Chapter 9

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"Every eligible maiden in the kingdom."

Isabella was walking next to Daisy and her friend Bradford towards the market. Isabella remembered when she first saw Arthur at the market almost a year ago. The three were laughing as they walked.

Once they reached the market, Isabella moved away from the others and watched them as they spoke. It was so obvious that they were in love. Giggling to herself she went to get some bread for lunch. The sound of horse shoes on gravel made her head turn to the sound. It reminded her about the first time she saw Arthur. She missed him so much.

The color red filled her sight and she knew immediately that it was either him or the Knights. She went behind one of the stands, trying not be noticed. Her breath caught as she saw the blonde hair that she became very familiar with. Arthur. She smiled softly. He looked absolutely breathtaking.

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There he was

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There he was. She couldn't find the courage to step forward so she stayed where she was. Daisy went to stand next to her. Arthur got off of his horse And walked to the middle of the market.

"I, Prince Arthur of Camelot, hearby invite all eligible maidens to my ball on Thursday night in the castle." Isabella gasped and blinked.

With the silence, Arthur seemed to hear the gasp and looked in the direction of the sound. His eyes widened when he saw Isabella.

She looked at him for a couple of seconds before turning around and walking away. She walked silently down the cobble path to a forest. She knew that someone was following her but she just left it alone. Not really caring at that moment.

She felt like she just needed to be alone for a while. She didn't look like the girl he thought she was. She didn't want to talk to anyone. But it seemed like the time had come even if she didn't want it to. She knew who was behind her but she didn't want to face him.

She was no longer a person of importance, she was simply a maid. That's all she'll be.

A/N: Thank you to all the readers. Over 200 views that's amazing. Thank you so much for reading. And sorry for the late update.

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