Part Twenty Nine- Lost

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Draco's POV

I stared at Blaise and Nikki with wide eyes. "I can't go. You bloody well know that. My mother-" My own voice was caught in my throat. After everything my father put us through, my mother was there to ease the pain.

"Draco, think about this for a moment. We'll be safe for once. No one to rule over us." Blaise countered back gently. "Flare said the words."

"Saying and meaning are separate things." I shook my head. "And what about George?"

Nikki stepped forward and handed a small bundle to Blaise. She was still weak from before when their son, Polaris, was born. "Flare's life is more than a pretty face and power. She's more than that."

I said sourly. "She deserves better than this!" I pointed vaguely to myself. "I'm a two timing coward. She doesn't know about Greengrass. Nor will she at this rate."

Blaise sighed and said nothing as Nikki sat down. Astoria Greengrass wasn't the best thing to talk about. In fact Greengrass was my wife to be according to my father and her father. Stupid, revolting arranged marriages.

There was a sudden pop! as Flare appeared. Her eyes landed on me for a moment, grief clouding her blue eyes to grey before she guarded them again. She nodded her head to me yet said nothing.

I was shocked. For the first time I was completely speechless towards her. Was Flare regretting everything? Almost like I was?

"Flare!" Nikki screeched with glee. She stood up and hurled herself at her friend. I watched as Flare caught her and hugged her back.

"Nikki. Good to see you again." She said. They pulled away and Blaise handed her Polaris. Shock registered on her face as she looked for him to Nikki and back to Blaise.

Blaise wrapped his arms around Nikki. "His name is Polaris."

I turned away, bitterly. I hated them for it. They had a young, working family. My family was far from it.

"Draco, why don't you come over here?" Nikki asked softly. I looked up to find her now beside me. "Come along." She held out a hand for me. Quickly I glanced over at Flare bouncing the little bundle of joy in her arms. A soft smile had crossed over her face as she gazed down at the child.

Nikki smiled at me and winked, grabbing my hand gently and pulling me up. I followed her until I was right beside Flare. Flare looked up at me with glowing eyes.

"Have you held him yet?" She asked me softly. I shook my head. "Hold out your arms then."

I did so, clumsily and hesitantly. She dropped Polaris into my arms.

He was sleeping soundly. I stared at the child as he nestled right against my body. Like Flare had done, I began to bounce him gently. Flare leaned against my arm, watching the small bundle while humming to herself.

I glanced over at her with the slight turn of my head. She put her head against my shoulder as she gently pushed the blanket out of his face.

"You would be a great father one day." She whispered to me. I gave her a small smile as she continued. "You'll have a little house to go with your perfect little family when all this hell is over and done with."

Nikki came back over with Blaise and took the child from my arms. Flare pushed away from me so she could see her friend more clearly.

"The cottage?" Nikki asked.

"I'll be along soon. It's important for you to go ahead of me so Polaris can get settled." Flare said softly.

I turned away from the couple as they Apparated too the cottage. To hell with hiding; being caged sucked as it did.

"Drake, I must go." Flare's voice was just a whispered. "Come with me."

"I can't be caged anymore than I am now." I started to pace.

She sighed. "Many of us have destinies before us that even the wisest cannot explain, but there are some people who are lucky enough to get a chance to decide their own future. You are one of those some."

I stopped. "What have you seen?"

"Great damage, terrible murders and a peaceful ending." Flare's eyes glazed over as misery entered her voice. "You come with me, you get out of your arranged marriage, save a few lives that your choices will kill and we might be able to stay together. You leave and go back, hell itself will unravel at your feet and no matter which way you turn, Death will stalk your footsteps."

"Might." I said drily. "We might be able to stay together. Might. I need to be certain before I agree because there is no point of me coming if I can't be with you."


"Of course! George! George must be involved in this! He must be! Have you told him yet? Hmm? Have to told him how you curled up in my arms at night while you fell asleep? Have you told him that you told me that you loved me?" I took a few steps back. "You lied to me, didn't you?"

She stepped forward then stopped herself. "No, I mean, I don't know. Everything at this moment is confusing."

I fisted my hands into a ball and hissed. "Confusing?!"

"Confusing!" She spat back as she closed the distances between us and shoved me back another pace. "I love you. I love George. I cheated on him with you. I couldn't any look at his brother, Draco, and you expect me not to be confused? Bloody hell, I betrayed everyone that I have ever cared about to Him!"

I froze up as my eyes narrowed up. "Glad to know."

She stopped, wide eyed at me. "That came out wrong. By us being together will be used against you. You know that-"

"Stop. Just stop. I'm glad to know where you actually are in all of this. I just want to say one last thing to you: screw you." I snarled my words together. Anger and frustration engulfed me so much I began to hate her. After everything that had happened with this war, after everything that had happened between us, Flare finally showed her true side. She used me.

I walked away from her. Just, turned my back on her and her falseness, and walked. I was my own man; she didn't have control over me.

"Fine! Believe that bullshit! George will be ten times the father you will ever be!"

I began to run. I ran like I never had before. I felt free.

"What do we have hear?"

Smack! Someone clotheslined me and I hit the ground. With a groan, I rolled over and glared up. My heart froze as I recognized my own father. Not only was I completely lost in a forest I barely knew, I was also in shit.

Dad looked at me. "Well, Draco, care to tell us why you are out here, or should Crabb just zap it out?"

I glanced around. Yep, of course. No way out.

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