Mixed feelings

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So yeah...haven't seen you in a while. Sorry x

Richelle's PoV
Did he....did he really do that? Leave me as soon as I leaned up to kiss him. I thought...I thought he liked me. That's what Riley said anyway. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Richelle...you okay?"
Riley. She lied to me. She got my hopes up. She just made me ruin any bit of friendship I might have had left with Noah. I shrugged her hand of my shoulder in fury. I could feel the anger boiling in my tummy, waiting patiently for its sweet release.
"Richelle...I'm so sorry...I thought he-"
She thought?! Thought that everyone could have a perfect relationship just like her and James. Why is she always sticking her nose in others people's business? I wish I had never listened to her!
"You thought what?!"
I exclaimed passionately. I turned to face her my eyes burning with rage. The release is coming. I can feel it approaching. She flinched back slightly.
"You thought that everything would be 'alright'. You thought that once he saw me standing in this stupid dress-"
I pulled a piece of fabric from the front, clutching it tightly, showing it off to Riley.
"-that some feelings may appear.-"
Riley went to start a counter argument however she only got a few words out before I started again. The anger was spilling out through every pore in my body. I knew that I couldn't control what was to come next.
"The feelings were already ther-"
"No! No they weren't! You thought that because we spent one stupid petty night together that suddenly he was in love with me. Well..guess what? HES NOT! You expect everything to fall in place. For you to be fairy god mother and grant everyone's wishes just like in a fairytale. For everyone to have a 'perfect' relationship just like you and James. Well let me tell you this! Life is not perfect. Life is not a fairytale. This is reality. And you-"
I pointed my index finger towards her frantically.
"-you have ruined the only good thing left in my life. Noah. You ruined our friendship! So thank you Riley! Really! I mean it. Thank you for destroying my life!"
I exclaimed sarcastically. The air was hot and sticky. Well..to me anyway! I could feel beads of sweat start to form on my forehead, close to my hairline. I watched as Riley fell back in shock, her eyes pooling with tears and her face turning a painful white. It was so quiet. And..and I liked it! For once I was able to think. There was no distractions like my narrow minded fathers opinions or the terrible hum of the ceiling light in the bathroom. I could just think!
Think about how my life turned out like this. How I came to be standing in this position. Two broken friendships and my infuriating anger for both parties involved. Yes of course I was mad at Riley. That was obvious! But I was also infuriated with..Noah. He led me on. Danced with me. Held me like a lover. Held me with the same protectiveness that was apparent on the night he stayed with me. And in that single moment I felt something that I had never ever felt before. I felt safe! Safe from my parents lack of obvious love. Safe from my doubt of not being a good dancer. Safe from any self body image thoughts. And just physically safe! I felt like I could take on the word. But..but only with him by my side. His warm hands attached to mine through every walking moment of my daily day. He was the only thing keeping me gripping onto reality- from slipping into a place deep in my thoughts and self opinions that I wouldn't be able to escape on my own. He was my security. The one person who will always be there. But now..now he won't! All because of Riley!
I can't deny it. I can't deny my feelings for him. They are too strong! Too passionate! Yet I must keep them hidden. I must accept the fact that my heart will forever be broken.
I must have delved a little too deep into my thoughts because the next thing I knew I was being dragged into my miserable existence by a pair of fingers clicking sporadically every now and then and my voice being called.
A figure darted in front of my peripheral. Their soft doe eyes widening as they stared at me frantically, searching for any life behind my green orbs. I could recognise those eyes anywhere. They were unique! Just like Noah's..
"Ritchie? Can you hear me? Please! Please do something! I'm getting worried. What happened? Riley won't speak and neither will you. Please...I'm scared.."
Exclaimed a gentle voice. I felt two hands on my shoulder as I was dragged carefully with precision to a chair.
"What up with them?"
Exclaimed another voice, this time it was rougher and deeper. A guy! Wait! So there is two people? I know Piper is definitely one of them! But who is the other?
"I..I don't know. This wasn't supposed to turn out like this. It was supposed to be Noah and Richelle! Not Richelle and Riley!..."
Said Piper exasperated. I could almost picture her running a hand up her hair before resting it on her forehead restlessly.
"Noah? What's Noah got to do with any of this?"
Exclaimed the male in confusion. I believe it may be Henry. Noah has got everything to do with this...you just don't know that yet. I listened as Piper let out a sigh before beginning to speak.
"Something happened between them last night and well..well Riley and me thought that we could help them out"
Oh you and Riley have did more than enough quite frankly! Ugh. Why can't I wake up from my thoughts? I don't want to be stuck here-listening to Piper and Henry talk about my love life while I have no power to stop them. I just want to forget. Not to relive!
"What do you mean? What happened?"
Asked Henry inquisitively. Through blurred vision I could see that they were positioned a little further away from the table. Henry's eyes glancing over the untouched food in worry. In the background, the music could still be heard. Turn it off! Please!..
"Oh. Oh god! How do I start?"
Don't say anything! Let's just forget! However I was never that lucky.
"Well umm..Noah has-well had this back problem and Richelle thought she could help him. So ah..she invited him over to her house-"
Piper stopped for a moment. I'd liked to imagine that she was thinking about leaving out some of the details of that night and not telling him all that happened, but I was wrong.
"Richelle thought that she could fix him by umm ah...ugh don't get shocked. She thought she could fix him by giving him a massage. However umm what she didn't realise was that, her parents were coming home that night and well..well her dad found them in a rather comprising position on her bed.."
I listened as she mumbled the last part. But of course Henry still heard. After a few minutes a deep chuckle pierced through the air.
"Wait..wait! Haha. Are you telling me that...that...haha...Richelle and Noah got caught sleeping together? Haha! Wait! Is that where Noah got that bruise on his face? I knew he lied to me about it. Nothing gets past me!"
He exclaimed boisterously. Ugh Piper! Why did you do that?
"Oh stop it Henry! It's not that funny! This has really affected their friendship. Actually..I have an idea!"
What?..What does she mean?
"Henry. Go and find Noah and bring him here...now!"
No! No don't Henry! I don't want to see him right now. I try to blink ferociously to get there attention but my attempts are futile.
Asked Henry blankly. My vision had blurred now completely and was starting to water. I could barely make out Pipers small frame turned towards Henry, one hand pointing towards the door.
"Get Noah. He must know how to break them out of this stupid trance...hopefully.."
I need to wake up from whatever this is. I can't face Noah not after everything. It would be too awkward. Please please no!

I was going to do this super duper long chapter and finish this story completely..but then I thought you would probably enjoy it more if it was split up into two chapters. So here is the first one, the second should be up soon. This is the second to last chapter-maybe. I do like to ramble a lot 😵😔😂

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