Perfection 9

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Perfection 9⃣💜

Payton's POV

~4:30 PM~

That's it! I'm ready to go home! All during the movie Damon acted childishly. I could barely get into it. When Ronnie put his arm over my shoulder, Damon would move it! If I whispered something in Ronnie's ear to make him laugh, Damon would throw popcorn at me. Eventually I left the movie. Ronnie came out but not without Damon following pursuit. They both sat down next to me. Damon on my left and Ronnie on my right.

"Damon.. I can't believe you, my best friend ruined my day. Why can't you let me be happy?" I ask looking at him.

"You already know how I don't want you around guys. Why do you insist on going against it? Maybe if you listen to me you wouldn't be unhappy." Damon tries to reason with me.

"See that right there! I don't need you doing that! I can handle myself!"

"No you can't. You have no idea about the opposite sex."

"Yes I do." I roll my eyes.

"Oh really? Like what?" Damon challenges.

"I uh... I uh.."

"I uh.. I uhh.. You don't know." Damon mimics in an annoying way.

"Thats why I fucked Ronnie." I say under my breath while looking away. I feel Ronnie shift slightly.

I have to hold back from singing 'Fuck That Bitch!'

"You what?!" Damon raises his voice.
Ronnie gets up and stretches. "I think y'all need some time to yourselves."

"The fuck Nigga, no! You are not going anywhere if I heard accurately she said you two fu- had inter course." Damon stands up, pacing back and forth. I stand in front of Ronnie. Clearly, I don't know what Damon is thinking so me being in front of Ronnie should stop whatever Damon might do.

"Butter cake! I didn't want to tell you."

"So you let him take your virginity! After one day!" Damon's face turns a light red with anger.

"No." I raise my an eyebrow.

"Oh Thank God." Damon sighs.

"He didn't take it. I let him have it." Ronnie puts his hands on my waist as I bite my lip nervously.

"Payton!" I hear Re's voice. Good timing Renee. I know for a fact Damon was going to say something very bad.

"Re!" I say back.

"The movie is over! You missed it! Too hilarious. What happ-" She looks at Damon's face. "Oh Damon, you're still here."

"Did she fuck him at your house?!" Damon practically yells at Re. That was definitely uncalled for.

Re starts laughing uncontrollably. "You actually- ahhhahha I can't even." Re laughs harder. She wipes her eyes.
Re grins, "Seriously Damon? You do know she would be walking differently, right? And her ass is still the same size! Really Damon! I know you're smart! I wouldn't let that happen to my baby PayPay! Especially not in my home!"

Daniel comes back looking confused, as always. "Yes Daniel, you missed some things so you're going to be confused for a while." I say to Daniel.

"So you lied?" Damon speaks up.

"Yes, but it's only because you were babying me!"

"That doesn't mean you can go around saying you had sex with strangers!" Damon pauses ,"And lie to your best friend." He looks at me with hurt in his eyes.

Damn it. I never like seeing anyone hurt. "But you're not acting like my best friend." I frown.

"You know why though." Damon looks down.

I sigh, "I know, but you need to realize I'm not her."

Damon leaves the theatre without another word.

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