Jacob & Evie

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"You'll have to be faster then that, bother dear!" Evie called as she raced ahead of me towards the train.
We raced through the streets of London, avoiding carriages and pedestrians. Evie was quite a distance ahead of me. We were headed to Victoria station where Anges was waiting with "Bertha" as she like to refer to her train.
I saw an alley coming up that would take me into a courtyard, if I cut through there I might just get ahead of Evie. I sprinted down the alley jumping over benches, hedges and dodging around people, who shouted out in surprise.
I grinned when I came out of the alley and spotted Evie behind me.
"See you later, sister!" I called over my shoulder as a ran ahead of her.
I pushed myself harder when I spotted the train station coming up. Evie and I were neck and neck the closer we got to the station.
I was just about to make it into the station before my sister when she pulled out a smoke bomb and dropped it in front of me. Coughing I stumbled and tripped, I let out a pained groan when I hit the ground. I stayed there on the ground just looking up at the sky, hard to believe that just moments ago Evie and I were fighting for our lives to stop Starrick.
With a sigh, I got up and made my way into the station. When I reached the platform I spotted Evie talking to Anges, who burst out laughing when she saw me walking towards them.
"About time you got here, little brother." Evie grinned when I glared at her.
"You're only four minutes older."
"So you two coming aboard or what?" Anges asked.
"And you, Jacob?"
"Nay, I've got some things I need to do."
"Like get drunk with the gang," Evie said.
"Well we are celebrating, aren't we. We won. Starrick is dead." I said, turning around and walking out of the train station.
I spotted one of my men and told him to spread the word to meet at the nearest pub which happened to be the Prince Albert Pub a few blocks away from the train station.                              By the time I reached the pub most of the gang was already there, word sure spread fast. I made my way to the pub owner who was behind the bar. He was a big chap, he wasn't fat or anything just huge his arms were bigger then my head. Not someone I want to be on the bad side of.
"Frye I want you out of my pub!" He shouted when he spotted me.
"Oi mate good to see yeh." I grinned as I sat down at the bar.
"Frye out! I ought to beat the bloody hell out of you." He growled, grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me up over the bar a little.
"There's no need for that." I smiled innocently.
He brought his arm up, about to take a swing when a hand shot out of no where and grabbed his arm.
" I kind of need him conscious." The lad said.
"I don't care. The last time he and his boys were in here they trash my place. I lost business cause of this arsehole."
"Fair enough." The lad said, letting go of his arm.
I shot him a glare before I dodged and spun away from the barman.
"Come now, Charlie. I said I was sorry for my boys. We just want to get tanked. We good for it." I said, holding out a bag of coin.
"Fine." He snapped, taking my bag of coin.
"Come on, mate."
"For the damage you'll most likely do."
"Alreet, can we get some ale?" I asked.
Charlie nodded picking up a cup, filling it and handing it to me.
"Cheers, mate." I said taking a long drink.
I noticed that the bloke that had attempted to stop Charlie from beating me up was still beside me. I looked him up and down. He was a tall lad wearing a black suit. I glared at him as I continued to examine him. He had a pale complexion and dark eyes almost black. His hair went down to his shoulder also black. He seemed to radiate power unlike anything I have ever felt. Who was this bloke?
"My name is Chaos." He said, taking a mug of ale from Charlie.
"I didn't ask for your name, mate." I said, turning away from him and taking a drink.
"Oh I thought you did. Who is this bloke? I believe were your exact words."
I stiffened, that was not possible that had been my exact thought. What the bloody hell? I looked him up and down he was a good looking lad maybe a bit young for my taste but not bad. Maybe....no.....NO not again not after everything that happened with Roth.
"I'm flattered but I have my eyes set on someone. Who's Roth?"
I sucked in a breath. "How?...Stay out of my head."
"Sorry your thoughts are very loud. So who is Roth?"
"Who was Roth? I killed him, he was the leader of the Blighters."
"Were you close to him?"
"I don't know you so sod off."
"Right I need your help and your sister's."
"Sorry mate I'm done for the day."
"All of humanity is in danger."
"I'm on vacation."
Chaos looked about ready to beat the hell out of me when he took a deep breath and just disappeared. Vanished like he was never there.
"Fackin' ell." I whispered looking at me drink. "Charlie did you put somethin in my ale?"
I watched as Jacob walked away, signing I turned to Anges.
"I worry about him." Anges said.
"You and me both." I said, heading into the train and towards the back of the train where I would find Henry. I found myself smiling as I thought of the kiss that we had shared after we had killed Starrick.
"And what are you thinking about, Miss Frye?" Henry asked as he looked up from his books as I came into the train cart.
"Nothing." I said, picking up a book and looking at it.
The train started forward causing me to stumble, Henry reached forward catching me before I fell and pulled me close.
"Thank you, Mr Green," I said, looking up at his brown eyes.
"It was my pleasure, Miss Frye." He said, his eyes flickered down to my lips before he met my gaze again. He slowly bent down brushing his lips against mine. I dropped the book that I was holding and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. He ran his tongue along my lips I opened my mouth allowing him to run it along mine. I moaned as I tried to pull him even closer well tugging on his hair.
He pulled away gasping for air. "We should stop."
I licked my lips. "I don't want to." Pulling him forward I kissed him. He growled deep in his throat as he picked me up and set me down on the table pushing some of the books to the floor.
Someone cleared their throat causing Henry and I to spring apart. I turned to the door to see a handsome young man with long hair wearing a black suit.
"Didn't mean to interrupt." He said. "I could come back later." He turned to go.
"Wait. You might as well tell us why you're here. The mood's gone anyway." I said, hopping off the table.
"I'm Chaos. I need your help. I tried to talk to your brother but he wouldn't listen."
"That's my brother for you. He'll only listen when it suits him or he gets something out of it."
"What can we do for you?" Henry asked.
"Templars are about to bring the destruction of humanity."
I looked at him in surprise. "How?"
"They are going back in time and eliminating Assassins. I fear that you and your brother may be next."
"How can they travel through time?" Henry asked.
"My brother is helping them. He has the power to send his agents through time."
"Alright, we'll help you. Now I just have to find my idiot of a brother."  I sighed, trying to figure out which pub they would have gone to.
"He's at the Prince Albert Pub." Chaos said.
"Damn, we'll have to get Anges to stop at the next station."
"No need." Chaos said with a smirk, placing his hands on our shoulders.
Everything seemed to spin and become blurry around me, I felt like I was about to throw up when it stopped and everything came back into focus. I gasped catching my breath as I looked around we were standing in an alley. I could hear laughter and music coming from the building beside me.
"I'm going to be sick," Henry said before throwing up beside the trash.
I grimaced turning away from him and faced Chaos. Who exactly is this man? If he somehow brought us here he must be very powerful.
He smiled as he looked at me. "One of the most."
"What?" I asked.
The door behind us flew open as a large man came charging out holding my brother by the scuff and throwing him to the ground.
"I'm going to beat you senseless boy!" He growled.
Chaos sighed as he made his way over to the man about to beat my brother up. I was not surprised in the least.
Chaos placed his hand on the man's shoulder, who spun raising his arm. Chaos caught his fist.
"You best leave him alone."
"Sod off!" He shouted swinging his other arm.
Chaos easily dodged him before punching him in the face. The large man staggered before falling back and landing with a loud thud.
Jacob laughed trying to get up but fell.
"Jacob you eejit." I sighed.
"Dear sister." He slurred as he finally managed to stand up.
"We don't have time for this." Chaos said, making his way to Jacob and placing his palm against his forehead before Jacob could dodge out of the way.
"Whaa happen?" Jacob slurred shaking his head.
"Hold still." Chaos ordered, placing his hand on Jacob's head again before pulling away.
"What. The. Bloody. Hell?!" Jacob shouted.
"What did you do to him?" I asked, pulling Jacob away from him.
"Evie?" Jacob whispered.
"I sobered him up."
"Why would you...dum harh ummhuu!!" Jacob began to shout when I slapped my hand over his mouth.
"Will you be quiet." I hissed.
He glared at me before I felt something wet against my hand.
I jerked away from him in disgust. "Did you just lick me?"
He smirked.
"Children we don't have time for this." Chaos said.
"He just licked me!" I shouted pointing at Jacob with one hand and wiping the one he licked on Henry's sleeve.
I felt a wave of power before it knocked the three of us through a blue doorway. We all tumbled through landing on the ground with a thud. Jacob instantly shot up about to head for Chaos who appeared in a flash.
"Jacob!" I grabbed his arm, looking around.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"You mean when. We haven't moved."
"What?" The three of us asked confused.
"The year here is 1916. 48 years into your future."
"Why are we here?" I asked.
"To recruit someone before we leave to face the Templars in the future." Chaos said.
"How far into the future?" Henry asked.
"150 years." Chaos said walking away from us.
"What?!" Jacob shouted running after him.
"Who are we looking for?" I asked running to catch up with Chaos.
"Lydia Crowder." Chaos said.
I was about ask him more questions when I heard the sound of fighting up ahead. When we rounded the corner we all stopped, ahead of us surrounded by a group of men was a woman wearing green Assassin robes.

 When we rounded the corner we all stopped, ahead of us surrounded by a group of men was a woman wearing green Assassin robes

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She was fighting off the men like a well trained Assassin. She blocked a punch with one hand and flicked her wrist releasing her hidden blade with the other to stab the man.
"Oh this should be fun." Jacob grinned running forward to help the woman. He pulled apart his cain stabbing one of the men and pulling an other away from the woman with the hooked end of his cain. Henry and I moved forward together. I pulled out my kukri as I side stepped as one of the men rushed towards me. I brought my kukri around smoothly slicing him across the stomach with a cry he fell to the ground. I turned as other came at me.
"Enough!" Chaos shouted.
Everyone stopped to look at him. He seemed even taller then he did before.
"We don't have time for this. Begone!" He commanded.
The men seemed to tremble in fear before they took off running.
"Who the bloody hell are you lot?" The woman asked.
"I am Chaos. We need your help."
"Chaos, like the creator of the universe Chaos."
"Yes, how did you know that?" Chaos asked.
"My grand-aunt." She said.
"Your grand-aunt is a brilliant woman."
"What do you need help with?" She asked.
"Templars have risen to power in the future. We need your help to stop them, Mrs. Crowder."
"Frye." She said.
"What?" Jacob and I asked.
"When I'm in the field I go by Frye. No one in their right mind attacks a Frye. Thanks to my grandfather and his gang."
"What?" We asked again.
"Who's your grandfather?" Henry asked.
"Jacob Frye."
Jacob's eyes widened as I started to chuckle. "Oh that is priceless."
"What are your names?" Lydia asked.
"I am Henry Green. And this is Jacob and Evie Frye." Henry said. Since I was to busy laughing and Jacob was gapping at his future granddaughter.
"It's true. They are the younger versions of your grandfather, grand-aunt and grand-uncle."  Chaos said.
"What? Grand-uncle?" I asked.
"You and Henry end up getting married." Chaos said.
I looked over at Henry blushing.
"You try anything with my sister Greenie and I'll gut you." Jacob threatened.
"Jacob!" I hissed.
"Alright time to go." Chaos said waving his hand and a blue doorway appeared.

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