Brandon Rowland

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"What in the world are you trying to accuse me of?" You were trying your best not to shout at him, or cry for that matter. You were shaking pretty badly, arms crossed across your chest. "What I'm saying is that you're cheating on me!" Brandon, on the other hand, was yelling. Taking a step back, you wiped at the tears on your cheeks. So much for not crying. His accusation was too ridiculous, and untrue. "Is that what you honestly thing? God, I'd never cheat on you! You know that." The tears were coming down even faster now, and it was hard to get the words out. He scoffed, glaring at you. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that? I saw you! I saw you hugging another guy, and you keep seeing him when I'm not around." A few more steps back, and your back hit the wall. Your body slid down, and you sat there, sobbing now. "He's my cousin, Brandon. I haven't seen him in years! I just..." You wanted him to believe you. This whole situation just hurt too much. You covered your face, trying to muffle your sobs. Brandon simply stood there, watching you. Finally, you looked up at him. "Get out." A look of confusion crossed his face, and he took a step towards you. "I said get out!" This time you screamed at him, then covered your face again. Moments later, you heart the door slam shut. The next two weeks you spent buried in your studies, and spending time with your friends in an attempt to forget that the fight ever happened. It was an ugly memory, and you didn't want it to stick around in your head. The distractions did work, but it didn't numb the anger you felt whenever you thought back to that night. You considered breaking up with him - and you have every right now, really - but that required energy to meet him in person and tell him. And that was just...too much. There was a click, and you heard your door open. Wearily, you looked up, hoping it was one of your friends to surprise you with food. She was one of the few people to know where the spare key was.
Instead, you saw Brandon, and you felt the expression on your face turn into one of anger. "What are you doing here?" You demanded. He shuffled his feet nervously, looking down at the floor. "I...came to apologize. I realized what I said was wrong. You were telling the truth, and I should have believed you." "Wow, really? I didn't actually hear you say sorry there, by the way." You snapped at him. "And you sure weren't listening to me when it happened." Brandon bit his lip. "Hun... Hunter had a talk with me." Oh.
Well that sounded rather scary. "Look, I'm really sorry. Truly, I am. Please, please forgive me." He was practically begging at this point, moving closer to your couch and after a moment of hesitation, sat down next to you. "Please?" Biting your lip, you looked away. The urge to hold a grudge and be angry was still there. "One condition. Never...accuse me of such things ever again. Because it'll never be true. I'd never cheat on you." "Of course." Brandon scooted closer to you, reaching up to your face to turn your face towards him. Hesitantly, he leaned forwards and kissed you. He seemed so nervous, just like when he first asked you out...just like when you two shared your first kiss... "I'm sorry. I just..." He whispered when he pulled away, taking your hand in his. "I love you so much." You sighed. "Look...just, stop apologizing. You don't have to do that anymore." He gave a small smile. "Thank you." He took a shuddering breath. "Is it okay if we go to your bedroom?" "I...yeah. It's alright." He stood up, still holding your hand and pulled you up, leading you in the direction of your room. When the two of you were standing in the middle of your room, he kissed you again. Sweet and gentle, just like him. Slowly his hands pulled at your shirt, lifting it up over and head and dropping it on the floor. Then he undid the clasp of your bra, pulling that down as well as he trailed kisses up and down your neck. "You're beautiful,." Brandon kneeled down, unbuttoning your jeans and tugging them are. He looked up at you. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" A concerned look was on his face. "Yes, I'm sure. I...I forgive you, okay?" You gently ran your fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes, smiling. "And I love you. Let's move to the bed." He nodded, looking rather relived and happy. He tugged your underwear down as well, and you stepped out of the garments, moving towards your bed. You watched him tug off his shirt, pants and boxers. Even after all this time of you two dating, you still appreciated his body, every line of his muscles, the way they flexed...his jawline, everything. You sat down at the foot of your bed, and Brandon made his way towards you, carefully pushing you backs before climbing on top of you. He kissed you again, his hands lightly running down your shoulders, and your sides, fingers tracing patterns on your skin. You moaned quietly, and he began to press kisses along your jaw, neck, collarbone. "I've missed you these past few weeks." You moaned in assent, trying to encourage him to move faster. Finally he reached your breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth and biting down gently. You took a sharp breath, arching your back. He moved to the other, repeating his actions. "Brandon, please.." You were never really one to enjoy teasing, but his attentiveness towards you was wonderful. Brandon moved down further, small licks and kisses on your skin. "You're beautiful," he murmured again. "Perfect." Lightly stroking your clit with a finger, he watched as you moaned and shuddered slightly on the bed from the pleasure. "Does it feel good?" "Oh, oh God yes, it feels good. More, please." He smirked, and stopped rubbing. You groaned in disappointment, but it was cut off as he inserted a finger inside of you, curling slightly, then thrusting in and out slowly. "A little faster...please." He didn't quite oblige, instead adding a second finger, moving them still at a torturous pace. "Brandon, please! I need you...right now." "Are you sure?" "Yes, yes, please. I want you." Spreading your legs a little wider, he settled himself between them and pressed the head of his cock against your entrance. "I don't want to hurt you." "It's not our first please, don't...tease." Brandon took a shuddering breath, slowly pushing his length inside of you until he was fully inside. Holding onto your legs, he slowly began thrusting in and out, moaning quietly, then more loudly as he increased his pace. Moans from the both of you filled the room, and he spread your legs a bit wider, adjusting the angle. God, it felt so good. Your eyes closed, focused on the pleasure that was slowly building up, more and more until you knew you were close. "I-I'm close, Brandon. So close.." You opened your eyes, wanting to see him when he came as well. A few more thrusts from him and you felt yourself come, vision blurring slightly from the pleasure. Moments later, you felt him orgasm as well, his eyes closed and him biting down on his lower lip. Trying to catch his breath, he pulled out of you, motioning for you to move over slightly. He laid down on his side, smiling at you. You turned on your side as well. "Was it okay?" He asked, brushing a hand against your cheek. You covered his hand with yours, smiling as well. "Yes, of course. Better than okay." His smile widened. "Good. I'm so happy you forgave me, you know. I missed you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life right now." You moved closer, kissing him on the lips. "I don't know what I'd do without you either."
I'm gonna dive in holy water brb🏊🏻✌🏻️

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