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A few hours later...
Riley's PoV
Ugh. Where is that boy? The one time I actually need him, I can't find him. It's not like he's hard to miss. I mean how could you...he's tall. Extremely tall. Actually now that I think about's Richelle going to cope with having to look up to him all the time? What about when they have to kiss? Poor Ritchie! Her neck is going to be so sore.
I yell into the corridor, leading to the B studio. I'm getting impatient! It's not like we have much time! I have something planned that took me all evening to prepare, so if he's not there in time I will personally kick him so far up his own ar-wait! Is that music I hear? The soft chimes of a piano hits my ears, filling them with a sweet sound. I didn't know anyone played the piano who went to the studio...who could it be? I quickly jogged down the softly lit corridor until I came to a stop at a slightly open door. I shouldn't open it...ill just have a peek through the gap. I placed a hand on the door knob and one on the wall beside it. Carefully leaning down on my knees I peeked through the open gap.
The first thing that came to my attention was the pure black piano sitting proudly in the middle of the floor. The lights overhead shone against it brightly, reflecting a single lone figure at the seat beneath it. The person had dark, short brown hair and a slight build. A guy then! Wait! Noah? Surely it has to be him. I elevated myself so I was up on my tippy toes and could see over the black piano.
Yep! It was Noah! With his eyes closed and fingers perfectly poised over the piano keys, he gently played a soft tune. It was beautiful. Eerie and haunting with so much emotion. It was like he was conveying his feelings through not the normal means of speaking but through a simple lullaby. I couldn't help but feel it too. Deep and down in my heart, his emotions; anger, despair, guilt, confusion....heartache. I wonder if he knew what his milled musings where doing to me? I couldn't help but close my eyes and just listen. Listen to each and every note until stopped. No! No it couldn't stop! I was enjoying that.
Crap! Quickly snapping my eyes open, I was surprised to realise that Noah had stopped his playing and was now crouched down beside the gap in the door, staring at me in confusion.
"Riley? What you doing down here?.."
He asked scratching the back of his head. I couldn't help but gulp. What was I doing again? Noah's music has made me forget. Oh yes! Richelle...
Snapping up from my tippy toes, I stood up straight and opened the door wide, revealing Noah's outfit to me. Good! Phew. For a minute I thought he would have been wearing his dance clothes but he was not. There he stood, dressed in a soft, grey long sleeved shirt and with a blue button up draped over it. He was also wearing black skinny jeans and blue converse. Oh yes! This will do perfectly.
"Riley! Ugh not again...what's up with you today?"
Asked Noah persistently, snapping his fingers in my face. Shit! Ugh I really need to stop day dreaming. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks start to heat up at the thought of being caught checking out Noah! Even though I had James I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. I heard Noah cough slightly to get my attention. Ugh again? Looking up towards him (when the hell did he get this tall?!) I gulped before licking my lips.
"I..I need you to follow me.."
I said hesitantly. He looked back at me with confusion.
He mumbled. Ugh I do not have the time to explain my plans to him. It would take ages and frankly I do not have that time to spare! I let out a groan before taking a hold of his upper arm and pulling him forward out of the B studio. He let out a gasp before jerking forward to keep in line with my walking.
He asked persistently, feeling slightly scared.
"Where are you taking me?.."
He questioned, following quietly behind me. Although he could stop us at any moment, I could tell he was intrigued. As my destination come into view, I couldn't help but mumble under my breath
"The music room.."

Noah's Pov
The music room? Why the bloody hell am I being dragged into the music room? I felt Riley's manicured nails dig deeper into my upper arm as we got closer and closer to the door. Honestly, what am I doing here? I don't want to be here! All I want to do is go back to my piano and drown all my thoughts in its sweet chords. My mind is in turmoil. So many thoughts and feelings are racing through it, that honestly...I need to escape. And music can take me to that sweet escape. Music is that only thing I've really focused on since that night at Richelle's. Not the trio competition. Not what I may have for dinner tonight. Just music...
    I feel Riley suddenly come to a halt, slightly inside the music room. She turns to me expectantly with a wide smile and fingers clutched. After a few moments she says something
"Well...what do you think?.."
She quickly extends a hand over the room, indicating for me to look. Oh god...what has she done now? As my eyes leave her happy face, I was suddenly blinded by a string of yellow. Shit! That is bright! I blink a few times to allow my eyes to get used to the strange new sensation. As they did so I looked warily around the room.
      Are you sure this is the music room? It can't be! For certain I don't remember there being a string of fairy lights roped around the upper ceiling. Nor the slight darkness of the usually bright music room. And I am definitely sure that we did not used to have flower petals scattered upon every surface.
"Noah...I think you are missing the main focus here..."
Says Riley, slightly annoyed. I turned to look at her confused. What does she mean? She cocked her eyebrow in disbelief before leaning up on her tippy toes and placing two hands on the side of my face. Riley? She then started to move my head until I was facing something in the middle of the room.
    Hey! How did I miss that? For there standing proudly in the middle of the dance floor was a worn old table. Two wooden chairs sat neatly opposite of each other, scattered underneath the old wooden top. Little decorations such as a white table cloth, plates, cutlery and a candle adorned the fairly small surface. However what caught my attention most was the figure, clothed in a white knee length dress and matching sandals. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Richelle... I actually enjoyed writing this chapter more than the last. So that is a good sign! Also you may be questioning why there is a piano in the B studio and not the music room (the most obvious place for it to be) but I wanted the Nochelle stuff to happen in the music room, as I feel it's there special room if ya know what I mean. Anyway..enjoy this chapter😊💕

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