The Wedding

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I'm kind of wondering if this story is doing any good at all...please let me know what ya'll think. Should I keep posting updates?

Sorry for the short chapter..I promise juicy chapters ahead.

In my sleep I felt Jai bring his arm around my waist, I heard him chuckle and felt him kiss my forehead and take a deep breathe. There's no place I'd rather be then in his arms and by his side, and he has to leave today for 3 months again, I felt my eyes begin to water, I sniffed slightly not wanting him to see me crying over him.

"I know you're awake" I heard him rumble
"Morning" I said looking at him with a sweet smile
"Morning" he smirked his voice sounded husky from sleep, he smiled at me for a moment and brought his hand to my cheek rubbed under my eye and frowned a little
"How do you know when I'm awake" I ask him with a playful smirk
"You give a little sigh when you wake up" he said
"You sound like such a stalker" I rub his hair and jump out of his arms
"Hey, I'm just very observant" he snickered
"Aren't you excited about getting to go back to work?" I cheered

"Yay" he said lamely

"Come on soldier I'll make breakfast" I offered
"Nah I'll just stay here" he buried his face in the pillow
"I bet I can make you get up" I challenge him

"Your on...stakes?" he crossed his arms

"If I win you pay for my next ink.." I say

"Deal, if I win you have to let put the video of you singing up" he said
"Deal" I shook his hands and shrieked loudly and jumped back

"SPIDER" I scream and jump on the bed,
"Jai get it" I point to the floor, "Wait where is it?" I looked over the corner of the bed and smirked before turning around to face him. A look of pure horror on him as he stood on the bed, I clasped my hands over my mouth
"Jai don't movie" I said as I slowly walked towards him and acting like the spider was in his hair
"GET IT" I said through clenched teeth, I picked at his hair and cupped my hand, I nodded and then stumbled against him.
"I dropped it" I wince, he jumped off the bed and started patting himself down. I stood there with my arms crossed.
"I win" I say simply, Jai's expression said it all

"Okay, how big of piece are we talking about" he said conceding
"Something small I was thinking on my hipbone" I told him, his eyes flicked to the mentioned area
"I want to get it after the wedding when you come back in town" I told him
"What's is going to be?" He asked me his eyes boring into me
"You'll see then" I told him with a wink and heading to the kitchen.

"I'm off to fight robots dear" Jai said in his american accent, while he picked up his suitcases
"Alright honey" I say in a fake voice
"See you in 3 months" he winked before walking out the door.

3 months later...

"Jai said Rob is a nervous wreck" I told Dahlia as we finished our makeup. Dahlia and Rob where having a beach wedding. I had done my hair half and half down with curls framing myself. Dahlia had her hair in short little waves, our dresses were light and comfortable.

"He'll be fine" she laughed finishing her mascara and turning to face me.
"I can't believe you two are actually doing it" I hugged her sniffing.
"None of that, I'm the bride I'm supposed to cry" she said fanning my eyes.
"Okay, let's do this" I say as I began to walk down the beach and I caught Jai's face. He was giving me a toothy grin. He had packed on some muscle to and a beard yet it suited him. Anything suited him. We both smiled at our friends as they pledged their hearts to one another.

"So I've got some good news" Jai said as we danced together, his arms around my waist.
"What?" I say playing with his mutton chop
"I've managed to clear a whole month" he smiled

"That's great" I squealed

"Charlie you look amazing" I heard Bradens voice say
"Thank you Braden" I said politely
"Hello Braden" Jai greeted
"I'm going to get a bottle of water anyone want anything?" I asked they both shook their head, I walked over the bar and placed my order. I watched as Jai and Braden interacted, anger on Jai's face, Braden had a smile. I wondered what they were talking about, I got my bottle of water and headed back over them. I heard Jai yell something at Braden before drawing his fist back and punching him in the face. Braden fell to the ground, I ran up to them. Jai was being restrained by some guys, Braden touched his cheek and chuckled before standing back up.

"What happened?" I asked the both of them
"Ask him" Jai snarled before trying to lung again
"Braden?" I asked him crossing my arms
"I was just informing your new guy here, about your condition" Braden smiled coldly

"What condition?" I furrowed my brows
"You're frigid" Braden said before bringing his glass of whiskey to his cheek
A dagger went through my heart
"Frigid?" I clenched my jaw
"Yeah, you won't put out" he said tutting in my direction as he openly ogled my body
"It's a shame because you have a great..." he said staring at my backside.
"Let me go" Jai screamed as he lunged for Braden again this time tackling him on the ground, they rolled around until Braden was on top trying to choke Jai, I grabbed his hair and tried to yank him away when he brought his elbow to my cheek, crying out I stumbled back. They both stopped fighting.I put a hand to my cheek feeling the throbbing pain begin. Jai and Braden both looked at me. I fel, t the pain of Bradens words sink in, I looked at Jai who had fury in his eyes but they softened when they saw me holding my cheek, they both pulled way and stood up.

"I didn't mean to hit you" Braden said unconvingly
"Yeah?" I asked him, before giving him my best right hook and smiling when I heard bone crack. He quickly held his nose blood pouring down his chin.

"I meant to hit you" I said shaking my right hand.

Some of Bradens friends let him out of the reception.

"Are you okay?" Jai ask me holding my chin in his hands before examining my cheek then my hand.
"Yeah I'm fine" I said smiling sadly,
"Come on let's get out of here" he said putting his tuxedo jacket around my shoulders and leading me back to his hotel room.

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