Part One- The Beginning

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Flare's POV 

I pushed my way through the crowd towards the Three Broomsticks, closely being followed by my two best friends, Nikki and Selena.

"It has to cold, doesn't it?" Selena complained softly as we sat down. She took off her toque, showering her shoulders with perfect curly blonde hair. Her green eyes narrowed at me. "No comment from you?"

Nikki shook her head, wavy brown hair flying. Her own green eyes were playful. "Be happy Sel that Flare's not upset about Krum anymore."

"I wasn't upset about Krum not noticing me!" I snapped, my ice blue eyes flashing dangerously. "I was upset that I didn't get to go visit the Bur- go visit Dad."

I grimaced at myself for my mishap. The Burrow was the Weasley's home and the one place that my godfather/uncle Remus Lupin would allow me to go without my twin brother. But we were busy all summer and I wasn't able to go this year, causing me to be stuck with Scorpius everyday.

Nikki said nothing, noticing my mishap. Her eyes flicked over to a few tables away and smiled. "Well, look who's here today."

Selena looked up and stared, staring to smile wickedly. "My Godric, he's lovely this year." 

"If you're talking about Scorp, please, he's as ugly as a baboon's backside." I snorted, ignoring the girls. Sure, my brother had his perks, but I hated his protectiveness of me. He almost sent Cedric running last year, but I ended it on the train ride home.

"Three Butterbeers please." Nikki said to the bartender. She turned to me as she walked away. "No, your admirer from last year."

I wiped my head around so quickly that my straight hair could have cut through ice. My eyes landed on three boys, a fairly handsome dark haired one and two identical gingers. A single growl rose in my throat and I pushed it down with a swallow.

"They are only Gryffindor's Nichole." I said coldly. One of the gingers looked up at me, his dark brown eyes capturing eyes. A soft gasp escaped from me as we sat their staring at each other, getting lost in each others eyes.

I got this tingling feeling inside of me. And, it was nothing I had felt before. And, as I continued to stare at him, I enjoyed that feeling.

"Hello? Flare Bear, I asked you a question."

"Huh, what?" I wiped back around, eyes unfocused. The ginger's eyes were still staring at me.

Selena snorted. "I said that you were right because Gryffindor's and Slytherin's just don't mix. Then I asked if that was George or Fred looking over at you since I can't tell them apart."

Nikki nudged me, eyes knowing. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, sending a black curtain across my face to hid me from the ginger's eyes. "Yeah, I-I just need a drink."

"Flare Bear likes the ginger." Selena said disapprovingly. She leaned forward and hissed. "You like a Gryffindor. We all know that can't happen."

Our Butterbeers were placed on our table with a loud slam. Selena gave me another disapproving glare before leaning back, sipping at her drink.

"Doesn't it matter who she likes?" Nikki retorted hotly. I shot her a grateful look. "Just because she stares at the same guy who has been mooning over her most of last year, does not mean that our Flare Bear's in love."

"Maybe our Flare Bear's changed." Selena snapped back.

I spat harshly at her. "I don't like the ginger, I don't like Krum, I don't like anyone! Get that through your skull because I am going to be unmarried, have no children and live alone for the rest of my life!" 

There was a pause then we all started to laugh. Everyone around us stared in amazement as we laughed loudly.

"Oi, Flare, your ginger is looking at you again." Nikki whispered softly as we leaned forward at the same time. "I think his name is George."

I leaned back, pretending to laugh still and peered around. Sure enough, the ginger was still staring at me. 

His friend yelled loudly. "George! Let's go!"

George looked behind him where his brother and friend were waiting for him. Slowly, he got up and made his way over, but not before he threw me a look.

I blinked at him, sizing him up like I do to everyone, friend and enemy. Tall, handsome, muscular yet lean. Long legged, probably good for running. Easy going posture, laid back attitude. Eyes so dark brown that they actually reminded me of melted chocolate, that somehow got me lost every time we made eye contact. 

He saw me looking at him and he smiled at me. Slowly, I smiled back, hiding it from Selena.

"Looks like I found my match Nikki." I breathed softly.

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