V (Christine)

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Rumor spread like wildfire throughout the theatres and opera-houses of Paris. Some were consumed in panic, some were consumed in excitement. All anyone could talk about was what happened last night at the Theatre de l'Odeon.

When Christine arrived onstage, dressed in costume of red, gold, and green, Meg, who was dressed identically, immediately ran up to her. "Christine, Christine. Did you hear? Tell me you have", she said, barely able to contain her alarm.

"Yes, I've heard anecdotes of the story. But what exactly happened? I daresay I'm confused."

"A stagehand was murdered. He was thrown down from the grid above the stage at the Theatre de l'Odeon. Several performers were injured on stage by falling lights. Some say a Phantom is the culprit."

"Surely you don't believe that?"

"No, I don't. That is, I don't believe it was a real Phantom. Nonetheless, I fear we're in danger. What if we're next?"

"Don't say such things, Meg."

Their chatter was interrupted by Madame Giry, who had been watching from behind the curtain on stage left. She came out into sight, and ordered to everyone onstage, "Enough with the talk. We've still act one to complete. Begin where we left off yesterday. Places, everyone. Now."

She seemed to be in an unusually acrid mood. She wasn't alarmed, unlike everyone else; rather, she was cool and composed, but there appeared to be a shadow cast over her face as she wandered about the stage. As if her black attire didn't give her a dark enough impression, a dark aura followed her wherever she went.

As they were dancing behind the actors up front, Christine and Meg whispered to each-other about the woman.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Meg asked.

"I believe she's afraid."

"But she doesn't seem to be afraid at all."


"Something's not right, Christine. What if she knows something we don't?"

"Don't be silly. You're paranoid, Meg."


"Sh! No talking back there, girls." Madame Giry glared at them.


After rehearsal, Madame Giry delayed everyone, for she had an "important" announcement to make. She gathered everyone together on the stage.

She began. "I am well aware of the tragedy that happened last night. But I will hear no more of it. It is distracting you from improvement. You are not to speak of it while you are here. Clear your minds of this nonsense, do you understand?"

Carlotta, who was standing apart from the crowd fanning herself, piped up, "I agree, Madame. Everyone performed awfully today because of this useless panic."

Madame Giry tilted her chin up and sent an ice-cold gaze in her direction. "Quiet, Carlotta" she said in a low, stern voice.

In response, Carlotta dropped her eyes to the ground, pursed her lips, and continued to fan herself.

"If everyone understands what I have said, you may leave."

Everyone began to file off the stage, through the curtains and to the dressing rooms. When Christine, the last of them, passed Madame Giry, the woman put a hand upon her shoulder.

"Christine, may I speak with you for a moment?"

Christine looked to Meg and nodded, tacitly telling her to go on without her. She stood by as Meg left.

"What do you wish to speak to me about, Madame?"

"Two nights ago, I saw you wandering the streets by yourself. What were you doing out so late on your own?" Her expression was suspicious.

"Ah, I was looking for a particular building. You see, I have a new tutor, and he told me to meet him there."

Madame Giry eyed her. "A new tutor, you say?"


"What's his name?"

Christine bit her lip. "Madame, he didn't really tell me his name."

"Is that so?"


"How very interesting."

Silence followed. To Christine, it looked like the Madame was in deep thought, until she snapped out of her trance and said, "You'll certainly improve in your vocal skills. I wish you the best of luck. But be careful."

"Thank you", Christine replied uncertainly, confused by the warning. She was unsure of what it meant; did Madame Giry mean to warn her of the dangers of being alone on the streets at night?

"Now, I've said what I needed to say. You are dismissed."

With that, the girl bowed and disappeared through the curtains.


Christine's Tutor (A Phantom of the Opera Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now