Chapter 9

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The posters had been put up, the announcements were being made, and everyone was getting a date. Well, everyone except for Louis and Niall.

Louis would probably ask Eleanor, since people thought they were dating and whatnot. Niall didn't know who to ask, but Eleanor said there was a girl on the dance team he could go with.

Louis sadly found out Harry was going with this girl named Taylor, and they'd apparently started dating.

He rushed to his locker, putting his biology book away and grabbing his hoodie. He shut the door, then made his way to his bus.

"Louis!" Someone called, stopping Louis in his tracks. He turned around, seeing Harry jogging up to him. "Where are you going?"

Louis pointed behind him. "Bus. I've kinda gotta get home." He joked, spinng back around and beginning to walk again.

Harry grabbed his shoulder, stopping him once again. "Want a ride? I know riding the bus sucks." He offered. Louis faced him, nodding enthusiastically. Harry actually asked if he wanted a ride. It was an offer.

"Thanks. I hate the kids on there." Louis complained as they started walking in the direction of the student parking lot. "Are we still going to that party?" He asked, the subject crossing his mind. Him and Harry hadn't talked about it, and he wasn't sure if Harry was still taking.

Harry nodded, which calmed Louis down a bit. Of Harry wouldn't stand him up, he wasn't that kind of person. "Tomorrow night, Lou." He reminded.

Louis smiled. "I hope Liam and mum don't notice I'm gone."

"Well I know for a fact Liam is spending the night at Zayn's. And just tell your mum you're spending the night at Niall's. You could even stay at my place tomorrow, if you need to." Harry swung his arm over Louis' shoulders. He was so calm and collected.

Louis, on the otherhand, was trying hard not to hyperventilate. Harry Styles had just suggested for him to stay at his house. Overnight. This had to be a dream, and if it was, he didn't want to wake up.

He snapped out of his little world, and switched his gaze up to Harry. "Sure." He said calmly, although he was break down and cry (which he would do as soon as he got home).

"Fantastic." Harry exclaimed, grinning. He was so nice to everyone. He was the type of person that was friends with everyone, no matter age, shape, race, whatever. He genuinely liked people and people liked him, too (some more than others-or louis).

"So, who are you going to homecoming with?" Louis casually asked, even though he already knew. Taylor had already told everyone Harry asked her.

"No one." Harry replied, shrugging. "I swinging solo this year. Though, I've been nominated for Homecoming King."

Every part of Louis was screaming, all except his vocal chords. "What about Taylor?" He asked, puzzled about the rumors. The seemed pretty hellbent on the fact that Harry asked her.

"Who?" Harry asked, confusion written all over his face. He thought for a minute, before realization hit him. "Taylor Swift?"

Louis nodded slowly. "She told everyone you asked her to homecoming." Harry shook his head, chuckling.

"Nope. She's had a crush on me since who knows when. At some point you've gotta get over it, you know? If the person obviously isn't interested, don't bother."

Louis' throat dried, and he felt the need to bang his head into a wall. Harry probably knows about his crush and is trying to subtly tell him to move on.

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