Part Eighteen- Truth or Dare

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George's POV

I rubbed my hands together as the last customer left the shop. "Oi, Freddie! You ready to go to the Burrow?" I yelled up the stairs.

It was Christmas Eve, snow gently falling outside and just cold enough to wear a thick sweater. Oh, and to eat one of Mum's great home cooked meals!

"One second Georgie!" Came the muffled reply.

The door opened and shut quickly and I sighed. "Shop's closed for the night. It won't be open until the 27th."

"All good. I'm only here to see my boyfriend. Have you seen him?" Flare popped up behind a stack of cauldrons with a half smile. "Unless, he wants me to come back on the 27th, that is."

I gave her a smile. "Come here you."

She walked into my arms and hugged me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. How's school?"

Flare wiggled out of my arms and stared at me. She looked must older than she really was. There were dark circles under her eyes and her mouth was in a thin line. "Fine."

A clipped response from a tired, over stressed girl. "What happened?"

"Wait until we get to the Burrow." Was her reply. "Your Dad needs to know too."

I grimaced. The ONLY time I grimace was when she was being like this: secretive, stubborn and not fun. Which was most of the time.

She saw my look and smacked my chest gently. "Order stuff, alright? Plus I feel guilty for dating him when you're here."

"Don't be." I gave her a swift kiss on the cheek. "You are just following orders." I let her go and turned around to hide my disappointment. A box was crooked, so I fixed it. "Besides, who else would have gotten the information?"

"He won't tell me George."

I spun around and narrowed my eyes. "Oh?"

"He won't tell me because..." She trailed off, looking quite awkward. Flare rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, he erm, still has feelings for me that I once returned but I, umm, hid it and replaced it with anger?"

"Let me get this straight." I had my hand gripping the shelf tightly behind me. "YOU liked Malfoy? And he liked you?"

"I did and he does." She confirmed. "He's protecting me."

The shelf broke behind me, sending the boxes and joke supplies everywhere. A shave of plastic cut the palm of my hand but I was too angry and shocked to notice. "Protecting you? That, I believe, is my job."

Flare flushed madly. "George, believe me, I've talked to him. And there's something else."

I growled. "What?"

"He's protecting me from-"

"Hey Flare! Happy Christmas!" Fred came bounding down the stairs with a huge smile on his face.

She hesitated slightly. "Happy Christmas Fred."

He swooped down and kissed her cheek. "Georgie won't stop talking about you, you know."

"Fred." I growled.

Flare smiled weakly. "Yeah, so I've heard. Listen, Freddie, can I talk to George for a moment alone?" I glanced at her. What is she playing at?

Fred smiled. "'Course you can!" He beamed as he walked towards the fireplace. "Just hurry cause Mum'll worry."

He disappeared quickly and I turned back to Flare.

She sighed and grabbed my hands. "George, they are trying to recruit me."

"What!" I gasped. "How do you know?"

"Draco. We had a talk, and he knows that I love you and not him. He knows that I would rather die then let harm come to you. So, since the Order wants to know what's up, he told me a few things, in exchange for pretending to be one of them."

It took a minute to register what her words meant. "Flare.."

She looked away. "We're pretending to date, making it look like I'm one of THEM. He wants me on their side more than anything in this world other than Harry died and I am trying to figure out why."

"Flare, no, you can't!" I pulled away slightly. "You need to be-"

"Safe. I know. I am as long as Draco doesn't slip up." She whispered.

I looked at her in horror. "Honey, I can't just sit by and let you do this. If anything I'm going to-"

She cut me off again. "Stay with the Order and trust me."


"But nothing." She sighed heavily. I reached out and caressed her cheek gently. I hated to put her in a tough spot like this.

"Ok. But if he makes one move on you.."

She smiled at that. "I'll gut him like a rat."

I smiled. "That's my girl."

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