Chapter 14

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One week after New Years, Louis gets glasses. Not the huge, dorky kind like in that stupid Taylor Swift video, but the ones that seem to make every teenager on the planet seem much more attractive than usual. He's actually excited about wearing them. 

He's not exactly sure when, but there was a point where Harry had glasses and Louis automatically realized that there was a way for Harry to get even more attractive then he was. After a year or two, Harry got contacts instead, but Louis still saw Harry with his glasses case every once in a while. Louis was waiting for the day where Harry would forget his contacts and would have to wear his glasses instead, but so far, that hasn't happened yet. There could always be a miracle, though.

"Geeky." Eleanor commented when she saw them. Louis scoffed, shutting the door to his locker and beginning to walk to English. "People like geeky, nowadays." She puts her arm around his shoulder, giggling.

"There are so many other words you can use besides geeky." Louis groaned, swatting her arm. His glasses weren't supposed to make him look geeky, they were meant to make him look as if he was some sexy braniac from one of those movies he's watched with his mum. They always got the pretty girls, or in Louis's case, the hot guys. Which was exactly what he was going for, but eleanor just had to come and ruin his fantasy.

Eleanor rolled her eyes, walking into the English classroom and taking her seat. "Fine. You look smart. Either way, you look good." Louis sat in his seat next hers, taking out his composition book and starting on the opener on the board.

It was at this point in the morning where Eleanor knew not to bother him. There were numerous things he could be distracted from, but writing was definitely not one of the,. Singing was fun, of course, he absolutely loved it, but writing was an entirely different feeling. He could take a thought and turn it into anything he wanted to, just by putting it down on paper.

Then combine that with his passion for music, he found that he was a better song writer than he had expected. Sure, the first couple of songs he had written for Solo Night were good for his first few tried, but then when he started putting more feeling, more effort into it, he learned that there was a lot he wanted to say and he could only express the words in lyrics. When he actually sat and thought about things in a different way, his songs came out much better than they had at the beginning of the school year.

He finished his prompt a few minutes later, then turned to Eleanor only to realize she had been playing around on her phone for the time Louis had been caught up in his writing. He sighed, tapping her shoulder and gaining her attention. It was ironic how she got annoyed when Louis didn't pay attention to her, but couldn't allow Louis the time of day most of the time.

She jolts a bit, then puts her phone down and faces Louis. "So, how was New Years? Niall told me something important happened..." She hummed, waiting for Louis to explain the whole New Years kiss mystery. An entire week later and he still didn't know who it was, nor did he have a way if finding out. Either the person would have to step up, or he wouldn't find out. And not finding out who he kissed would probably kill him kill him before he graduated. 

"New Years was fine, I guess. Went to a party at Harry's, talked with him, someone kissed me." He said as casually as he could, just to see how long it would take Eleanor to process what exactly he had said. He's learned that being vague about this sort of thing was one of the only ways to keep her quiet when they were having a conversation.

It didn't seem to take her long, as he gripped his arm and squealed, earning a glare and a 'shhh' from their English teacher. Eleanor mouthed a sorry behind her and immediately faced back to Louis, grip still tight in his arm. "Who, what, when, and how?" She pressed.

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