I like you...

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School. Homework. Literature. That's about the basics of my excuse..

Richelle's PoV
I screamed out. They look at me with shock. Shit! No not like that! I didn't mean it in that way. I meant we physically slept in the same bed together. I let out a groan.
"I didn't mean it like that. We did not have sex!"
I say forcefully, extending my hands out in front of me. They look at each other before both letting out a sigh in relief.
"Oh good!"
Said Riley happily, clapping a hand on her forehead in relief.
"If you had...well let's just say....we would be in worse situation than we are now.."
She says letting out a sigh. What does she mean? This is bad enough. I've ruined my friendship with Noah. I don't even know what we are now...
I can feel the tears start to well up in my eyes again. What is wrong with me? Why can't I stop crying? I let out a little hiccup as I feel one lonely tear drop down my face.
"Oh Ritchie! It's okay..."
Asks Riley in a motherly tone. She quickly grabs me and pulls me into a hug, placing my head into her chest. No! No it's not okay! I've ruined everything. Why did I have to invite him over? I...I think I don't want to lose him. Noah. I don't want him to disappear from my life. I don't want us to drift apart again. I never want to be apart from him.....no! No I can't! Can I? These feelings I have-they can't be any thing more....I can't like like Noah. I can't be anything more than his friend.
Mutters Riley softly. I feel her stroke my back.
"Sweetie...you've become really tense, what's up?"
I...I can't. This can't happen. He isn't supposed to be with me. He can be with Piper. Or Amanda even! Anyone but me. I can't let my feelings ruin his life. His dance career...
"Is this about Noah?..."
Asks Piper questionably. Yes! I want to mutter. But I can't make my mouth form any words. I..I wonder what life would be like. In a relationship with Noah I mean..
      Would he be sweet and caring? Loyal. Loving. Would he treat me like a princess? Would he...bring me flowers? I've noticed James bring Riley flowers before, I always found it so sweet. Ah! But ugh. Why am I thinking of such things? It's obvious he doesn't like me. Or...
"This is about Noah isn't it? Do...do you like him..."
Questioned Piper softly. Of course I like him..
"And when I say 'like' I mean more than just friends, Richelle..."
She said forcefully. This question has different connotations to the one she asked previously. This was a lot more forward and straight to the point. Maybe....maybe I do like him more than a friend....but! There is no way he sees me any differently to the Richelle he knew in J troupe. To him I was probably still the little pubescent girl he knew from when he was six, even after that massage...
How do I answer Piper's question? Should I...should I just tell them. Yes.
I nodded my head softly before mumbling a small and tired
The tension in the air was thick after that, as Riley and Piper thought over the prospect of two dancers liking each other. After a few minutes, Riley lifts my head from her chest, softly cupping my face.
"Ritchie....you are afraid aren't you?"
Afraid? Oh....I guess I was. How...how did she guess? I nod my head in embarrassment, my face heating up slightly.
"There's no need to feel ashamed Richelle, this is totally natural. Everyone will feel like this at some point in their lives. You just need to push past it and persevere...all will turn good in the end. I promise..."
She said confidently. How can she be so sure? James and Noah are two totally different people. They are complete opposites. I look up into her eyes.
"How can you be so sure that everything will be okay? I don't even know if Noah likes me in that sort of way...."
I ask softly. I watch as she and Piper look at each other, sharing small smirks. What....what do they know? Riley turns her attention back to me.
"Don't worry sweetie...we're certain that he likes you.."
I look up at her confused. How could they possible know?
"What do you mean?...."
I ask her with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She looks back at me giving me a wide smile.
"You haven't noticed?.."
She asks in disbelief. No! No I haven't. I nod my head.
"Oh Ritchie! You must be blind.."
She says slapping a hand on my shoulder.
"...he hasn't stopped staring at you all day. Even when you disappeared to the bathroom he was searching for you..."
She says giving me a smile, her eyes glistening. I...I never noticed. But that doesn't mean he likes me.
"That doesn't mean he likes me..."
I say. Riley and Piper let out a groan in exasperation.
Says Piper dragging out my name.
"Can you not just take Riley's evidence as fact, or are you that scared to admit that someone actually likes you..."
Ugh. She's right! I am scared. I nod my head complacently, looking down at the floor.
"Good! Now we need a plan!"
Says Riley excitedly. What?! Plan? What plan? I bring my head up quickly, looking at her with confusion. She continues on, turning around to Piper and digging through her pockets.
"Now Piper! I need you-"
She pulls out a few money notes from her pocket and slaps it into Piper's hand.
"-to take Richelle shopping. Buy her a dress and take her to get her makeup done. I have to do something..."
She's says forcefully, looking deeply into her eyes. Piper nods her head in agreement, giving her a weak smile that Riley returns. Do I not get a voice in all this?
"Hey! I'm still here you know!"
I say loudly to catch their attention. They turn to me.
"Yeah we know you are...but really you shouldn't be. You should be at the mall!"
Says Riley quickly moving across the room and grabbing me by the arm. I can feel her manicure nails digging into my skin. Ugh. What have I gotten myself into?

I don't like this chapter. Pure and simple. It was rushed and the whole thing about Richelle finding out she liked Noah came out of Noah. Ugh. I really hope you understand what is going on in this chapter...

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