Revelations for Noah

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I so knew this would happen. This was supposed to be the last chapter of the book but knowing me...I rambled. I mean just look at the second paragraph haha. Anyway this is supposed to be the second to last chapter but you never know what will happen in the future. I have a feeling it will not be but you never know. Enjoy!

Noah's PoV
I ran. Ran as far as I could, my mind like a compass somehow directing me to the one place I knew I could be me. A place that I could relax. A place that I could just think. The music room. I seem to be doing a lot of thinking-I've gathered. I need to be positive before I do anything I may regret. Anything that may affect my life for the good...or the bad. I need to be certain that my actions do not cause a ripple. That they do not be a positive or negative effect on someone's life-Richelle's to be specific.
What else am I supposed to think about apart from her? She is all that has been etched upon my mind for the past few days. Not even from that night at her house. For she had been on my mind since the very route of all this. The day Riley chose me, Richelle and Piper to do the trio competition. Every since that day she has been all that I can think about it. I've tried to lie and say that music is the only thing that has been on my mind, but is really isn't. It's her. On the first day it wasn't so bad. It was just casual thoughts of what lifts we could do. The second day the thoughts came a bit more rapidly. Me and her dressed in similar costumes front and centre of the trio...Piper further away and not in focus at all. It wasn't like Piper wasn't a good dancer or that I disliked her but..but Richelle was always just there. Then when later on that day when she told me to come to her house. My thoughts became a bit more mature and possessive. I thought of me and her-together-in a house of our own. I knew these were not just randomised thoughts. These were not casual thoughts about what I would have for dinner. These were selected and filled with ideas. These were more dreams.
So as I walked further into the music room, I couldn't help but let my mind wander once more to why she was always on my mind. I'm not dim like Henry. I knew what was happening. I was confused about my feelings! That's why I ran away when she leant up to kiss me. I was..well I was scared about my feelings for her. I always knew deep down that there was something different between us. But of course when you're young and filled with so much hope for dance you mistake the spark for something else completely. Seeing her dressed in those shorts and white tank top might have made my mind go crazy but it also made me think about how much she had grown from the young girl I used to know. Holding her tightly in my arms as we slept felt...good. It almost felt natural. But here's the I like her for her personality or for her image. I don't want to be a guy who goes out with a girl because of her looks. I want to be the guy who loves a girl because of who she is in the inside. And..and I don't know with Richelle.
      You can love a girl for both her looks and personality but I can't figure out if that's what's happening with Richelle and me. She has always been there when I need her most. Maybe not recently but when I was little-definitely. She was the only one who helped me cope with the pressure my parents put over me to get into A troupe when I was only a J trouper. She reaffirmed to me that if I didn't make it then, I would certainly make it in the future.
       I can't help but feel overwhelmed by all of this. I need to sit down! I walk over to the seat beneath the piano before flipping down the lid and resting my head on top of it. Who knew emotions could be this difficult? I can feel a headache coming on..
Ugh. What now? I really can't be bothered with anyone at the moment.
"DUDE! Where are you? It's an emergency!"
I hear someone say as they walked into the music room.
"Oh jeez! Who knew it could be so hard to find a guy who is 5ft 10? I can't believe Noah and Richelle actually di-"
"Did what?"
I ask persistently lifting my head from the piano. I watch as Henry jumps back, the arm he had leaning on the piano flying up into the air before falling back down to clutch his chest.
"Yo dude. Don't do that! Like ever again."
He says in shock, his eyes widened. What did he mean? Surely he couldn't know about that night. Could he?
"What do you know?"
I ask hesitantly. He looks at me with sympathy before replying
"Everything dude..."
Fuck! Oh god! Everything? I can't help but let out a groan.
"Yeah dude...I can't believe that you and her actually...well you know. You were there.'s the question that I think will help put an end to all of this. Do you like her?"
He asked carefully. I can't believe he would just come out and straight up ask me that question.
"Come on man! What else did you think I was going to ask?"
He said in disbelief after noticing my confused expression. Hmm...maybe he's not as dim as I thought he was. As for the answer to his question...yes. Yes I do like a friend or maybe..maybe something more.
"Man! Come on, it's obvious!"
He exclaimed passionately. What did he mean?
"Everyone can see it! They way you look at her like she's your whole world-"
I do that?
"-the way you hold her when dancing, like you never want to let her go-"
He leaned in further , bending down slightly to look at me.
"-like she is the only person you can see. You hold her so gently like you're afraid she may break. Have you not noticed how you never seem to be more than a few feet away from her at any point of the day? How if there is even a 'yelp' from anyone, your eyes automatically drift to her in concern. If you dare try to blame you liking her purely on her looks then'd be lying to yourself"
Oh. How did he know that was what I was contemplating in my head?
"Just trust me dude! I know okay!"
He exclaimed. Ugh. I guess...I guess he's right? I do feel concern for her. I do enjoy dancing with her like that. I her? I just admitted it. I love Richelle! I guess I must have mumbled the last part out loud because all I heard next was Henry letting out a laugh in glee.
"Haha yes! Oh yeah! Booya!"
He cried out happily. Huh? I watched as he did a fist pump before pulling out his phone and pressing on the camera.
"Hey..haha umm I know this may sound weird but ah..could you say that again."
What? I looked at him in confusion. He pushed the phone into my face before tapping to the microphone at the bottom.
"Yeah...just in there! Loud and clearly.."
Okay! What's going on here? I shoved the microphone away before standing up.
I asked blankly. He let out a sigh and put the phone back in his pocket.
"I'll be straight with you"
He said softly, placing his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth.
"Me and Latroy may have had a bet about when you would finally come to your senses and realise your feelings for Richelle. And umm well....I WON!"
He jumped up and down happily. They. Did. What?! I looked at him in disbelief. I can't believe they bet on us!
"20 bucks! Whoo hoo! I'm gonna buy a smoothie, a new shirt and a chick-"
What the actual fu-? I placed my hands on his shoulders.
"Yo, I can't believe you bet on us dude! How long has this been going on?"
I asked inquisitively. He shrugged his shoulders complacently.
"Few months.."
He said monotone. Few months?!
"Hey dude it doesn't matter! What matters right now is that you and Richelle become a couple. Let's go get your girl!"
He announced, hitting my shoulder. Then he turned around and started  to walk out the door.
"Yo! You coming? Richelle's not going to wait forever.."
He said teasingly over his shoulder. I guess he's right. It's time for me to get my girl!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Good luck to anyone who has got any upcoming exams. I know how stressful they can be, but I want you all to know, to not stress out. Just be relaxed! There's no point going into that hall with your mind racing with facts that you basically crammed in the night before. It doesn't work. What I'm trying to say is...don't get yourself stressed out.

P.S I got a hair cut this afternoon and now my hair is really short. I asked the hairdresser to cut two inches off and she basically cut off half my hair. Ugh. I miss my hair...😩

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