Zach Clayton (bruhitszach)

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👋Y/D/N= your daughters name.

You looked up from your book with a smile as Y/D/N ran to you.
"Look what daddy got me!" she squealed and held up her new stuff animal.
"Wow." you said with enthusiasm before looking over at your husband.
Zach smiled at you as he closed the front door and slipped off his shoes. "We're home."
"I see." you chuckled and turned your attention back to your daughter. "Did you have a good father-daughter day?"
"Yes!" she exclaimed. "Daddy took me to the zoo and we had pizza for lunch!"
You giggled at her excitement.
"And we had ice cream but daddy said not to tell you."
You quickly looked over a Zach and raised an eyebrow at him. He stared at Y/D/N in shock before looking at you, his face going red as he gave you a sheepish smile.
"So I guess you're not hungry for dinner?" you asked Y/D/N.
"No." she answered with a smile.
You sighed and shook your head. "Well I suppose this one time won't hurt anything." Then you gave Zach a look. "Just don't make a habit of it."
He blushed harder and nodded his head. Then you listened intently as Y/D/N told you every detail of her special day.

That night you watched as Zach carried Y/D/N in to her room and carefully laid her in bed before covering her with a blanket. Then the two of you went into your own bedroom, Zach closing the door behind him. "She's completely out for the night." you giggled as you climbed in to bed.
"Yeah." he agreed with his own chuckle. "But," he said as he crawled on to the bed and on to you, "That was the whole point."
"Zach!" you quietly exclaimed as you laughed when he settled on you.
"What?" he amusingly questioned and kissed you. "I spent all day with my daughter." Kiss. "I think it's time to give my wife some attention." Kiss.
You ran your hands up his sides and parted your lips for him. Instantly his tongue entered your mouth and you moaned as you brushed your own tongue against his. Then he was kissing your chin before moving down your jawline. You closed your eyes as you turned your head, offering him your neck and sighing contently as you felt his lips move across the skin. Then his mouth latched on a certain spot and sucked. You let out a little whine, gritting your teeth so you didn't get louder and you gripped his shirt tightly.
"I love it when you do that." he huskily whispered in your ear before attacking your neck again.
You bit your lip and whimpered as you felt growing desire spreading through you. Then a shiver went down your spine when he moved to the other side of your neck. He moved down, leaving a trail of kissing to the top of your shirt. Then he was off of you and you helped him take your shirt off. Your bra was gone just as quickly before he tore off his own shirt and then laid back down. Another deep kiss as you felt skin against skin and you pressed yourself in to him more.
A small growl emitted from him and then he slid down. Your heart sped up in anticipation as he kissed down your chest to your breast and you pressed your lips together. Instead of his mouth going where you wanted though, he continued moving downwards. In between your breasts and down to your stomach. You let out a small whine and heard him chuckle. Then his hands cupped your breasts, massaging them while he sucked on the skin by your hips and his fingers toyed with your nipples. One of your hands threaded through his hair and you placed your other hand on your mouth to muffle your sounds as you felt yourself getting wet. Then the hand on his head gripped his hair as he went further down, kissing you in between your legs. But as much as you loved everything he was doing to you and wanting him to continue, time was always against you.
"She might wake up." you whispered and felt him stop.
He moved up and gave your right nipple a quick suck before doing the same to the left one. Then he kissed you again before smiling at you. "Doubtful but if you're ready..." He slid a hand in to your pyjama bottoms and when he fingered your wet underwear, he let out a quiet moan. "I'm ready." you teasingly informed him.
He pressed his hips in to you and you gasped. "Makes two of us." he teased right back. Then he pulled away and you each quickly took off your remaining clothes. You expected him to reach into the bedside table for a condom but suddenly he was kneeling in between you again."Zach?"
He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss before meeting your gaze. "I want more special days." he told you with a pleading look.
You looked up at him and blinked in surprise. "A... father-daughters day?"
He licked his lips nervously before swallowing and nodding his head.
You reached up and cupped his face with your hands before smiling. "Alright"
Instantly he was kissing you again, full of passion. "I love you." he professed. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." you told him and eagerly kissed him back.
When you felt him position his dick, you wrapped your legs around him and urged him on. Then you quickly clamped a hand over you mouth as he pushed in, stifling a loud moan. Then you were withering underneath him as his hips moved quickly, thrusting in to you so pleasurably. Your other hand flew everywhere, clawing at the bedsheet and gripping his arm tightly. Your legs tightened around him, cause a moan to escape from him as he panted above you. He shifted his hips and then your back was lifting off the bed as you shook your head. He grabbed the hand off your mouth and kissed you, grasping both of your hands in his with fingers intertwining.
"Zach I'm going to..." you whined
"Me too." he said, his own voice strained. "Fuck you feel good."
Then you quickly kissed him again to muffle your cry as every muscle tightened and came undone at the same time. Your hands gripping his tightly and he squeezed as well. Then his own muffled cry mixed with yours as his body shuddered and he did one last hard thrust.

Is this good? It isn't weird right?😂 thanks for reading y'all 😁😊

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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