What's wrong?

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Hey guys 😜 welcome to my new book! I hope you enjoy reading the in and out struggles of Richelle and Noah as they try to hide a secret from the others.

First published 24th of May 2016

Richelle's PoV
"Noah! Full out! The competition is in a few days!"
Yelled an angry Riley from the sidelines. Her hair was messy and tatted from where she had ran her hands through it anxiously. Her eyes were small and tired and she oozed exhaustion. In her hands she held a clipboard-bent slightly from where she had been gripping tightly onto it.  I don't think being studio head is good for her. She is too young to be handling all this pressure!
      I sigh before looking over to the source of all her frustration. Noah! There he is, like always, wearing his green baseball shirt and black bottoms. His hair gelled into its usual quiff and his dark hazel eyes sparkling. I guess after Eldon left, Noah would be next in line to claim the title of best dancer in the studio. You would think wouldn't you? However, with the moves he is pulling off now, anybody would be surprised to learn that he was apart of the winning team who won internationals. In fact...I'm shocked. Noah was always the best male dancer of the studio-well in my opinion anyway. But now...well now I can't be certain.
       I watch as he fails a move that he has practised so many times that I'm certain he could almost do it in his sleep. What is up with him?
Yelled Riley in despair. With the regionals qualifier coming up, every waking moment has been spent practising our trio. Im exhausted! Wait. Scratch that! We are exhausted. I can see it in Piper's eyes, as she barely manages to do her split leap. Same with Noah as he tries to execute a pirouette. I can feel it! There is a pain in my leg and my chest feels tight.
    We are going full out! Or should I say two of us are going full out. Me and Piper. Noah... well Noah is half heartedly doing the moves. He is marking them! Noah never used to be like this when we were in J troupe. He was always the one to give it his all and not stop until his body stopped him. A troupe has changed him. He is not the boy I used to know...
     I watch from the corner of my eyes as Noah and Piper prepare to do a lift. Honestly, I can't say I'm happy with it! Noah was always my duet partner. He is always lifting me in routines. I...I don't know if I want to share him just yet.
     Anyways, I clear my thoughts to watch them do the lift. Piper runs towards him and Noah gets ready. He bends his knees and stretches his arms out wide to catch Piper. Then Noah is to push her up into the air as Piper holds onto his shoulders. Well that's what's supposed to happen! What did happen was more like this...
      As Piper reaches Noah, she places her hands on his shoulders before jumping a little. However that little she jumped is only how far she got up in the air because when Noah placed his hand on her hips and tried to lift her up he fell backwards, tripping slightly. I hear him wince lightly and close his eyes in pain. Wait! Has he hurt himself? Is that why he is dancing badly?
"Noah! What was that?! Do you know what...ugh I give up!  Practise is over! Come back tomorrow-prepared this time!"
Said Riley exasperated, placing a hand on her forehead and walking towards her office. Her office? Riley's office? It's still weird to think she is the new studio head.
     All is quiet after she leaves and there is an awkward atmosphere. I turn my attention back to Noah. He is standing in the corner sadly. Although he is trying to be discreet, I can see he is rubbing his back lightly and wincing ever so slightly at each touch. So it's his back! He's hurt his back! How long has this been going on? Was he going to tell anyone? Was he going to ruin the Next Step changes of winning regionals because he can't dance to his fullest? I need to talk to him. Now!
"Well I'll see you tomorrow guys for another full day of practise. Yepee!"
Said Piper sarcastically, throwing her dance bag over her shoulder before walking around out the doors.
      After she left it was just me and Noah and the terrible silence. When did we get like this? We used to be best friends and now...now we hardly ever talk. He is always off doing something! If it's not dance, he's practising his music. If it's not that, he is off with boys somewhere. No time for Richelle anymore! Well he can't all be to blame. I guess I participated too. I mean I wasn't good enough to make A troupe. We got separated then! I went off with the girls of B troupe and he with A. I guess we just didn't have time for each other anymore. But now we do! And now it's time to talk!
     I walk slowly over to the bench in which he was sitting on, with his head in his lap. Hesitantly I took a seat beside him before nervously placing a hand on his back and rubbing lightly. I felt him tense up at the light movement of my hand.
I asked softly.
"When...when were you going to tell me-us that you hurt your back?"
He lifted his head up quickly before turning to me in shock.
"Wha...how did you..."
Really Noah? You think I didn't notice all the signs.
"I was your best friend once-you know! Did you really think I wouldn't notice"
I said crossing my arms. Noah eyes flickered with sadness for a minute before he turned to look down at his hands. I came to the conclusion that he was thinking. Going over everything, the positive and negative effects of me knowing. After a few moments he turned to look at me nervously.
"You..you can't...you won't tell anyone, will you? Please Richelle!"
He pleaded with me. What do I do? If I tell on him, I'll let down a friend. But if I don't, then I could be letting down the team. Ugh, this is hard. How am I supposed to choose?! Wait! Who says that I need to tell anyone? Who says that anyone needs to know? I've got an idea! I turned to face him, uncrossing my arms
"Okay Noah! I won't tell anyone"
I said. Noah looked at me happily, bringing me into a quickly hug before releasing me.
"Oh thank you Richelle! Thank you! Thank you!"
I started. His smile faded as he heard what I said.
"But what?"
Asked Noah nervously, gulping. I gave him a smile before getting up and walking over to my cubby, lifting out my dance bag. I swung it over my shoulder and started to walk out of the studio.
"Richelle wait! But what? I need to know!"
I carefully swing around on one foot to face him.
"You come around to my house. Today. Seven pm sharp! You don't be late!"
I said forcefully before walking out the door. However before I did, I took a glance at Noah's face. Still he sat on the bench, although this time he had a look of nervousness painted on his face. I just hope I've made the right decision. I just hope my plan doesn't blow up in my face...

So this was the first chapter 💕 I hope you enjoyed reading it

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