Richelle's house

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Welcome back 🤓 right so this could be seen as a little mature, but that really depends on the reader. Please enjoy

First published 24th May 2016

Noah's PoV
I'm so thankful that Richelle decided not to tell anyone about my back, but honestly I'm a little nervous too. The one question that keeps running about my head is...why? Why keep my secret when I could be putting the team in jeopardy? Why oh why help a friend who hasn't been much of a friend? I did notice. I noticed how we grew apart. I noticed how I spent more time with A troupe than I did with her. Sometimes I wonder how much I hurt her. How many times I made her sad or how many times I could have made her cry. It breaks my heart.
      But that's why I'm here! I want to make it up to her. I want to be her friend again. I look down at my watch as it hits 7pm on the dot. Phew! Just in time. I walk quickly up the pathway to the door, knocking on it a few times. Oh how I've missed this place! I never used to be away from this house when I was younger, I practically lived here. Of course! That was before...well you know.
       As I wait for the door to open - although I don't feel like reminiscing - my mind wonders back to memories I had buried at the back of my brain. Me and Richelle, running around the house at the top of our lungs, finally falling asleep after watching a Disney movie on the couch. Eating so much candy that we would feel sick and then going out on the trampoline and actually being sick. (Yeah...don't do that! Like ever! It was so gross!) Playing enough hide and seek that we knew where the other one had hidden and could find them in a matter of seconds. Playing on the swings. Playing house-me the dad and Richelle the mum. Those were fun times! No one stopping us. Richelle's nanny would often be dead asleep on the sofa, oblivious to the world. Her parents were pretty easy going, however they did like to travel a lot, and with school and dance that often meant Richelle had to stay behind. She didn't care much. She was used to it! It was one of the many reasons why I always felt I had to disobey my curfew to stay with her, keep her company-even if it meant I had to go without pudding for a few days. Oh those were the days!
"Umm Noah?"
Huh, what? I quickly snap out of my thoughts. As my eyes begin once again to focus, I can't help but fix my gaze on the person in front of me. Wow! There stood in a t-shirt and high cut shorts was Richelle. Her dirty blonde hair was flung back into a messy pony at the top of her head. She rested one hand on the lock and the other on the other side of the door. What can I say? She...she looks...nope Noah! Can't think like that! I quickly gulp, hydrating my dry throat. Was my throat always this dry? I blink a few times.
I say hoarsely. She looks up at me with a confused expression before opening up the door wider. I get a better view of her outfit. Her white top...I gulp again. Is that her bra? The top was so see through that I could see the underline of her lacy bra underneath it. Oh god! I can't help but let my eyes wander down her body. Her tan legs look so smooth, I just want to tou-Noah stop! Do not let your inner boy hormones out! Things could turn very awkward if you do! That, plus it would be disrespectful to her. She doesn't deserve to have a stranger (that's what I feel I am to her now) even think about doing things to her body without consent, never mind actually going through with the act. Shit! She's bound to have noticed me looking at her. I quickly bring my gaze up to her face. Yep! She noticed! She stares at me with an amused expression, her eyes sparking with smugness. Oh great! This can't get any better!
"Why don't you come in Noah?"
She said with a smile, before slowly going behind the door and opening it further. Let's not make this any more awkward than it already is. I quickly race through the door and enter the welcoming home. The sweet smell of cinnamon hits me first. It invades my nose, leaving my mouth watering. I could recognise that smell from anywhere. Cookies. Not just any cookies...Richelle's cookies!
I turn around to her once more when I hear the door close with a bang. She waits at the door a few minutes-her back to me, giving me a good view of her b-oh great! There's those hormones again! Stop these thoughts Noah. Bury them deep. After a few minutes she turns around and stares at me. Okay! I will be the first one to admit it! I'm scared! Like really scared! She's buttering me up with cookies and then she is going to do something bad! I just know it! I nervously scratch the back of my head before uttering
"Umm...yo-you made cookies. I-I can smell them..."
I say nervously. She lets out a little laugh, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms sarcastically.
"Oh my gosh! I forgot how addicted you were to those things!"
She said with a giggle. Hey that's not fair! They're really good! I can't be blamed for being maybe a teeny eenie weenie bit addicted. The sweet smell is so inviting, and then the cookie. Oh god! The cookie tastes like heaven! It's like it's been blessed by every Angel. They're magical. I felt a little wet on my chin. Oh shit! I dribbled! Ugh. This is so embarrassing. Richelle giggled.
"That good huh?"
She said sarcastically. I leant my head down, staring at the floor.
"Shut up..."
I mumbled. Is she going to give me one or not! Is this why she called me around here? To torture me? Ugh. If so...that is so not cool. I quickly turned my head back to her.
"Are you going to give me one or not!"
I say bluntly. Her laughing stops as she turns to face me. She uncrosses her arms before starting to walk forward. Shit! What's she going to do? However she just keeps walking. She pushes past me and starts to walk up the stairs. Tauntingly slow.
"I'll give you a cookie...."
She said over head, not turning to face me. Although I don't know why because in the next second she swivels her head around.
"If you come upstairs...."
Upstairs? I gulp. Why up there? I mean I've been up there plenty of times before and the only room I could think we'd being going to is...her room.

Here you go guys the second chapter 😘 whoo hoo. Haha enjoy.

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