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I looked over at Nico, waiting for him to explain to me how one if my best friends became so cruel and cold. He didn't even look like Percy, his eyes were dull and empty. Like he didn't care about anything anymore.
"Why don't we get out of here first." Nico said, walking towards the door.
"Okay." I said, walking towards him.
"What about me?" Ash asked.
"Come on." Nico said to him before leaving the dungeon.
We followed after him, he led us up a flight of stairs and to a room. Nico sat down at the table gesturing for us to sit.
"Okay, after Erik knocked you out Percy showed up with a group of Assassins but at the time we didn't know it was Percy, he called himself Haytham Kenway. The Assassins that were with him were form different moments in time brought here by Chaos to help us fight the Templars and Choas's brother and his army of monsters. Percy and the Assassins managed to defeat them but End erased them from time. We came back to save them. We are currently in a room at Masyaf castle in the 12 century."
"This is insane." I muttered.
"It's all true Jason."
The door opened and Percy walked in.
"How are you feeling, man?" He asked, walking over to the bag we had taken with and pulled out some weapons.
"Confused and a little freaked out. This is a lot to take in." I said.
"I know but it will get easier. I have to go Al Muluam asked me to go with Umar on a mission. We should be back soon." Percy said, heading for the door.
"Is this about the big army forming outside the gates?" Ash asked.
"Yep." Percy said, closing the door behind him.
"How does Percy have a twin?" I asked after Percy left.
"I have no idea but he's one of End's soldiers. He came here to kill Altair, one of the Assassins." Nico said.
"And this Altair can't just protect himself because...?"
"He's only 10."
"So why is he still alive?" I asked, looking at Ash, who glared at me.
"Because he's family." Nico said before turning to Ash. "Could there be after affects of the reaper possessing him?"
"I don't know."
"Nico!!" A voice called before a young boy came into the room.
"Altair what is it?" Nico asked.
"It is father and Percy, they left to infiltrate the Saracen compound."
"What?!" Nico shouted, running out of the room, Ash and Altair followed. Confused I did as well. We ran up a flight of stairs and into a long hallway.
"Where are we going?" I gasped.
"To Al Muluam's study." Nico said, heading down the hall and to another flight of stairs.
I was gasping for breath when we finally entered a large room with a large desk and bookshelves lining the walls, the books looked ancient.
"What are Percy and Umar doing?" Nico demanded.
An older man with graying black hair and a long beard looked up from the map he was examining.
"What has to be done?" He said before looking back down.
"What does that mean?!" Nico growled a blade shooting into his hand as he brought it down onto the table, stabbing the map beside Al Muluam's hand.
"Control yourself young Assassin. They went to deliver a message."
"If anything happens to my friend. I'll kill you." Nico said, pulling the blade free and placing it under his sleeve.
"Noted. May I get back to work now?" Al Muluam asked.
I glared at him as Nico took my arm and pulled me out behind him.
"What do we do?" I asked.
"We wait." Nico said, looking around.
"Come on." Ash said, grabbing Nico's arm and pulling him after him.
Later we found ourselves outside in the arena training with the young Assassins. Ash tried to tell me what I missed but he didn't now everything only small details that he had overheard.
We headed inside when the sky began to darken and went to the dinning hall.
I was starring at my food trying to figure out what it was, it looked like chicken but it was to dark to be chicken. Anyway that was when an Assassin came running in telling us that Percy and Umar had returned.
A/N Hey guys I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. I've been really busy.

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