Part 19: New Guy

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So I basically just ditched these two dogs (Justin and Selena). I am so pissed off right now I don't know what I'm doing or where im going. All I can do to get home is walk about 12 miles in complete darkness. I begin walking home via a different route Justin dosen't know of so he won't follow me. I walk for about a mile until a guy about my age and very muscular runs across the street and begins to look into the street as if he were looking for someone or something. It looks like he's giving up on looking and says, "Damn it" very casually. This is none of my business so I mind my own. He begins to walk back towards me and stops me. I walk back afraid. First of all I don't know this guy and second it's late at night. "Ummm hi", he says. I stand there frozen. "I'm sorry to stop you m'am, but my dog just ran away and I've been looking for him all over the place. By any chance have you seen him? It's a tall black dog. He's really friendly and has a red collar on. Have you?" He explains.
"No," I reply still kinda scared, "I haven't sorry sir."
"Ugh I have to find that dog." He says. "Anyways what are you doing out here so late?" He asks.
"Ummm I just wanted to take some fresh air." I say. He looks at me with a smile that catches my attention right away. His eyes smiled too.
"Never seen anyone walking around this neighborhood, seems weird for a girl like you to be doing so." He comments. I give him a little squint.
"What do you mean 'girl like me'?" I ask.
"Well you don't look like the type of girl that would be walking around a neighborhood that's extremely dangerous, especially at these hours." He says. I just stare. I had no idea what to say. He stares back at me in the eyes. I decide to break the eye contact and look to the side, crossing my arms because it's cold. "Anyways, my name is Ricky." He says after a while of silence and pulls out a fist. I stare at his fist, I know what he was trying to do. Fist bump. " I guess not." He says, taking his fist back.
"My name is Ariana, Ariana Grande to be exact." I say.
"Oh my last name is Alvarez, for the record. So basically Ricky Alvarez." He says with a cute little laugh. I nod with a half smile. He seems okay but I just literally met him a few minutes ago. It stays silent for a few seconds. "Have you been crying?" He asks. He's a complete stranger and he's asking this? Why?
"No why?" I ask, cleaning my eyes for any left over tears from earlier.
"Because you can clearly see it." He laughs. I clean more. He stares more. "I should get going, what way are you going?" He asks. I point straight a long a** street. Ricky raises his eyebrows, surprised. "So am I. Guess you're stuck with me for awhile." He says with a grin. I smile ear to ear. He starts walking and I just stand there like and idiot staring at him. What a perfect body. As he walks he turns to look at me. "Aren't you coming?" He calls from ahead. I start walking towards him and he waits. When I finally reach him we stand there staring at eachother and he says, "I'm not gonna murder you, you know?"
"I know." I reply.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." He says laughing. I just smile and start walking beside him. As we are walking he glances to the side at me. I do the same. He is really attractive. Something surprised me, not once did he look at my body like most guys would, it seemed like he didn't care. He just looked at my eyes. So one thing is for sure, he isn't like any other guy. We were almost halfway to my home and we were still walking together. Finally I decide to bring a conversation up, "So? Where do you live?" I ask, trying to act like I care. LOL...jk.
"I live over there." He says while pointing to the apartments where I live. I look quickly at him and stopping.
"Wait, in those apartments?" I ask pointing.
"Yeah, I'm actually new to this neighborhood. I just moved in a couple days ago." He explains.
"Oh" I reply amused.
"Yeah, that's the particular reason my dog is lost right now. He's not familiar with these streets." He says.
"Oh, what's your dogs name?" I ask.
"Scar, yep, good ole Scar. He's been with me for a long time and I hope I find him."
"Oh, Scar is a really rad name." I comment. He turns to me fast.
"Rad? I can tell you're a city girl." He says.
"Why?" I ask, smiling at the ground probably blushing.
"Because those words, Rad?" He asks laughing. "Dosent that word mean like cool or something?"
"Yeah, it another way of saying cool or awesome." I explain.
"I'm really not a city guy, I'd rather be in the fields and the forests, enjoying nature." He says.
"Oh that's Ra- , cool." I say stopping myself when I almost said rad. He looks at me with a smile.
"Really?" He asks.
"What? I didn't say it." I say. He shakes his head with a cute smile. He finally reached the apartment 'we' (apparently) lived in.
"What number room do you live in?" He asks. I look at him hesitant. "Ugh, just because I look like I'm the type of guy who breaks into houses to steal all the jewelry you have dosent mean I am okay. You can trust me but if you are not comftorable telling me anything personal then that's okay." He says.
"It's not that, Ricky. It's just that it's normal for me to be a little weirded out, I just met you, you know." I say.
"I know, and I live in apartment 289." He says. I look at him.
"Wow, really? Mine is 287." I decide to trust him and tell him.
"Wow, almost next to eachother." He comments.
"Yep" I say. We walk to my door and I stand there. He stands in front of me and he stares at my eyes. I break the eye contact my digging into my purse to find the keys. I grab them and hold them in my hand looking back at Ricky.
"I should go. I'll talk to you later." He says holding out his fist. Ugh not again. This time I accept it and fist bump him. He smiles and turns back to walk a very short way to his apartment. He grabs his keys while I open my door. I grab the door knob but turn to look at Ricky. He opens his door halfway before entering and turns to make eye contact with me. I smile at him and he smiles back. I turn forward and head in my apartment and Ricky did the same.
Why am I feeling this? Like I'm getting the feels right now. Like a crush? I don't know. Then I remember I shouldn't be feeling anything for anyone because of Justin. Then I remember what he did earlier and I don't give a damn. I can feel whatever I want for anyone.
Especially for guys like Ricky.
A/N: hey
It's been a long time😂

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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