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It took us 5 days to get to Jerusalem. Nico didn't say much, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. Umar talked about Altair, I could tell that he really loved his son. It made me think of Jupiter, how I wished that he would show me some kind of affection. But all I seemed to do is disappoint him.
I sighed in relief when we finally got to Jerusalem. It was a big city with people coming and going from the front gates. There were guards standing beside the gateway, watching everyone that walked inside.
"We will have to sneak our way in." Umar said, watching the guards search someone.
"You can't do this!" The man yelled.
"Shut up!" A guard growled, hitting the man.
"We'll meet you inside." Nico said, heading for the far side of the wall.
"Very well." Umar said, blending into a group of monks.
I ran after Nico, who was heading for a shadow beside the wall away from people.
"Dude, what are you doing?" I asked, coming to a stop beside him.
"Shadow traveling inside." He said, grabbing my arm.
"Wow wait!" I shouted, pulling away from him.
"Jason, come on." He hissed.
"I don't do shadow travel." I said, backing away from him.
"Fine, you can fly then." He said before vanishing into the shadows.
I glared at where he had been before I looked around, making sure I was alone. When I didn't see anyone I slowly rose up and flew over the wall, landing on a roof so that the people on the ground would see me and freak out about seeing a flying man, better safe the sorry, I wasn't sure how the mist works in the past. But know I was stuck on the roof with no way down, sighing I walked to the edge and looked down, lucky there was a ladder in front of me. Grinning I climbed down before walking in the direction of the front gate where Nico and Umar would be waiting for me.
"Jason." Someone hissed, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a dark ally. I flicked my wrist, and my hidden blade shot into my hand. Spinning around I brought the blade to the person's throat.
"Wow! Easy there Jason!" Nico yelped when the blade touched his throat.
"Damn it, Nico! I could have killed you." I hissed, putting my hidden blade away.
"Who else would call your name?" He asked, rubbing his throat.
"Templars." I said, walking out of the ally to look for Umar.
"Looking for me?" Someone said right behind, causing me to jump and spin around.
"Hades! What is it with people and sneaking up on me?" I asked, glaring at Nico and Umar, who were both laughing.
"Come, the stall I want is this way." Umar said, walking in what seemed a random direction.
"So what are you getting for Altair?" I asked.
"His very first sword." Umar said, smiling.
"Isn't he a bit young." Nico said.
"I was about his age when I got my first sword." I said.
"As was I. My family comes from a long line of Assassins." Umar said before walking up to a merchant with weapons all around him.
"What can I do for you?" He asked.
"I would like to buy sword for my son." Umar said, picking up a large sword.
"Maybe something smaller." I suggested.
"Yeah, how about this one." Nico said, holding a dagger that looked very familiar. It wasn't that long but it had a curved blade with a large hilt. I took it from Nico examining it. My eyes widened when I realized where I had seen it before, on Altair's back. I had seen him use it in battle.
"Yes, I think he'll like it." I said, handing it to Umar, who looked at it.
"This one it is then." He said, looking at the merchant.
"That will be $2000." He said.
Umar sighed, handing the merchant the money and taking the sword, putting it in his belt.
We began to head for the city gates when there was a commotion a head of us. I looked at Nico confused before heading in that direction.
When I rounded the building in front of us I stopped short, there was a group of soldiers surrounding a young woman.
"Hand it over, thief!" A guard growled.
"I am no thief. Please I did not take anything." The woman pleaded.
"Liar!" Another guard hissed, slapping her. With a cry she fell to the ground.
A group of people were standing by and watching as the guards proceeded to beat the woman.
I stepped forward to help her when Nico grabbed my arm.
"We have to help her." I said, trying to pull free.
"Jason is right. We can not let them beat her to death." Umar said, flicking his wrist and stepping forward, behind one of the guards and ramming it into the guards back.
"Seriously!" Nico hissed, pulling out his sword and stepping forward.
I sent a silent prayer to my father as I pulled out my sword as a guard came towards me.
He growled, lunging at me. I dodged our of the way, swinging my sword as he passed me cutting him across his stomach with a cry he fell to the ground. I looked over at Umar and Nico. Umar was fighting two guards and Nico was fighting only one with another dead at his feet. I ran over to Umar to help him with the guards, stepping up behind one I ran him through with my sword as Umar slashed the other's throat. Nico came up to us, the guard he had been fighting lay dead on the ground.
Umar walked up to the woman, helping her up. "Are you alright?"
"Yes. Thank you." She said.
"Um guys." I said as I spotted a group of guards coming towards us.
"Scatter! We'll meet outside the city." Umar said.
Nico and I nodded, bolting out of the courtyard in opposite directions. I hope we survive this. I ran into an alley before flying up to land on the roof and running across the roofs I tried to get to the gates with out being spotted. I was almost to the gate when a cry went out and an arrow shot past my face. I jumped back and looked around. An archer stood on the roof across from me with a cocky smirk as he notched another arrow. I grabbed a throwing knife and threw it at him with a cry he fell off the roof. He was soon replaced by another archer wearing a black cloak and his aim was a lot better then the last one. He managed to hit my shoulder, growling I threw a smoke bomb at him. I hissed, holding my arm. Looking around I headed for the nearest ladder I could find and climbed down. I leaned against the wall, grasping the arrow and broke it in half. My vision was staring to get blurry I don't know how long I could stay conscious.
"Jason!" I heard someone as I fell over.
A/N I hope you guys like the new update. I'll try to update again as soon as I can.

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