Chapter Thirty-Two

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Beth took a step back and looked at Lilith, her heart pounding in her ears and her throat running dry. She had known they were going to come face to face eventually, but she never thought it would be on her terms. Beth thought that it was going to be the Rogues or the demons that brought her to Lilith, but she was wrong. This was happening on her terms, and she needed to make it count, even if it killed her. 

The room fell silent, as everyone waited for Beth to reply, to make her move, anything, but she remained silent. Beth looked Lilith up and down and took in her Mundane appearance. Lilith had disguised herself as a Mundane in case somewhere to enter and see her true form. This didn't bother Beth, but it was a lot harder to find a weakness when you aren't looking upon the true form of a person. Especially if they were a Greater demon. 

"You knew it was going to happen eventually, though, didn't you?" Beth asked, stepping slightly to the side and close to the Rune that had been drawn on the wall. 

"I did, indeed. You see, Bethany, no one can avoid me forever, but some people are a lot harder to convince than others. It has taken murder and destruction to convince you to join us and yet Jonathan joined because of his father. I am surprised you did not join our ranks sooner," Lilith said. 

"I didn't join you because I didn't know. No one told me I had demon blood within me. It took your Rogues for them to finally tell me something I should have known since the day I was born. Had I been brought up by someone like Valentine, I may be more prepared to fight this fight against the Clave and all Shadowhunters."

As she spoke, Beth slowly headed towards the Rune but tried to do so inconspicuously. She didn't want Lilith to know what she was doing because the entire plan would have been thrown out the window and they would have been left with nothing. There was no way they could fight Lilith with nothing but the occasional weapon  as they didn't have the power they needed. They needed the Rune, but it became a waiting game as to how long it took Beth to reach it, and if she was noticed. 

"Well, I look forward to having someone of your calibre on our side. Maybe you will do a better job than Jonathan, who, by the looks of it, has switched sides," Lilith replied, cocking her head to the side and looking at Jonathan.

Jonathan gulped and took a step back, his thigh hitting the corner of the table as he did. He knew she wasn't going to leave him alone once she noticed he was there Jonathan had to hope that Beth would reach the Rune soon and  put an end to the taunting she was known for. 

"I didn't ask you here so we could talk about Jonathan and the mess he made all those years ago when he failed to take down the Clave," Beth said, looking over her shoulder at Jonathan and flashing him her black eyes. 

"Very true," Lilith nodded, directing her attention away from Jonathan and towards Beth. 

The others stood at the sides of the room, watching in both confusion and awe as Beth spoke to Lilith so eloquently, with the right words and knowing just how to get inside her head. None of them knew that Beth's plan was to convince Lilith she was on her side, all the knew was how it was going to end. Seeing Beth act like this reminded Clary all too much of how she acted towards Jonathan before she violently killed him that day in Edom. 

Jonathan appeared to have the same thought as he turned to look at Clary, surprised to his sister looking at him curiously. For him, this scene was all too familiar and it was one that he wasn't likely to forget in a hurry. This time, however, he knew it would only affect him if Beth were to die. This time, he was not going to be the victim. 

"Now that I had joined your ranks, I want you to call of your Rogues. Stop the killing on Mundanes. Our war does not lie with them," Beth said to Lilith. 

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