Part 17: Kisses and Surprises

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Ariana's POV

I wake up in Justin's arms. Completely embraced, which made me feel secure. It was really cold and Justin was really warm. I lifted my head up to feel Justin's breathe. I stared at his lips. Oml. I feel Justin slightly move, then he opened his eyes looking at me confused. All of a sudden he threw me off the couch and quickly got up. I curl up in pain. "What the hell Justin!!" I screech.

"What happened and what am I doing here?!?" He asked rapidly.

"You don't remember?" I ask. He grabs his aching head, staring at me.

"And why were you on top of me?"

"Justin, you got drunk yesterday." I finally explain. Justin furrows his brows.

"Wait? Drunk?" He says.

"Yes Justin, drunk." Justin starts walking out of the apartment. I run to his side. "What are you doing?" I ask walking rapidly by him. He stays silent. "Justin!?" He turns around to face me.
"What? Didn't you say that you didn't want me with you? And you even cursed me? Why would I wanna beg you?"

"Maybe because you love me!" I quickly put my hand over my mouth at the end of my phrase. He looked at me with wide sparkly eyes. Justin starts walking up to me slowly. He gently slides his hands between my arm and hip, holding on to my waist. We stare at each other. Then finally he pecks my lips and comes back up to touch my face.

"I do." He states. I gasp internally. Without warning he grabs my face from my sharp jawline and shoves his lips onto mine. So basically now we are making out. He moves from my mouth to my neck and then he hugs me really tight. I pull away slightly.

"Justin." He looks at me deeply.

"I love you." He states. I grin.

"Me too" I say softly. Justin all of a sudden picks me up and runs into the fancy apartment building. When we get to the elevator he pressesnit rapidly.

"Calm down Justin." I say giggling.

"I just can't wait to kiss you." He said.

"We just did a few minutes ago." I claim.

"I know but I want more." I just laugh at him. The door of the elevator opens and he let's me in first. When the door shuts Justin forcefully pushes me against the side of the elevator and kisses me passionately but with great force. I wrap my arms around his soft neck and he wraps his around my petite waist. He moves his hands to my legs and lifts me up to wrap my legs around his waist. When the elevator hit the 7th level the door open and Justin put me down and wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders.

He opened the door of his awesome apartment and we walked in. "What do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't know whatever you want is fine."

"Trust me Ari, if I told you would I wanted to do you would slap me and kill me twice."

"Why?" I laugh.

"Because." He looked at me with that face, that you know what I wanna do with you type of face. I thought for a while.

"Ohh." I say with a confuses face.

"Yep. Comprende?" He says. I nod. "Maybe we can get in the pool." He states.

"Okay" I assure. "But I have no clothes." I really had a lot of fun with Justin in the pool. Not just because I had the chance to look at his perfectly structured body, but because he was really fun to hang out with. Justin always talks about his deepest secrets with me and I love that.

"Its okay, I got some" he said. Really Justin?

"I don't have any thing to get in the pool with." I say trying to convince him that he should do something else. He looks at me with at smile.

"Please?" He asked. "I really want to get in the pool." I look at him almost glaring. Then I smile. I grab his arm and drag him to his studio.

"How about we record some tunes?" I say. He smiles at me.

"I know what you did there." He says then he grabs me and stares into my eyes only to then kiss me softly. He let's go and walks up to his stereo and clicks a button that says play. All of a sudden I hear the song A Thousand Years come on. I grin at him while he walked back up to be and rested his forehead on mine. "I like this song." He says whispering softly. I could feel Justin's breathe while he swayed me around to the rhythm of the music. When the loud part of the chorus came on he picked me up and spinned me around. I laughed. All of a sudden, I guess Justin tripped and we collapsed all the way to the ground. We played there laughing hysterically. We sighed because our stomached hurt of the laughter.

"I love the way you laugh." He said while rolling my way and getting on top of me. When he was about to kiss me AGAIN I quickly rolled him to the ground and got on top of him. I stared at him.

"Well I love the way you lie." After I said the I decided to smash my lips onto his because I just couldn't keep my mouth where its supposed to be. He switched our places so I would be on the floor but when I felt Justin's tounge about to squirm in my mouth I pushed his face a little back. I could feel my heart beating fast and my palms were sweaty. I think Justin knew the reason why I did what I did and quickly said, "I'm sorry Ariana" while getting up. He stretched his arm out so he would help me up. He pulled me up harder than I thought and our body's crashed together.

"I won't do that without your permission anymore." He said. How are you supposed to ask for permission to squirm your tounge in someone's mouth? I thought.

"It's okay, but." I said. He looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"How do you ask for permission?" I couldn't stay with the question. He laughed. "What?"

"Nothing." He said still giggling.


"Well you just ask I guess I don't know." He said laughing. "Or next time you shouldn't kiss me while you are laying on me because that gets me sick, you know where it leads to."

"I won't then" I say. He quickly looks at me.

"Really?" He asks. I shrug.

The door bell went off and Justin ran to the door.


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