Happy Birthday Charlie!

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Yay!! New chapter for everyone. I hope you guys are liking this...I guess people are reading not voting or commenting, which I understand I've been known to do that, I really would like to hear from you guys. I do thank those of you have voted and commented. If you don't like it please let me know what I can do to improve (NICELY) .

Also, this chapter ended up being a bit long, but longer chapter more Jai (what's the harm in that?)

Here's the link to Charlie's birthday dress:


Also, I listened to "Burn to the Ground" by Nickelback for the bar. (In case you want to set the scene with music)

Please Enjoy!

3 months later...

Jai and I texted every night he was filming in Louisiana. We had become best friends, we video called I got to speak to Emilia Clarke who was a gorgeous and sweet woman.

"We 're gonna need more paint," Rob said as he finished one of our livingroom walls with a coat of sky blue

"I think you're right," Dahlia said staring at the three walls we still hadn't finished.

"Not it" I call loading a roller of paint

"Not it" Rob called

"No fair" Dahlia pouted

"Awww come on babe I'll go with you," Rob said grabbing his keys

"Just for that, you have to finish the kitchen wall" Dahlia called grabbing her purse

I looked at out kitchen the spaces between cabinets needed painting

"ButI can't reach the top of the cabinets" I whined

Dahlia shrugged as she walked out

I grabbed the remote for the stereo and found a song to play while I painted, I grabbed the step ladder and a tray of paint with a brushand climbed on the counter top. I was glad that my hair was up, I wore a pair of short shorts, a white tank top, and black racer topsports bra. I grabbed the brush and started painting, I had finished most except for the strip above our door, I could reach it if I leaned over slightly, I had just one spot on the opposite corner if I leaned a little further I could get it. Almost there...then thedoor swung opened

"SURPRISE"Jai called causing me to shriek and lose my balance, I shut my eyes prepared for the impact but I heard a thug and felt to arms wrap themselves around my waist. I opened my eyes only for them to widen.

"JAI"I laughed and threw my arms around his neck.

"CHARLIE" he laughed I felt his chest rumble

"I thought you weren't gonna be in till next week," I told him as he sat me down.

"Was able to work something out, seeing as it's your BIRTHDAY tomorrow"he teased

"I thought you'd be too busy," I told him

"I 'd never miss your birthday" he smirked, I bit my lip everything feeling too intimate

"You know I've missed this mug so much" I pouted my lips and pinched his cheeks, he giggled at me.

"So, sprucing the old place up a bit,"he said walking through the living room, his boots making the plastic crinkle

"Yeah,Rob and Dahlia are getting married, so they'll be moving out and this whole loft will be mine," I told him gesturing as I twirled.

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