Chapter 4

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Niall placed his arm around Louis, smiling at his best friend. It had been too long since they'd had a movie night. Liam was out with Zayn and Liam, leaving the whole house to the two freshman for the night.

They were in the middle of watching Iron Man, which had been one of the few movies Louis picked out. The majority of movies he owned consisted of superheroes, but he had to blame some of that on Liam. Him and his brother were completely obsessed with Marvel and DC.

This is how it was supposed to be. Louis and Niall having sleepovers every weekend, them watching movies but not actually watching the movie. They hadn't done that since the last day of eight grade. It was long over due.

"There's these two guys in my guitar class called Luke and Michael. They're in a band." Niall said, flicking a piece of popcorn at Louis. The slightly taller boy retaliated, throwing a handful at Niall's face.

While Louis was taking Piano Lab, Niall had signed himself up for Guitar. He knew how to play some songs, but he wanted to learn more. Doing so introduced him to a couple of cool Juniors, who just so happened to be in a band.

Louis pursed his lips and nodded. Niall was going to talk about it more, because that was just how he was. But of course, Louis loved him for it.

The blonde got easily excited over things. If Louis were to comment on how narcissistic Tony Stark was at the moment, niall would be hunched over and out of breath because of how hard he was laughing. Louis had learned to just laugh along and try his best not to be funny. But hey, Louis was just naturally comedic.

So as thought, Niall went on and talked about the band, 5 Seconds Of Summer. Louis nodded, pretending to be interested and listening when in fact he was too busy with Iron Man to have his focus anywhere else.

Niall explained where they got the name from, what their YouTube was, how and why they got their drummer. It was as if Niall was in the band himself. Louis chuckled, not at Niall, but at the part of the movie he was at. Niall didn't know the difference, apparently, and kept on talking about the band.

The only thing to get Louis' attention, though, was the sound of an R&B song. It was a phone, he knew it was, but whose was it? It wasn't his, he had Harry as his ringtone. It couldn't have been Niall's because Niall's phone was dead.

He scanned the room, seeing the culprit on the coffee table in front of him.

Liam's phone.

He bit his lip, glancing over at Niall for help, but his best friend was caught up in his own world to realise anything else. Louis sighed, reaching for the phone and reading the caller id. As his luck would have it, it just had to be Harry calling.

After a bit of hesitation and a small debate with himself, he answered the phone and put it against his ear.

"Liam! Where are you? I haven't see you for an hour, mate!" Harry's tone was full of worry and concern. Louis could have died at how Harry sounded over the phone. "Liam?"

"It's Louis." The fourteen year old finally said. Harry was going to be mad at him, he was sure of it. He probably thought Louis had stolen Liam's phone, just so Harry wouldn't be able to contact him. Louis shouldn't have answered. "Liam left his phone at home." He immediately added, biting his lip and hoping Harry would understand.

Luckily, he was met with a deep breath and a chuckle. "Alright, I'll try and reach Zayn then. Thanks Lou." He said before hanging up the phone. Okay, so maybe he exaggerated on how Harry would react. But hey, he was Louis Tomlinson, and he was a drama queen.

Niall stared at him, confused. Louis just gave a cheeky grin and focused back on the movie. He somewhat expected Niall to ask who it was, but the Irish boy just left it alone and continued watching the movie as well.

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