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Darkness had fallen as Umar and I left the fortress through a door at the back of the castle. Quietly we made our way around the castle towards the front where the Saracen army had made camp in the village. There was a very small trail that would lead to the east of the village allowing us to sneak into the camp undetected.
"Our agent said that the gaudy pavilion is a decoy but he was not sure where the Sultan lays his head. I suppose we will have to look for it." Umar whispered as we reached the outer perimeter of their camp.
I looked over the camp as the hazy blackness fell over my eyes. Umar appeared a light blue and as I looked over the camp I saw red blurs walking here and there, Saracen soldiers. A tent appeared as a bright gold I could only see the top of it, it was not that far from the centre.
"This way." I whispered as my vision returned to normal.
Umar looked confused as he followed me. We crept forward slowly, having to hide occasionally as a guard passed on patrol. We stopped when the tent that had appeared gold came into view. There was chalk and cinders around the perimeter so that our footsteps would be heard.
Umar nodded as he carefully made his way towards the entrance as I kept watch, hidden in the shadows my dark Assassin robes helping me blend in. It didn't take Umar long to finish before he came back out and we began to make our way out when a cry came from behind us, it came from the direction of the Sultan's tent. Umar looked over at me before we picked up our paste.
"There!" Someone shouted as an arrow flew past us.
"Split up." I said, turning away from Umar and running the other direction. I stayed in the shadows as I made for the outer perimeter, though I didn't make it far when a guard stepped out in front of me.
"Do not move!" He growled, pointing his bow towards me with an arrow notched.
"Okay." I said, stepping out of the shadows, holding my hands up.
"Bloody Assassin!" He hissed.
"Hey now we can all be friends, can't we?" I asked, grinning. I looked behind him to see a well.
The guard laughed.
I glared at him as I concentrated on the well behind him but my glare turned into a grin when I felt familiar tug in my stomach.
"Why are you grinning?"
"Just wondering how you're going to explain an Assassin getting away from you to the Sultan." I said.
He laughed again but stopped when he heard the rush of water. I pulled the water towards me, it shot out of the well and circled around me. The guard gapped as the water shot towards him, knocking him out. With a wave of my hand it went back into the well. I quickly made my way out of the camp and towards the castle. I made my way back to the trail and the back door.
Umar was waiting for me when I walked through.
"Are you wounded?" Umar asked.
"No. You?" I asked, noticing the blood in his sleeve.
"No but I had to cut the throat of a nobleman as I was making my escape. "
"I had to knock a guard out he was going to shoot me." I said as I made my way into the castle.
"How did you get away?"
"I...threw a rock at him?" I said but it sound more like a question.
"A rock?"
Umar looked at me unconvinced.
"Come let us tell the Master of our success."
We walked to Al Mualim's study, telling one of the servants to tell Al Mualim that we had returned.
I was leaning against the railing as we waited, Umar was flipping through a book.
"Did Altair like his birthday present?" I asked.
"Yes, he loved it. He can not wait to use it."
"How old is he now?"
"I thought you said he was turning 10."
"I am always a year behind." Umar grinned.
"Umar, Perseus, welcome." Al Mualim said, coming in, wrapping his robes around himself.
"Master." Umar said, bowing his head. "You have come to tell me of your mission." Al Mualim said, lighting an oil lamp on a chain before sitting down in his chair behind his desk.
Umar nodded as I glared at Al Mualim from underneath the cowl of my robes.
"Was our agent's information correct?"
"Yes Master. We made our way into their encampment and just as we were told, the gaudy pavilion was a decoy. Salah Al'din's tent was nearby, a much less conspicuous accommodation."
"Excellent, excellent. And how were you able to identity it?" Al Mualim asked, smiling.
"Perseus identified it from the distance but when we came closer we saw that there was chalk and cinders around the perimeter so that our steps would be heard." Umar said.
"But they were not?"
"No, Master and I was able to enter the Sultan's tent and leave the feather as instructed well Perseus kept watch."
Al Mualim looked at me before he turned back to Umar.
"And the letter?"
"Pinned by dagger to his pallet."
"And then?"
"I crept from his tent...."
Umar passed as he looked towards me.
"The Sultan awoke and raised the alarm. We barely escaped with our lives." Umar said.
"And that?" Al Mualim asking, looking at the blood on Umar's sleeve.
"After Perseus and I spilt up I was forced to cut a throat in order to make good on my escape, Master."
"A guard?" Al Mualim asked, hopefully.
Umar shook his head sadly. "He wore the turban and vest of a nobleman."
"There was no other option?" Al Mualim asked.
"I acted rashly, Master."
"But otherwise your mission was a success?"
"Yes, Master."
"And you, Perseus. How did you fair?"
"I had to knock out a guard."
"Is he alive?"
"I'm not sure, most likely. I didn't hit him that hard."
"Then we shall see what transpires."
As Umar and I walked out of the study Nico and Jason came up to us.
"How did it go?" Nico asked.
"Fine. Where's Ash?" I asked.
"In our room." Jason said.
"Let us go eat." Umar said, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "I am famished." He said, with a grin.
"Me too." I said.
I had gone to our room to get some much needed sleep. I had only been asleep for a little while when an Assassin came rushing in.
"Shihab Al'din is outside the fortress, talking peace."
I bolted up quickly throwing on the top layer of my robes and grabbing my weapons. I ran up the stairs to the tallest tower of the Masyaf castle when I reached the top I heard Al Mualim say. "Then I accept His Majesty's offer. You may remove your men from Masyaf. Perhaps you would be good enough to repair our stockade before you leave."
I walked over to stand beside Faheem, a Master Assassin and Malik's father.
I looked over the wall, Shihab was perched on his horse proudly. He looked up sharply at Al Mualim's words anger flashing in his eyes. He leaned forward to speak to the envoy, who nodded before he cupped his hand to his mouth.
"During The delivery of the message one of Salah Al'din's trusted generals and nephew were killed. His Majesty requires reparation. The heads of the culprits."
The smile slid off of Al Mualim's face and Umar tensed. I looked over at Nico and Jason. They're eyes were wide as they looked at me.
Everything was dead silent as we waited for Al Mualim's answer.
"You may tell the Sultan that I reject that demand."
Shihab shrugged, speaking to the envoy again.
"His Excellency wishes to inform you that unless you agree to the demand a force will remain here at Masyaf and that our patience is greater than your store of supplies. Would you have the peace agreement count for nothing? Would you allow your villagers and your men to starve? All for the heads of two Assassins. His Excellency dearly hopes not."
"I will go. The mistake was mine. It is only right I should pay for it." Umar said.
"I messed up, I should go not Umar." I said.
Umar looked over at me in surprise.
Al Mualim ignored us. "I will not give up the lives of two of my men." He called.
"Then his Excellency regrets your decision and asks that you bear witness to a matter now in need of resolution. We have discovered the existence of a spy in our camp and he must be executed."
My breath caught in my throat as two Saracen soldiers dragged Ahmad forward and behind them came the executioner's block the two Nubians place on the ground in front of Shihab's stallion.
Ahmad had been beaten, blood soaked his shirt. His head fell to his chest as he was manhandled to the block.
"Let your men take his place and his life will be spared the peace treaty honoured. If not he dies, the siege begins and your people starve."
Suddenly Shihab raised his head and shouted. " Do you want that on your conscience, Umar Idn-La'Ahad? Perseus Jackson?"
I stiffened, Ahmad most have talked under torture.
Al Mualim's shoulders slumped.
"Let me go. Master please." Umar begged.
Below them the executioner planted his feet wide, two-handed he raised the sword above his head. Ahmad pulled at the arms that pinned him, his throat taut offered for the blade.
"Your last chance, Assassin." Shihab called.
"Master, let me go!" Umar pleaded.
I turned to face the guys, giving them a small smile before I headed off of the tower.
"Stop!" I heard Umar shout. "I am Umar Ibn-La'Ahad. It is my life that you should take!"
I didn't hear Shihab reply as I made my way to the gate. It didn't take long for Umar to join me.
"I am sorry, Perseus."
"It's not your fault." I said before I turned to face the gate. The gate opened and we made to go through when we heard a voice that made us both pause.
"Father! Perseus!"
It was Altair, I looked back as I stepped though the gate, he was running towards us, frantic. The gate closed before he could reach us. I could also hear Nico, Jason and Ash shouting from the tower.
They pulled Ahmad from the block and came forward and grabbed us by the arms. They must have grabbed another block as we were making our way down the tower another executioner stood beside it with a large ax. They pulled us to the blocks and we were spread as Ahmad had been. The guard had place me so that I was facing Umar.
I knew that this was when Umar died and I now that I can't save him. I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I don't think it worked. This is the end I guess. I hope Claudia gets my letter. I thought as I watched the sun gleam off the blade of the sword as it came down towards Umar's throat and the ax came towards mine.
A/N Sorry that it took me so long I have been very busy :(

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