Perfection 1

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Payton's POV

~3 PM~

Currently I am sitting on my friend, Renee's, porch waiting for her to come out so we can go to The Coney Island and then to the Park.

We planned our day out the day before. We had basically every detail of the day planned, from the times to what we were going to wear. I chose to wear black shorts that had suspenders attached, a white camisole that said "Love Me, Hate Me, It's Still An Obsession", and white flats. Comfy but cute. Renee said she was gonna wear yellow and blue Nikes, a white tank top, and yellow shorts.

I've only been to her house once and it was only for a short time. I didn't really get to explore her neighborhood.

Today is all about exploring though.

I looked at my phone and noticed it was 3:15. I'm just gonna have to call her, I thought to myself. Slow Heffa. Always making me wait. I unlocked my phone and clicked her name and waited for her to answer. Finally her end picked up. Before I could say a word she said "I'm opening the door now! Calm your tits!" When I looked towards the door there stood my best friend since that grade I can't remember.

I got up and hugged her. "Hey buddy!" I said.

"Hey my ass!" She said.

"Rushing perfection", She finished.

"You're already perfect! Conceited child!" I said while laughing.

"Ha-Ha. Ready to go?" Renee asked.

"Duh" I replied back.

"I'm too happy that its summer!" Re said.

"I know right! Gonna hit up some parties, go to the mall, go to carnivals, see every movie, go to the moon, sex it up with a few niggas, gonna live that good summer life!"

"Sex it up with a few?? Who teaches you these things??" Renee asks


"You! Such a bad influence." I say while laughing.

"Thank you. Thank you."

"You're just too much" I say while oping the Coney Island door.

"You know what you want?" Re asked while getting a menu.

"Yea, you?" I replied.

"Turkey sandwich probably."

"Alright, I'm gonna order." I tell her then walk to the counter to order To Go.

"Can I get the 6 piece wing dings?" I ask.

"Any sauces?" The elderly lady asked.

"No Thank you" I say.

"That'll be 7.41" She said. I hand her a 10 dollar bill. And she gives me 2.59 back as change. Renee orders after me. She gets her turkey Sandwich.

"Corner store for a Raspberry Brisk?" I asked.

Renee nodded and we walked over to the store and got our drinks.

When we got back to the Coney Island our orders were ready.

"Payton, I'm so going to smash this sandwich!"

"These wings smell too good though!"

"Eating on my porch?"

"Yea and then to the park?"

We reached her house and we sit on her porch laughing and listening to music on Pandora. By the time I finished I was really excited. Renee kept rolling her eyes at my excitement.

"We're going to the park to have some fun!" I sang.

Renee got up and I followed then walked beside her since I didn't know where anything was.

"You act like you never been to a park." Re said.

"I haven't been to your park!" I said.

Renee said, "So child like. Tsk"

"We're only 17! No need to be adult like." I said amusingly.

"Oh look the park" Re said waiting for my reaction.

"Yay!! Swings!" I skipped to the swings not caring.

When I reached the swings I noticed there were huge slides, monkey bars, multi person swings, Spinny things you stand on, Picnic tables, a basketball court, and a track around the entire park.

"Nice right", Renee said while smirking.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this nice, heffa!" I said loudly.

"Never asked."


"Oh yea, my boyfriend is mad at me."


"He's on punishment because his sister saw us doing things."

"Oooooh you little freak."

"Shhh just shhh"

"When did he tell you this?"

"Well his sister told me."

"Wow and you believed her."

"Not my best move but you gotta do what you gotta do."

"Guess so"

"Music time!" I said while pulling out my phone and playing Beware by Big Sean.

"When you said it was over

You shot right through my heart

Why you let these hoes tear what we had right apart

Oooh, I was so mad

I should've seen this coming right from the start

You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart"

"Ayeee Love this song" Re said.

"Me too. I don't really like him but this song-" I started staring at Re well behind her at the basketball court.

"What?" She asked. Growing curious she turned around and looked.

"Well damn!" I said.

"I know." Renee said.

"He's so fine!" I said.

"I knowwww" Re said dragging her words.

"Sweet Jesus he's taking his shirt off!"

"Wait who are talking about???" Re asked while turning towards me.

"The light skinned one with the curly hair! Who are you talking about???"

"The caramel one about to drink something from his bottle."


"What Payton??"

"He saw me staring!"

"Is he still looking??"

"I Dont Know! I'm not gonna check!"

"Just check!"


"Why not?"

"Cause I was just staring at him! And he caught me! What if I look up and he catches me again? He's gonna think I'm a creep!"

"Stop being a little puss in boots Payton. I'm not freaking out over that yummy Caramel one!"

"I can't help it! And of course you're not. He didn't catch you staring!"

"He's just a guy. Calm your tits!"

"He's not just a guy. He's perfect! Just look at him." I proceeded to look up but he wasn't there. Damn it.


Keep Going or No?💜

(ON HOLD) Summer Of Perfection ✨Ronnie Banks✨Where stories live. Discover now