Chapter 16

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SO, this is the last chapter before the epilogue! 

I had fun writing this and I'm glad i made that prompt on tumblr:) 



The thing about high school was that word travels fast. During the next few weeks, everyone has heard about what had happened at lunch with Louis and Harry and somehow, Louis's known in school. Not as the gay freshman that sings, but as Harry Styles's boyfriend. It's like the entire year for him had been erased just because he was dating a senior.

Everyone knew about it, well, almost everyone. Liam was still in the dark about the whole thing and Louis figured that was a sign the Liam didn't need to know. Harry, on the other hand, just had to be the good friend he was and persuade Louis to tell his brother.

Louis knew exactly what would happen once Liam found out. He'd be pissed off at Harry, then he'd be disappointed in both of them, and there could possible be a few punches involved, depending on when and where they told him. Louis wasn't prepared for Harry getting cursed out by his best mate.

That's exactly why he did his best to avoid Liam whenever he was with Harry. He had started sitting with him in Choir, again, but since they were always preoccupied, Harry never had a chance to bring it up to Liam. The three of them had different lunches, so Liam couldn't go with them when they went off campus. And Louis never really saw Liam in the halls, so he was clear on that.

Zayn knew about their relationship, but he promised Louis he wouldn't tell Liam until they did. The only reason he had figured it out was because Perrie had told him during their Art Class together, and he might have spotted Louis and Harry holding hands at some point in the day.

Liam was far too preoccupied with Zayn to even listen to all of the gossip going around the school. Even if he did hear something about Louis and Harry, Zayn was usually there to distract him from it. If it wasn't Zayn, it was Danielle. Either way, Louis was doing his best to avoid confronting Liam.

“We need to tell him.” Harry says when they're at lunch. Louis rolls his eyes, turning the radio up in Harry's car and pretending Harry had never said anything. Harry scoffs, turning the radio down and placing the hand that wasn't on the wheel on Louis's. “He's my best friend, Louis.”

“I know that, but you know him as well as I do. He's not gonna take it well.” Louis sighs, leaning his head against the window. “He'll probably hit you.”

“He wouldn't.” Harry defends, pulling into the McDonald's parking lot and turning off the car. “He won't be thrilled, but he wouldn't hit me. We've known each other too long.”

“Which is exactly why he's going to feel betrayed that you would even think about dating his baby brother,” Louis mocks. “let alone date me.” Liam was one of those people to just acted impulsively. Louis knows his brother, and he wasn't the type of person to think before he did or said something. He didn't care if Liam liked the idea of Louis and Harry together, no, he cared about Liam getting pissed off and attempting to swing a few punches at Harry. Louis wouldn't doubt the action as quickly as Harry has.

Harry purses his lips, then shakes his head and opens his door. “You're being dramatic.”

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