Part Four- The Date?

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George's POV 

I shook my head. "No, Fred, just no. Not here. What if her boyfriend's watching?" 

The Great Hall had maybe twenty people in it now that dinner was done and Fred of course comes up with this great idea to ask Flare to the ball. 

"Then ask her to go with you somewhere else and then ask her." Fred sat down beside Lee Jordan, who was playing a game of Wizard's Chess with Ron. 

Ron looked up. "George is asking who to the dance?" 

"Shut up." Fred and I chorused as I turned back towards my twin. "Why can't she ask me?" 

"She's a girl Georgie!" Fred exclaimed dramatically. "Just go ask her!" 

I scowled slightly and stood up. "Fine." 

Slowly, I made my way over to the Slytherin table, my eyes peeled for Flare's boyfriend. Silently I slid down beside her, where she was working on her Charms homework. 

"Oi, Flare!" I hissed softly. 

She half turned towards me before looking back at her work. "Yes George?" 

My heart quickened. "Do you have a date for the dance yet?" 

She threw Nikki a look, who was laughing with a boy further down the table before she answered me. "No. I don't think I'm going." 

"What! You have too! A beautiful girl like you can't miss something like that!" The words just slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. Instantly, I flushed madly. 

Flare stopped and turned to me, eyes sad. "Thank you for the complement George, but are you aware of that I'm the daughter of Sirius Black? That I am not what I seem to be?" 

I shrugged. "So? You and me are going to the ball together so dress decently." 

"Who says I'm going with you?" Flare narrowed her eyes to thin slits.  

"Me." I said firmly, refusing to back down. "Come on Flare. It'll be fun." 

She hesitated for a few moments, thinking. "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt." 

I could have jumped for joy. "Great!" 

"But, only if you help me with my homework tomorrow night in the Room of Requirement." 

I gaped at her. "What." 

She nodded stiffly. "Help me and I'll go with you to the ball. Deal?" 

This time I narrowed my eyes. "Or?" 

"Or I'll just not go." She said simply, turning away from me. I growled deep in my throat. 

"Fine. Tomorrow night. 7 pm. Done." 

Flare smiled at me, closing up her books. "Good." 

Good!? Just good!?!? We got up at the same time and stared at each other. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then." She smiled gently as she stood on her tiptoes. Her lips gently brushed my cheek and my heart skipped a beat. 

Flare pulled away and walked past me like nothing ever happened. I turned around, trying to see if she meant it or not, but all I could see was the back of her head. 

I blinked over at Fred, who was watching with his mouth wide open. Slowly, I began to grin.  

"Oi, Freddie! Shall we celebrate?" I called loudly. 

Flare looked behind her at me and I saw the smile that crossed her face. From that point on, I knew that was the smile I always wanted to see.

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