Confronting Richelle

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Richelle's PoV
Why won't this practise end?! Literally...I've been sat here (on my own, I might add ) in the bathroom for I'd say...well half an hour I suppose. Questions? Why am I in the bathroom? Why do you think? Noah. I can't face him. Not after all thats happened today. I can't! So here I am. Sitting on the lid of the toilet, in a small rectangular cubicle, my only source of interest - the graffiti which litters the door. Oh! I stare at the letters on the top left corner
'James + Riley 4 eva'
I can't help but let out a smile. I can't believe Riley would have the courage to disgrace The Next Step's property. that I think about it. It was probably someone else who had wrote it. I tear my attention away from the letters when I hear a ping from my phone. I carefully remove my phone from its position inside my sports bra. What? I don't have anywhere else to put it....
     Clicking on the home button, the screen lights up revealing the time and a message from my mother. Shit! Is that really the time? Practise is nearly over. Crap! We haven't practised at all today...we are so going to lose that competition. I groan into my palms. I'm going to have to go out there, aren't I? I'm going to have to face him.
       Suddenly I hear a creek as the door to the bathroom is opened. I listen as someone walks in, locking the door behind them. What? Why are they locking the door? Who is they?
"Richelle, come out! We need to talk to you!"
Says a voice forcefully. I recognise that voice. Riley.
"Please Richelle, we know you're in there.."
This voice was different. More quiet and reserved. It has to be Piper. What do they want? Especially what does Piper want? I snapped at her. Why would she want to talk to me after that?..
I stay quiet. After a few minutes I hear them groan in frustration.
"Open up! We know what's wrong!"
Said Riley, knocking hard on the door. Huh? What do they mean? I still remain quiet. Nothing happens for a few minutes but then I hear it. The footsteps as someone walks into the cubicle next to me. I listen to the lid of the toilet being pushed down and then a bang as something heavy was placed on top. There was a clash and I couldn't help but wince in pain.
Said a voice above.
"So you are in here.."
The voice said again, from above my head. What the fu-? I quickly jumped up from the toilet, looking towards the top of the cubicle. There I saw, a pair of fingertips clutching ferociously to the wood along the top. They were painted a light lilac. I followed the hand up the beholder, wincing slightly when my eyes met with the bright ceiling light. Beautifully highlighted by this light was Piper, her long brown hair in its bun like earlier. She looked at me with confusion before saying
"What are you doing locked up in here for?"
She's says softly. I look down at my hands, trying to think of a reasonable excuse.
"Has...has this umm got something to do with..Noah?"
What?! How the heck did they?...I quickly looked up at her, my face painting itself a perfect pink. I looked at her with wide eyes, my mouth agape.
"Oh come on Richelle! We know something happened between you too"
Riley called from the other side. She had climbed up the toilet in the other cubicle beside me and was now staring down at me just like Piper. I was surrounded. Shit! This is so not good! I..I need to get out of here!
Turning around, I quickly grasped the handle pulling the door open with a slam.
"Hey...hey stop!"
Yelled Riley and Piper. I didn't listen to them. I quickly ran towards the main door and searched for the lock. Once I found it, I tried pulling it open but it was stuck! I'm doomed. I heard the clang as they got down from the seats and ran forward. Ugh. Help!
I was cornered. Riley and Piper stood above me, towering over my small frame. I can't tell them! I can't! I felt the tears start to pool in my eyes. Why am I crying?
"Oh Richelle! What's wrong?..."
Soothed Riley. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor. I guess everything has caught up to me. It has been a crazy twenty four hours. I felt a hand upon my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I looked up at the person with teary eyes.
"What has Noah done to you?..."
Asks Riley in disbelief. Oh god! She thinks Noah has done something bad to me. I need to fix this! I wipe away the tears before standing up.
"No! Noah hasn't done anything wrong.."
I say forcefully. I watch as Riley and Piper look at each other confused before turning their attention back to me.
"Then...then what happened between you.."
Asks Piper inquisitively. Should...should I tell them. The truth I mean...ugh. I have to! I can't keep this bottled up. It's making me mad! I nod my head before looking down at the ground. I don't want to see their faces when I tell them.
"Noah...Noah's hurt his back. That's why he wasn't going full out in practise yesterday."
I mumble quickly. All is silent as they process the information I had told them.
"Oh Noah..."
I hear Riley utter under her breath. She lets out a groan.
"Why didn't he tell me?...."
She says quietly. Huh. Good question. I never really asked him. I guess he thought he would be letting people down by having an injury. I look up at her.
"He probably thought you would kick him out of the troupe..."
I say softly. Riley turns to looks at me, a hand resting upon her forehead in confusion. She gives me a nod before looking down at her knees. All is silent then until Piper pipes up.
"I'm sorry..but that doesn't really explain why you and Noah are acting so weird when you are together..."
She asks inquisitively. Ugh. Here it comes. The bit I've been avoiding....Riley looks back up in interest.
"Well I...I had an idea.."
I said nervously.
"What kind of idea?..."
Asked Riley in confusion.
"I...thought I could make him better. I thought I could 'cure him'. I think it worked..."
I never really asked him-if his back was better after his massage. I don't know if it's any better...
"What do you mean?..."
I heard one of them call out. Here it comes. This is going to change my life. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before opening them again.
"I invited Noah to my house because.....because I was going to give him a massage."
There was a gasp of shock
"We...we must have feel asleep because thing I knew we were being woken up by my father screaming about Noah being asleep in my bed in only his trousers. I..we...I think I've ruined our friendship. That's why I've been acting so weird around him."
I say quickly, not looking at them. I kept my eyes focused on the ground.
      Everything was silent. Not a squeak. Not a noise at all. It was unnerving. Why won't they speak? I'm getting so paranoid.
Muttered Piper softly. Ugh. This is so awkward! Please, they need to say something...I need to release all this pent up tension that I've been holding in since Noah left my house that night. I...need to let go..

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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