Chapter 8

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"Did you just tell that kid that his mother is going to die of lung cancer?" Jacob asked incredibly.

"Hey look I gotta head home, so I'll catch you guys tomorrow." I said ignoring his question. I picked up Andrea and started to walk away from them.

They all circled around us. "You can't get rid of us that quickly."

"Guys, I have to go home!"

"I'll take you home then." Blake said. "But answer our questions first. How did you know that woman would die of lung cancer?"

I stayed quietly contemplating if I should tell them the truth.


"Guys she was looked like a heavy smoker, usually smokers die of lung problems. I just drew two and two together." I said trying to sound logical.

They looked at each other. "Sure you did." Blake said skeptically.

"Can we go home now?" Andrea asked using her most child like voice. At least Andea had my back I thought as I smirked.

I gave Blake a pleading look. "Fine. But we're not done with this conversation." He said while fishing his keys out of his pockets.

I gave him bright smile and his eyes softened. I internally smirked, I can get these guys to do anything I asked them too.

When Dree and I were buckled in Blake sped off from the school parking lot. He kept giving me side looks.

"Okay what is it?" I asked.

"You seemed a little to certain that the woman was going to die of lung cancer. You seemed almost positive." He said thinking out loud.

"I plan to be an actress when I'm older." I lied to him. I looked out the window. "I put on an amazing show don't I?"

He looked at me for 20 seconds and looked back to the road. Yes, I counted. "Yea, I'll say. Okay tell me where to go."

"Right. Take a left here, then keep going for a mile then right. Then the building should be on the right side of the street."

After that the rest of the ride was silent. It wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either. I was stuck between striking up another conversation or staying silent. I didn't have to decide because Blake turned on the radio.

A beat filed the car. "Hye dee dum dum dum......"

"What is this?" I asked.

"I think it's that early 2000s crap. My mom turns it on whatever she's in the car. She also still hits the whip and nae nae, she thinks she's hip but honestly it's just old." He rambled. I laughed at his behavior and mother.

When we reached my apartment building, he said bye and left. I held Dree's hand as we walked into the building. I looked down the whole way so I almost fell when I ran into a brick wall. Scratch that, it was just Chandler.

"Who was that?" He asked curiously.

"Uh, just a friend from school. That's all." I said walking away from him.

"Why didn't you just call me to pick you up?" He asked.

"Um, I didn't know you had a car. What type is it?"

"A Mercedes. Hey you alright? You seemed a little tense." He questioned looking at me weirdly as we entered the elevator.

I opened my apartment door and let Dree inside, and I trailed behind her. "I just have a lot on my mind." My butt vibrated, I was confused for a second until I realized it was my phone.

Gabe was calling again. Crap. I had to answer or it would be a lot of explaining later on. I accepted the call and put on a fake face.

"Little sister! Are you staying out of trouble?" He asked a little too happily.

"Gabe, please go watch Empire and leave me alone. Please." I said annoyed.

"What's wrong baby sister? Is it the fact that you lied to mom and I about going to a mental asylum and you're living with Uncle Raymond? Is the guilt eating you alive?" He asked.

"Gabe, look please don't tell mom. I-I-I don't want to go there Gabe. Please I'm trying to change down here in Cali." I reasoned with him.

"Chill Jade, mom already knows and she doesn't care. I mean she cares but she's not gonna send you to a mental asylum, this is her way of giving you a last chance to redeem yourself." He explained.

"Wow, she's actually being rational for once." I realized.

"Yea, for once anyways how are things down there. How was your first day of school?"

"Um, Gabe I'm busy right now can I talk to you later?" I said noticing Chandler was still watching me skeptically.

"No. We talk now. Is there any guys in the room? Is that why you have to leave? Are you dating someone? Do you have any friends that are guys? What's going on? Why are you in such a rush?" He asked question after question.

"Hey I gotta go okay? I'll answer everything when things settle down okay? And by the way you have a new younger sister. Her name's Andrea. Goodbye Gabe." I said ending the call.

"Hey, I'll leave you alone and go now, but you know how to contact me if you need me."

"Okay I'll catch you later." I said watching him as he left. I let out a sigh when he left. "Awe he's so cute. I'm glad I saved him from the crash." I whispered to myself.

"I'm glad you did too." Andrea said.

"Right. Okay what would you like to eat sweety?"


Gabe's P.O.V
When did I get another younger sister? I hope Andrea is nothing like Jade, because I can only handle so much in this world.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Jasmine calling. God. That hoe can't seem to leave me alone. I picked up the call anyways.

"Hey baby!" She said cheerfully and some what seductively.

"Jasmine, what do you want?" I said flatly.

"Well, no need for the sass mister. Come to my house for a party? It's gonna be so much fun! Please babes?" She asked. I could practically hear her trembling lip through the phone.

"Who's going to be there?"

"A couple guys from the your football team, cheerleaders and a couple of others."

The guys for sure would ask about Jade. They described her as "hot" and "so bangable". There are reasons why I'm overprotective. It's mostly because of them. They are fuckboys and I don't want her to be around them. I'm not a fuckboy, I mean I don't understand cheating. If you like someone then you would date only that person. Right? That's my logic.

It's just that these hoes think that they can use me. So they're up on me whenever they have the chance.

"So are you coming?"

"Nope, catch you in school tomorrow." I hung up. I had a test tomorrow anyways, I don't want to be a dropout. I actually have plans for my life.

At least that's what I thought.

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