Part 15

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[Still Rhys' POV]

Jack led us, like a funeral procession, towards the vault. Actually wait, I don't want to say 'funeral procession'. I don't want it to turn into a funeral procession. I really, really hope it doesn't.

We didn't say another word until we got close to the vault, when we started to see objects lying around. Rare objects. There were rare guns, and shields, and items. I could see Sasha eyeing one gun in particular.

"Go and get it," I whispered to her. I don't know why, it didn't feel suitable to talk.

"I want to," she replied, also in a whisper, "but I feel like that would be disrespectful. Like I didn't care about Rue."

"She would want you to," I re-assured her, smiling. Sasha looked at me one last time, before sneaking off to the side and grabbing the gun.

"Woah" I could hear her say as she ran her hands across it. Vaughn had also gone over, and picked up a shield, since 'he got shot at the most'. Athena also went over to have a look, followed by Gortys and Loader Bot. By this time, Jack had noticed, and turned around to face them.

"Do you want me to-" I started to say, before Jack interrupted me.

"No. It's... it's fine, I'll go by myself." He started to walk towards the vault, still carrying Rue in his arms.

"You know," Fiona started to say to me as we watched everyone grabbing what they could carry, "I kinda wanted to go into the vault. I feel like we've earned it." She sighed. "I know Jack needs to save Rue, or try and save her, and that's important, but we've come so far, we've been shot at so many times just to get here, I feel like we deserve at least one tiny peek."

"I... actually agree with you," I replied, looking over to her.

"For once," she grinned at me. I smiled back.

"I have done things I never thought that I would do, just for this vault. I'm not giving up now, when we are closer than ever." Fiona nodded. "I'm going to go in after Jack," I decided, "he likes me, we get on, and I need to see inside. Once I've confirmed that he's not going to get mad at me, and do something violent because of it, then I'll let you know, and you can come in as well."

"Promise you'll let me know?"


"Good, 'cos you know I'd have to kill you for it." I think she was joking. I'm not entirely sure, knowing her.

I started to walk to the vault, as Fiona went over to the others to see what treasure was lying around. I soon reached the entrance, bathed in a purple-y glow. I stepped in tentatively; I had no idea what was on the other side. And I didn't want Jack to get mad that I'd come in as well, despite him telling me not to. Technically he was still my boss. When I entered the vault, the sight before me was indescribable. There were rocks as steps, leading you towards the opening of the actual vault itself, all surrounded by this mystic purple. Then I noticed something else. It was Jack, with Rue.

Jack was facing the other direction, so he hadn't noticed me yet. He was crouching over Rue, who was lying on the floor, still unconscious. So the whole 'the vault will heal her' thing didn't work after all. Shit. What where we going to do now. As I stepped forward, I saw Jack sit up, hearing my footsteps although I was trying to stay quiet. He whipped around and looked at me.

"What are you doing here, Rhysie?"

"" I started to stammer, "I wanted to see the vault."

"Well, you've seen it, happy?" Jack spoke. He sighed, standing up to looked at me. "I don't know what to do, Rhys." He looked broken. He looked like a broken man. We thought the vault would've helped her, would've saved her, but it hadn't. So what now?

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