Part 9: Blacking Out

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I stood looking down on the balcony. I could feel Justin was right behind me.
"Im sorry" he said. I couldn't say anything back. "You know my intentions were-"

"I know." I interupt.

"Whats wrong then?" He asked. He got closer to me by my side. "Huh?"

"We're going too fast. And i dont feel in the condition either. I need more time." I finally said.

"Or is it that you still feel something for Theo, after what he did to you?" He asked.

"No its not that."

"Then why dont you let me--"

"Because Justin...I just got out of a relationship with the worst. I need time. I need to process everything that has happened." He just stayed quiet for a moment.

"Im gonna go get you some clothes."

"You dont have to." I said. "Im almost dried anyways."

"You're soaked. I'll be right back." He left into his room. I felt very sad deep inside. And i felt that i was blaming Justin for everything. Which I was not. He tried to make me feel better but I wasnt cooperating, which made it harder for him. Yet he still tried. That made him kinda special.

Justin came back out with a shirt, hoodie and sweatpants. "Here, put this on." He said handing me the clothes. "You didnt have to you know, but thanks." I said grabbing it.

"I dont want you getting sick. You are like half naked with those things on."

"What things?" I asked, looking down at my outfit.

"That." He said pointing at my skirt and Crop Top.

"Its called a crop top, and im not half naked?" I said laughing at the way he expressed it.

"Well, that, whatever. Put those on." He ordered.

"Well where am i supposed to change? Im not gonna change in front of you." I said assuringly. He just looked at me with a face.

"We already saw more than we should with that skirt and half-shirt. Whats the difference."

"Woww." I laughed. "Its called a damn crop top, and yes theres a difference!?!"

"Kayy fine. Just go in my room. Ill stay out here." He said. I nodded and headed over there. I couldn't believe he was basically saying to change in front of him, something that i wouldnt do. Maybe. Anyways, I went into the room and looked back to make sure he wasn't coming or peeking.

*5 minutes later*

I went outside once i changed. His clothes smelled good. Justin turned around to look at me.

"Wow what a difference." He commented. I just rolled my eyes. The whole thing was so comfortable and warm.

"I think we should go get my car." I suggested getting closer to him. We were in the balcony.

"Why? Arent you gonna sleep over?" He asked.

"Sleep over? When did I say that?"

"Oh yeah, im sorry. I forgot you had a boyfriend that needs to be fed."

"Justin. Dont make me please. And hes not my boyfriend." He looked at me.

"What? Why do you look at me like that?" He turned away when I said that.

"I would really like it if you would stay. I feel-" He stopped still looking away. I looked at him. I couldnt help it, so I wrapped my arm around his neck. Then the other one. Then he did the same around my waist.

"Does your girlfriend mind." I said witha soft voice touching his face. He laughed.

"Yeah right." He said.

"Thats wierd Justin, why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked still hugging him. He looked me and kissed my cheek.

"Well, all girls are the same, they only care about money and stuff like that." He said almost whispering. "But you arent like that."

"Oh, I see." I said.

"Yeahhh." He said. He put his chin on my shoulder. "Wanna go inside and eat dinner?" He asked.

"Dinner?" I asked. "You know how to cook?"

"Well yeah, I've done my research."he said while we walked inside. "If you want you can watch the T.V, im gonna take a quick shower, then we can eat."

"Okay. No worries" i said. He went into the shower. I began to look around his room. There were pictures of him when he was smaller.

My phone starts ringing all of a sudden. Its Julie.

*on the phone*

"Hi Julie." I say

"Ariana, its me Theo. Just give me one minute." Theo?? Words couldn't come out of my mouth. At the same time i see Justin come out of the shower.
What am I gonna do? I look at Justin. Justin looks at me.

"Hello? Ariana! Ariana!" His voice fades away into my mind. Im dizzy. I turn to see Justin. He is blurry. Everything blacks out and the last thing I barely hear is the voice of Justin.


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@ HeySweetButera

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