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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile 😔 I went back to school and the first thing I'm told is about my controlled assessments due for next week. Yepee! 😡 ugh

First published 24th May 2016

Noah's PoV
What? Ugh. I lazily open my eyes. Hey! Since when did I have white walls. My walls are red..oh shit! Crap! This isn't my room! I suddenly felt a hot breath on my neck. What is that?! I blink warily a few times before my eyes focus. There, standing in front of me was Richelle's dad. His face was close to mine and our noses were nearly touching. I quickly scrambled up the bed, shaking the covers back and forth until my back hit the headboard.
Said Richelle lazily, rolling over to face me. She blinked a few times and yawned. My frantic actions along with the yelling must have awoken her. After a few seconds her eyes had focused and she turned her attention to her father. His eyes small and stern. Oh! He looks angry!
Whispered Richelle nervously. Ugh. Oh god! I remember now. I was in Richelle's room...shirtless. Damn! That's why he looks angry.
"RICHELLE ANNE NOLET!! What have you done?!"
He yells angrily crossing his arms.
"Oh Hank! Calm down! I bet Richelle has a very good reason for having Noah around here and in her umm bed..."
Said Mary, walking forward and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. See! That's always why I have always preferred Richelle's mum to her dad. She doesn't judge from a glance. She takes the time to ask about the situation before starting to yell. Oh don't get me wrong! It's not like she doesn't get angry, because I can tell you personally when she gets angry...she gets angry!
  I glance over to Richelle who is beside me in the bed. Huh. I wonder when we got under the sheets...back to Richelle. There she sat on the other side of me wearing high cut shorts and a very sheer top while I was topless, with my jeans riding down my hips. Umm. Probably not the best thing to be wearing! No wonder Hank is so angry! I mean I would be if I had caught my daughter in bed with a boy. She gulped nervously, staring at her father quietly for a few minutes. I took the time to look at her properly. Her white top had slipped slightly, allowing me a view of her pink lacy bra from the side. It had also ridden up at the stomach, giving me a peak at her smooth skin. Her long dirty blonde hair had fallen out of the pony at the top of her head and was now framing her face. She! I don't know why I'm thinking this. She's my best friend! Best friends don't find each other hot! Best friends don't feel tingles in their bellies at the thought of doing things with each other. Ugh. What is happening? I close my eyes tightly, wishing that when I opened them once again I would be back at home in my own bed, unfortunately I had no such luck. For when I opened my eyes, I was still sat on Richelle's bed-my back against her headboard.
"Well Richelle! I'm waiting!!"
Said Hank forcefully. He crossed his arms in front of his bulky chest and tapped his foot against the floor. Oh god! I'm in for it! He's going to kill me! Someone please plan my funeral. I looked over to Richelle. She gulped before opening her mouth a little. However no words escaped past her lips. Come on Richelle! Please say something! I'm dead otherwise.
" here"
Started Richelle nervously. Her eyes were wide as she had a staring competition with her father. Neither letting up their gaze. Richelle's face had gone very white in contrast to her normally tan skin. She is petrified!
      Then it happened. She broke eye contact and looked down at her hands. Next thing I knew, a pair of strong hands were gripping me on the shoulders and dragging me from the soft white covers. Oomph! Oh god! That hurt! I was violently dragged up onto my feet.
Yelled Richelle and her mother shocked. I watched from the corner of my eye as Richelle got up from underneath the covers and walked forward behind her dad.
"Dad! Stop! Noah hasn't done anything wrong!"
Said Richelle pleading for him to listen. I listened as Hank let out a groan of annoyance before once again beginning to push me through the hallway and to the top of the stairs.
Yelled Hank in disbelief, pushing me forward and down the stairs. He kept a good grip on my upper arm.
"Hank stop this now!"
Cried out Mary forcefully, leaning over the banister. However he didn't! As we came to the bottom of the stairs, I was able to smell those things I believe were sent down from heaven. Richelle's cookies!
"Hasn't done anything wrong! You stupid girl!"
He said angrily, pushing me towards the door. How dare he call Richelle stupid?!
"I come home from a trip away with your mother, to find this-"
He said nodding his head down to me in disgust. Rude!
"-filthy piece of scum, laying in your bed, with his hands all over you. I can't believe I once admired you and thought of you like my own son. You disappoint me. You're just like the rest! A hormonal boy who has only has eyes on one thing, and one thing only. Well I can tell you right now! You are never going to get what you're after from my daughter!"
Yelled Hank angrily. He pushed me towards the door before undoing the lock.
"And you-"
He said directing his gaze over to Richelle, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. She was staring at the scene in front of her with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows. The hand of her mother rested gingerly on her shoulder.
"-you! I thought you had more sense! Can't you see girl! Boys are boys! It doesn't matter if you have known them since they were younger. They always have the same characteristics when they are older. I was once one of them! I know how they think! How could you be so simple minded and think that Noah would be any different?! You disappoint me! I'm disgraced to call you my daughter!"
Wow! Harsh! There is a quiet tension in the air after that. I look over to Richelle. Her soft green eyes are now filled with tears and her mouth is a gape. What father thinks it's right to make their daughter cry? Oh I'm angry!
Said Mary in shock. She looked at him pensively, her eyes soft and small. She looked over him and I'm positive she was questioning how he could have said such things. This is not right!
"How could you say such things?! You have just made your wife and daughter cry! You are an idiot! You don't deserve the family you've got!"
I say loudly, shocked that I had the confidence to speak to him like that. Slowly he turned his attention to me from his daughter. His eyes were small and his face was red. I could feel the heat radiating of of him.
     Oomph! Oh god! He hit me! He actually hit me! Square in the jaw, with enough to force to push me over. Luckily he had his hands still rested on my shoulders or else I would have went flying. There were yells from Richelle and Mary as they stared at disbelief at the scene in front of them. Next thing I knew, the door was slammed open and I was thrown out into the cold dark air onto my back. Then it stopped! The door was closed with a bang and I was left lying tiredly on the grass.
     Did that really happen? Did I really just do that? Ugh. I groan before placing my hands upon my forehead. In the distance I hear faint yelling coming from behind the red door of Richelle's house. Ugh. I caused that! All that yelling is because of me. Suddenly the door slammed back open and I was illuminated by the light coming from the hallway. I quickly scrambled onto my feet, getting ready in case Hank decided he wanted a round two. I was right about the Hank part. Well...mostly! He didn't want to hit me, instead he threw my plain white shoes out into the darkness, making them land on my feet.
"If I ever see you around here again, you are dead! Do you here me?!"
He said darkly before slamming the door shut. Ugh. I hate him! At least I got my shoes back though. That's the one good thing that came from tonight! Well that plus Richelle fixing my back! I lean down, thankful not to feel and pain in my back, lifting my shoes off the ground. Thank goodness I drove here otherwise I would be walking home shirtless. Plus it's freezing!
     I turn around on the spot and start to walk to my car when suddenly I see something in the distance. Is that...oh! I'm pretty sure that's an old lady. I'm also pretty sure she is staring down at my chest with wide eyes, shocked to see anything of the sort on the usually quiet neighbourhood. Oh eww! I can't believe she saw me! I can't believe I got caught! I feel my face start to heat up. The quicker I get out of here the better....

Richelle's PoV
I yell, slamming my door shut and locking it. I can't believe my father said all those horrible, nasty things! I've never seen this side to him before. Maybe I just haven't had the time to! He's always away. I hardly ever see him. Right now...I hope I never have to see him again. "AHHHHH"
I scream, falling rather ungracefully onto my bed. I can still smell a little of Noah's aftershave on the sheets. It's makes my stomach tingle a little.
I wish Noah was still here. He would gather me into his arms and press my head into his chest. The tears would stain his shirt but he wouldn't care. Ugh. Why did my dad have to be so mean? I lazily dragged my body up from my bed and sat cross legged onto it, switching on my tv. This is how I sat, until suddenly I spotted something in the distance. Something red and long and very big. I reach forward hesitantly grabbing the object tightly into my palms. Oh. Noah's t-shirt! The one he had been wearing before. Hmm. It's really soft! I wonder....
I nervously look around my room, making sure my curtains were shut before pulling my white top over my head and replacing it with Noah's t-shirt. It was massive! Landing just above my knee. I-I like it? It's soft and so comfortable and best of all it smelt like Noah. The perfect replacement! The smell of a Noah, without actually needing one in the room. It's perfect! I quickly burrow my head into the fabric before allowing the scent to trap me in a hug. I allow the tears to drop then, eventually falling asleep listening to the soft echoes of parents screams. The scent wrapped around me-protecting me from any harm.

Here you go guys 😘 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is one of the longest I've done and honestly it wasn't supposed to be so long. By what can you do!

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