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A/N Please listen to the song as you read this.
It's been 8 days since Nico left to go and find Altair. Ash has been impatient ever since he left, he wants to go out and find Percy, not wanting to accept the fact that Percy is dead. If he wasn't with us when we were transported he most likely didn't make it.

"Al Mualim, I want to see where you buried my brother," Ash said that morning.

"Your brother?"

"Yes, Percy."

"Oh, of course, Rauf!" Al Mualim called out when an Assassin walked past the door.

"Yes, Master?" Rauf asked, coming into the room.

"Take these two men to where we bury our fallen brothers."

"Of course, Master." Rauf bowed to Al Mualim before leaving the room.

We quickly headed after him. He led us out of the Castle down to the village before taking a narrow path that led to what looked like a small forest. When we reached the trees, he led the way to a clearing where there were crosses made of wood.

"Is there anyone, in particular, you are looking for?" Rauf asked.

"Perseus Jackson," I said.

Rauf's eyes widened before he led us over to a big wooden cross. On the big cross, it said, Umar Ibn-La'Ahad 1139-1176. And beside it was a smaller cross the read Maud Ibn-La'Ahad 1139-1165. It must have been Altair's mother.

"Where's Percy?" Ash asked, looking over at Rauf, who was standing in front of a big rock.

I walked over to him, stopping short when I saw the inscription on the rock. Perseus Jackson ~~-1176.

"We have to make sure he's really there," Ash said, speaking in English.

"What are you nuts! No way am I digging up my best friend's body." I hissed at him, also speaking English.

"I must leave Altair should be back soon," Rauf said before leaving.

"I don't care I have to make sure he's there," Ash said, grabbing a shovel that someone had left up against one of the trees.

I sighed and went looking for another shovel.


Sometime later I was sitting on the edge of a large hole with the shovel I had been using beside me as Ash keep digging. He had refused to take any breaks.

"Ash, you need to take a break," I said.

"No!" He snapped, not stopping.

"At least drink some water." I pleaded gesturing at the bucket of water I had gotten earlier from the well in the village.

"Okay." He said, putting his shovel aside and taking the cup from beside the bucket.

"We all wish we could have done something," I said as he took a long drink of water.

"He's not dead, he can't be." He said, putting the cup down and picking up his shovel again. He brought his shovel down hard, clearly angry. The was a loud crack as he hit wood, he looked up at me in surprise before he got on his knees and brushed the sand away, revealing a coffin.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, standing up.

"Yes." He said, grabbing the lid of the coffin and pulling it open.

I gagged as the smell hit me, it was the worst thing I had ever smelt. It was like roadkill on a hot summer day mixed with the smell of rotten eggs. I pinched my nose to keep myself from throwing up. I stepped forward to look inside, laying there was a skeleton completely decomposed with a few strands of cloth hanging from his ribs cage.

Ash touched one of the strands, "It's....Percy."

I looked more closely, the strand was a faded black and red the colour of Percy's Assassin robes.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at something sticking out from underneath the sk....Percy.

Ash reached for it careful not to touch Percy. When he pulled it free and held it up I bit back a sob, it was Riptide. I took it from Ash starring at it. Ash closed the lid and climbed out.

"It's just a pen. I don't get it." He said.

"It's not just a pen," I said, taking the cap off. Ash gasped when it turned into a sword.

"It doesn't mean he's dead."

"You don't get it! Riptide always returns to Percy." I yelled as tears started to run down my face. I touched the cap to the tip of Riptide and it changed back into a pen. I wrapped my hand around it, holding to my chest before I held it out in front of Ash, who had started to cry too.

"He would want you to have it." I managed between sobs.

He slowly took it out of my hands. "He can't be gone." I heard him whisper.

I opened my mouth to say something when an alarm started up from behind me. An Assassin stumbled out of the trees.

"Templars....attacking." He said out of breath.
A/N I'm evil I know. Just wanted to let you guys know that I've been editing some of Nobodies Assassin and I've decided that Chaos should look like Loki.

I think he's perfect for the part what about you

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I think he's perfect for the part what about you.

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