Part 3

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[Rue's POV]

"Cool, right?" I grinned at them. They nodded.

Just then, I heard a car come up behind us. Seriously? How many people are gonna arrive here in one day? I turned around to see who it was. My mouth visibly dropped when I saw who.

"Shit" I said, as two figures got out of the car. I didn't know one, some Pandoran dude with a nose ring, but boy oh boy did I know the other. There were also some guards. Rhys turned around and saw the two men.

"Wallethead." I said.

"Vasquez." Rhys said at the same time. "Wait, what did you say?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"Uh- nothing" I said quickly. 

"Listen, Rue, I gotta talk to you-" Rhys started to say before I interrupted him.

"Not now, Rhys."

"No, it's important-" I cut Rhys off again

"Rhys, shut up." I hissed as I saw Wallethead, or Vasquez, as he's known, walking over to us. 

Shit. He noticed me. He walked over to me, with a grin on his face. Oh yeah, he definitely recognised me. I really hoped he wouldn't be too much of a dick to me, I mean I wasn't that mean to him on Helios. It was mainly Jack... And he still thought Jack was awesome after he used to punch him everyday, so there was hope.

"Well well well" Vasquez said, grinning at me. "If it isn't Jack's piece of ass." He then proceeded to slap my arse hard, causing me to elbow him in the stomach.

You think you can just do that to her and not face the consequences? Dick.

What? I wasn't just going to let him to that to me...

Vasquez's guards immediately pointed their guns at me, as I glared at them, crossing my arms. 

"No no, it's cool, it's cool" Vasquez waved his guards to put the weapons down and he smiled at me, holding his stomach. "It was always the same, back on Helios."

"You were on Helios?" Fiona asked in shock.

"And what did he mean by 'Jack's piece of ass?'" Asked Sasha. "Did you know Jack?" 

"Um..." I spoke, unsure of what to say. They were getting dangerously close to the truth.

Why is she denying it? Of course she knows me, I'm her boyfriend!

"Did she know Jack?" Vasquez said. "Of course she knew Jack, she was his girlfriend!" He laughed. "Whenever they saw me, they always did this thing where they would hit me, Jack in the face, Rue in the stomach. Good times."

"Rue?" Fiona asked, whilst Sasha raised her gun at me. I put my hands up. 

"How could you?" Yelled Sasha. "Have you seen what he did to Pandora? He's a psychopath!" 

Hey, don't you touch her! Or I'll! I'll...

"I love him." I spoke simply. "I miss him." I felt a lump in my throat. I really did miss him, more than anything. 

I love you too, pumpkin.

"You love him?!" Yelled Sasha. "You mean you still do?" 

"Yes." I spoke simply. I could see Sasha getting angry.

"You know, I'm tempted just to shoot you now, you traitor."

"Go on then," I said simply. My life was down the drain anyway. "Do it. I have nothing. Nothing to live for. My life is shit. Ever since Jack died... well... my life's been worthless." I looked at the floor biting my lip. Fiona looked almost sorry for me.

Don't, cupcake. You're better than this. I believe in you. I love you.

What? I'm not crying... it's... it's all in your head, kiddo.

Sasha still looked unconvinced, and shook her gun in my face again.

"If you're trying to make me feel sorry for you, it's not working."

"Sasha, don't." Spoke Rhys, standing in front of me. I was surprised. He was protecting me? Why did he care? He barely even knew me. "She's trying to help us." He added. Sasha grunted, putting away her gun.

"Now, since all that is over," Vasquez spoke, putting his arm around me.

Seriously, I really wanna strangle this guy. Soon as I'm dead, he goes behind my back, trying to get my girl... Really, really wanna kill him. 

"You're coming with us."

"Get off me." I spoke harshly. I wasn't in the mood for his bullshit. I balled up my fists and glared at him. He quickly took his arm off me.

Take that, dickhead. She'd never stand an asshole like you.

I felt a gun point into my spine as we all walked forward, Sasha keeping a close eye on me. I saw Rhys give me a nervous smile. 'Thank you' I mouthed at him, giving a smile back. Rhys put his thumb up at me. 

When we reached the inside of the facility, Vasquez took Rhys down one corridor with what I think was a Gortys core. Man, I'd never seen one before, but I'd heard Jack talk about it. Nose ring boy, also known as August, took Fiona down another corridor with another Gortys piece. Which left me with Vaughn and Sasha, who still didn't trust me. Oh yeah, and a bunch of guards. Vaughn came over to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, looking concerned. I sighed.

"I've been better... Although not for a long time..." He gave me a sympathetic smile. "At least this is a change from my boring life," I added. "You guys- most of you guys-" I looked at Sasha, "have really nice to me. Which... I really appreciate. No one's been nice to me in a while."

"Well, you're welcome" Vaughn grinned.

A little while later, August and Vasquez came rushing in. 

"What's happened?" Asked Sasha. We looked out of the window to see Fiona and Rhys on a platform, holding some kind of ball.

"Is that...?" I asked, confused.

"It's the Gortys Project" Vasquez explained. "I swear to god, they better hand it over, or... or..." He looked around, not knowing what to say. Then he looked at me. He looked me up and down. I glared at him, crossing my arms.

"Try something." He goaded. "My guards will only shoot you."

He then walked over to me, wrapping his hands around my waist, and moving the both of us towards the window, so Rhys and Fiona could see.

"What are you doing?" I asked, angrily. He bit his lip.

"Something I've wanted to do for a long, long time."

He then forced his lips onto mine, attempting to shove his tongue in my mouth. I clamped my jaw shut so he couldn't. What the fuck was he doing? I looked to see his guards, looking shocked, but still pointing their guns at me. So what if they shot me? I couldn't take this any longer. He had crossed the line. I backed away, pushing him away from me, and taking my gun out and pointing it at him.

"You're gonna regret that." Vasquez spoke, pulling out a gun whilst his guards were still pointing their guns at me. Ah. Shit.

Wha.. Did he just KISS my cupcake? What a- I'm gonna... WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO?!

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