his new look giving him plenty of attention to distract himself with. Choir was next, and he was hoping to impress the one person he wanted.

He literally hid in the boy's bathroom until one minute before the bell, just so he could get to class after Harry. It would guarantee that Harry would notice him when he walked in, and that's exactly what he wanted.

Taking a deep breath, he made his way into the classroom and ignored the few kids that were looking at him because he was late. He went to his spot next to Harry, setting his bag down and avoiding eye contact.

"Nice hair Lou." Harry leaned over, commenting on Louis' appearance. Louis grinned, turning towards Harry. He debated on what he should reply with, resulting in saying the first thing that came to mind.

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