Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jayden's POV (You guys didn't expect that, did you?)

We're fighting off a LOT of moogers. I was hoping that Antonio finished powering up the Black Box. I see something, no someone fighting Arachnitor. Another Samurai Ranger? How? I hear her say one thing that's not supposed to be said yet.

"Super Samurai Mode"

Kayla's POV

I felt another rush of power inside of me, but this time it's more powerful than the last one. I was wearing a black vest. I have power making me feel like a god. I placed the box on my katana and spun the disc on it saying "Super Blizzard" and slashing him until he's destroyed. After he was gone I went somewhere to dimorph but I see Arachnitor growing 30 feet tall with some foot soldiers and some big mouth things. So I looked though myself and saw the cutest little thing. I see a robotic Cheetah climb up to my shoulder.

"Pssst hey you can use me to stop him." Ok, the robot talks. Well robots can do anything given the coding.

"O.....k then" I went for all or nothing for me to impress them. And, by instinct again, I knew what to do and say next.

"Mega mode Power" and I was in a room showing me a normal view of Arachnitor and my katana in a podium thing.

*Insert cool Megazord transformation here*

"Kayla your katana acts as a control to the Megazord you're in." Oh right. Stupid me I keep forgetting it. I watched a fight scene on Youtube once that they used their katanas as their control to the Megazord.

"Yes, I know" I used the controls to lunge forward, destroying some foot soldiers on the way. But destroying all of them in one go.

"You can't defeat me. You're just a puny human wearing a fashionable coat"

"Wrong. I may be a human but I'm not puny I'm the exact opposite strong." I placed the disk of the White Box in a slot on the podium, took out my sword and spun the disc. " You need a taste of your own medicine." I said as I slashed him, destroying him twice. I ejected out of my zord and I see the rangers, shocked at what I've just done. I quietly chuckled to myself. Even though their helmets are tinted black I could see their expressions until the Red Ranger or Jayden had the guts to talk.

"W-who are you?" He asked.

"I am The White Samurai. The Samurai of Ice and Snow" And I went off. They're too shocked of me to come after me. I went back to the alley to demorph .I did but I got a pounding headache and my whole body starts to ache. Since the pain was too unbearable I fainted.

Jayden's POV

Who was that girl? I could tell because of her skirt and voice. She defeated our toughest enemy with just 2 hits from her. She wore that black coat. Is she...? We all demorphed.

"Who was that?" Kevin asked me.

"Yeah, Jay she just defeated Arachnitor like it was a piece of cake" Antonio piped in.

"Who? I don't know. What? Well that was The White Samurai, the strongest in the group of original rangers." I just said.

"Guys, look" Emily pointed to an unconscious civilian. Mia felt her head.

"She's burning up" Mia said, worry in her.

"We need to bring her to a hospital" Mike said.

"No, The hospital is too far .The Shiba house is our safest option." Kevin said.

Ji may get mad at me for bringing a civilian in the Shiba House but Kevin's right. The hospital is too far away and she can rest there. Without thinking I carried her, bridal style, to the Shiba House

Shiba House

"We need ice" was the first thing Mia said when we put her in a spare room.

"I think we still have some frozen peas" Emily said.

"Good, get them. Guys I need one of you to go out and buy some Tylenol and ice" Mia suddenly piped up.

"I'll go" Antonio volunteered.

Time skip

I stayed with the girl until I see her coughing.

Kayla's POV

I woke up, coughing. I couldn't stop I needed something. My inhaler. I only get asthma attacks when I faint, debris is everywhere.

"In---ha---ler" I manage to get my word out, hoping he would understand.

He rummaged through my bag and found my inhaler. After a few puffs from it I was fine.

"Hey, are you alright?" He or Jayden asked.

"Y-yeah. Although my head is killing me" I needed some Tylenol.

Jayden gave me some Tylenol and a glass of water. I took the medicine and water from him and drank it.

The rest of the team came in, including Mentor Ji.

"Who are you?" A guy, Mike asked me.

"Kayla Winnstone. Who are you? Where am I?" I asked. Jayden was looking at Mentor for approval. Suprisingly, he nodded.

"My name is Jayden Shiba and you're in the Shiba House"
"Jayden Shiba?" I asked. He just nodded in confusion.

"I was looking for you ,all of you to be more specific" I showed them the box that contained my morpher. Ji spoke up

"May I?" He asked. I nod. He took the box from me and opened it. Inside was my morpher, the White Box and My zord.

"You. You're the White Samurai?" Mike asked.

"I am"

(A/N: I'M ON A ROLL ON UPDATES HERE. Yeah working on that so that may slow down later but I Promise that you guys can get an update as soon as possible. So Laterzzz.)

Kayla Winnstone: The Samurai of IceWhere stories live. Discover now