Good Morning Beautiful (Mature)

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Well, here we are at the end of the story, it's sad to see it end, this was so much to write, I cried during writing it, which I don't usually do. I hope you guys enjoy it.

I posted a video of the song Jai sings to her at the end.

Something tickled my nose, I went to brush it away and felt something holding my left hand down, I cracked open an eye and immediately shut it because of the harshness of the light, I slowly opened them and saw I was in a hospital room. I looked to see what was holding my left hand down and it was Jai, he hand my left hand in his and his head on top of it ,his breathing was deep. I smiled to myself. I started to say something and a horrible cough came to which Jai jolted upright, his eyes were red and he looked pale and tired.

The cough was persistent and made my back hurt, I gasped for a good breathe and Jai reached me a mask to put on my face and helped me to slip it over my mouth and inhaled the medicated fog. I immediately felt like I could breathe. I inhaled deeply feeling relieved, settled back on the bed.

"Goodmorning beautiful" he greeted huskily.
"Goodmorning" I squeaked out

"How you feeling?" he asked me brushing some hair off my forehead
I shrug, I pulled the mask away "What happened?" I rasped before he made me put it back on

"Well, I came back I found you gasping on the floor, drenched in sweat, you lips had gone blue," he said

I had forgotten he went out, the pain coming back.

"You were barely conscious when we arrived, I thought you were dying," he said sadly
"What's wrong?" I trying to ask but it came out a croak

"Here," he said giving me a pad of paper

What's wrong with me? I wrote

"Severe pneumonia," he said

How long have I been here?

"A few days" he replied

I missed my flight

"Seriously? That's what you're thinking?" he asked me annoyed

I held my hands up

"You know, I'll get you back home," he said running his hand through his hair

I nod

How's filming?

"We've finished way ahead of schedule" he smiled

I drew a smiley face

When will I get out?

"Tomorrow hopefully, you'll be staying with me at mine," he said

I began to write a protest when he shook his head, I huffed a little

"Listen, when we get back to LA we need to talk about a few things," he said kissing the back of my hand

I nodded in agreement if we were going to talk we needed to talk about it all.

Later that week in L.A. ....

"So this is my room, you'll be staying here while you rest and get better," he said setting my bags down.

"Jai, I don't want to put you out," I say having finally regained some of my voice
"You won't," he said, grabbing my hands and leading me to his living room.

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