Part 13

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"Vaughn!" Rhys yelled, turning around and running to hug him. I couldn't believe it. After all this time, Vaughn was back. We didn't know if we would ever see him again. 

"Vaughn!" Sasha, Fiona and I chorused, running over to him and engulfing him in a group hug. Gortys and Loader Bot also joined in. Jack just stood at the side, rolling his eyes.

"It's good to see you too, guys," Vaughn smiled warmly as we broke the hug. He looked different now. He was dressed differently, more Pandoran, and had a beard and a bun. 

"Come on, we gotta get a move on," Jack spoke, breaking the moment. Vaughn turned to look at him, his mouth open in shock.

"Handsome Jack...?" 

"Yeah it's me, your hero kiddo, try not to piss yourself."

"How...?" Vaughn was struggling to get the words out.

"It's a long story," Rhys explained, keen not to go into the details.

"Yeah, we found this revival machine thing on Helios and managed to bring him back," I summed up, not wanting to mention the part about him being in the minds of Rhys and I, despite the fact that Vaughn knew about Jack being an AI, the others didn't, and I didn't want to start some big commotion about it.

"I'll tell you later," I could hear Rhys say under his breath to Vaughn.

"Must be nice to have him back, eh Rue?" Vaughn asked, elbowing me.

"Uhhh, yeah," I spoke slowly, feeling awkward about the fact that I was cross at Jack right now, "so anyway, we should get going!" I suddenly spoke. 

"Yeah, we got a vault to open!" Sasha exclaimed, grinning happily. I saw Rhys watching her, smiling slightly. I guess he really did like her after all.

"Oh yeah, the vault!" Vaughn exclaimed happily. "Glad I didn't miss out on that one."

We began to walk again, this time Jack was leading the way. I glared at his back, still angry with him.

"What's up with you and Jack?" I hadn't noticed Vaughn come up next to me. I sighed. I'd been sighing a lot lately, I'd noticed.

"We're in a fight," I replied, "quite a big one."


"He's being such a dick, I was just standing up for Rhys, who is my FRIEND," I exaggerated the 'friend' part, hoping Jack would get the message, "when Jack starts getting all jealous and protective and he's just- ugh!- so annoying sometimes!" 

"He'll get over it," Vaughn responded to my rant, smiling sympathetically. 

"That's the thing," I spoke, quieter this time, "I don't feel like he will. Or not at least so easily. We've had fights before, but this just feels..."My voice faded.

"No, I'm sure it'll be fine," Vaughn spoke confidently, "you guys should talk." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Talk?" I looked at Jack's back, walking in front of me. "I don't actually want to right now. I'm annoyed at him. He's always picking these stupid fights with me over nothing, and I don't want to be the one to have to apologise every time and pick up the pieces. Fuck it, leave it to him." 

"I just... I hope you guys will get on soon," Vaughn spoke, "from what I heard on Hyperion, you guys were a really close couple and seemed really good together. Plus," he added, "you guys kinda need to get on for this to work. This whole vault thing."

"I know," I sighed, "and I will talk to him. Probably. Just... not now." Vaughn nodded, knowing this was the best he'd get out of me.


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